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My Heart Beat

Chapter 4 Meeting with the cat man

Word Count: 901    |    Released on: 05/04/2024

he had gone crazy. Jessica the next-door neighbor who lives close to Alex said to her husband. I do not know why he has not given up on his thoughts of becoming human after a long time. A

out Alex that way. Run your mouth again and I will knock y

night to make his wish come true. Charles said God must feel uncomfortable seeing him like that being desperate to become human. William said he should get some rest and let us just pretend that you became human. Alex kept on praying to God to make his wish come true. Alex had secluded to his favorite spot, the rooftop of Oakland Park every night. He was standing on the rooftop and he heard a cat's cry not far from where he stood. He quickly jumped down and said the cat must be feeling hungry and said to the cat do you like the food?. Within some minutes, the cat transformed into a male human figure and he was scared. He said my name is Fred and I am a cat man. Alex was surprised and went to get him dumplings in a nearby restaurant with assorted wine. They sat down and Fred drank the first cup of wine and requested more. Alex poured him another glass and said do you want to become human? Alex said yes please tell me how to become human. You are one thousand years old and. since you were able to transform like that, you must know something about how a vampire can become human. A one thousand years old cat . Alex said now I know why humans prefer dogs to cats. Fred said what did you say and he said nothing. Alex said I will take my leave. Fred said why do you want to become hu

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