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And Yes, I Can Live Without You

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

uch older than he was but waved the thought aside. It basically didn't matter what he was called. A

r's biggest mistake. He stood from the bed, and feeli

muscular legs, then wrapping a plain white towel around hi

arrangement was for Andrew, wasn't sure if he liked his fork on the pla

or Frank but there

se. Her heart beat faster. She smoothen

r or look up at him with a smile on her fa

e hell w

deal with only one affluent guest who expected perfection and h

e as usual. He wore a navy blue trouser over a well pressed cream shirt that was opened at the collar and his s

o look at her, his eyes slightly bolted, so so slightly that it was almost unnoticeable. H

. He looked away quickly and made his way to the ta

lled out one of the four ch

nd sat. He placed his suit

m lid from a plate of

atched h

y and stood aside. Was she suppose

" Andre

" Lana fetched a glass and

d drank slowly. Lana watched the moveme

fork and poked

uncrossed them and crossed them again

e continued to e

the hallway and Lana l

r. How are the avoca

're g

is is Lana Reeves, your new assistant.


afraid he won't be available today, but he

w nod

your attention is ne

d and foll

hed Lana's long legs move. Her dress was not so tig

n his lower abdomen. The ima

ped down the remaining

, Eithan," Mrs Sinclair stroked her neck as she pa

on the large velvet sofa that occu

rossed his legs and stared intently at Mrs Sincl

hand at him. "Do you think I am a fool? My husband is cu

xed back on

company they bought, don't

pride in her voice th

eard th

ery luc

es and wondered why sh

n and he wants to start investing in au

," Eithan replied. Mrs Sincl

attack at the beginning o

wished she would just ge

ong," she whispered

Mrs Sinclair continued to walk ro

hinking?" Eitha


a ghastly fire accident with his mother. It had been six years since, and Andrew had forbidden t

ething as sensitive as that

ut of course, you are no

e. "Her dresses were unique. I want you to meet her stylist and get a

be done with it?

o the window facing t

spark some interest in Andrew," Mrs Sincla

, Eithan inh

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