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My  Heart Beat

My Heart Beat


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 784    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

s lover Sarah. They were being chased by the city guards after everyone found out about Alex's identity and Sarah was doing everything in her power to protect him on the land of humans

was not going to run. She said that they would never stop chasing him now that they had discovered your identity. Sarah said I will be fine but please leave. Alex would not hear any of it. Slowly his eyes turned blue and within seconds it became normal again Alex caught the Arrowhead meant for Sarah and he looked in the other direction. Sarah was sobbing quietly and Alex got up in an instant ready to fight. He removed the arrow Head in his arm, his eyes turned blue, his fangs elongated and his fingernails became long and sharp .sarah felt worried because she brought this upon him and he ran towards them at a fast speed and they were scared to move when they saw his new form. He threw them to the ground in a swoosh and he took one of them by the collarbone the commander said what are you doing? Take him down. He ordered the guards to capture the monster and Alex fought them all by himself. Sarah ran to where he was after he defeated them all and she hugged him tightly. After some time his eyes returned to the normal state and his nails turned back to normal. A guard who was struggling between life and death managed to shoot an arrow and Sarah blocked the a

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