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My Heart Beat

Chapter 2 Alex the vampire

Word Count: 648    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

Oakland means a shelter from the sun. Those who love the night more than the day always gather in Oakland Park night after night. Dancers were entertaining the guests and there was much fun at

single. Clara said she was not talking to him about his relationship status but she was asking him about Alex. She was staring at Alex and Charles felt pissed off because he was talking to her and she was doing something else. Charles said we can go somewhere quiet and Clara lightly pushed his head to enable her to see Alex. Charles said let's go out and Clara told him to stop bothering her like a dung fly and get lost. Charles yelled at her and said if I am a dung fly then you must be a dung. Clara said what? Dung. Charles said you smell like it. Just then, a lady pulled him by his ears and told him that he had been slacking off and getting back to work. He told her that she was hurting him by pulling his ears and she had a tone of mockery in her voice and said really. She said follow me quietly while pulling his ears. He said you have no eyes for men. Alex was busy watching the scenario between Charles and th

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