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Divorce to Restart: Married to my Ex

Chapter 2 The First Move of my Devilish Stepsister

Word Count: 1265    |    Released on: 23/04/2024


o Mr

ous young lady greets t

l's step si

er red short gown, wearing m

aze on her, totally en

may I be of help

moving closely to him …. cas

is she



o level up more because it was as though her li

him as she car

l me you aren't fe

her lips and biti

possessing so much current

d in shock, Nancy spread him with kiss

to alte


on his mouth erotically r

t under to his abdomen, gen

sening his belts whi

grab his shaft he pulled

hell are y


hile and stared a

ow you got in here i

e talk to me i

ed back

slowly then

like babies.. aren't you enjoying it ?” Sh

n like you will be doing in the hospital and

ing and written a

in total silence,

please if you wouldn't min

pointed towa

given me a chance to ho

ng on those mucus in

ly displaying and

m, please use the doo

“ I have a series of tests to carry out, .. I don't want to

he requested for his phone number

he office, she went with Karl,her a

e connected to the office while Nancy was made to distract him a

and a no nonsense desperate girl executed her

mpanied with some greatly rehearsed body

as both of them fled the o


on a s

ly backwards; removed her heels, c

d everything



act I made sure that I

o hide the correct medical report at

on adjusts herself a bit and tries to say some

iately,”… “You know what, there were two files there; one was a pregnancy report a

r little mischie

rl you did r


for a

a lot of things in com

ne messes with my friend and gots scot fre

o much confidence and f

e pours out her heart with so much pain and bitterness

to think of it,April is an underdog, a lowlife,..... my mother raised her in our own house whilst

ch concern…as she tries cons

h-just to remain classy and dope , yet

o my marital life , I watched April get married to the Almighty Don Roman ; and c

il what's left is pure hatred and total bitterness,” I want April to crumble, I want her out o

s fortune, I strongly want to fill in that gap, I want to be talked about and addressed as DON ROMAN'S wife- my name should ring a bell, people should fall at my feet, my pictures should be scattered ev

happy and swim in the poll

ll emotional but thanks to

and assured her that togethe

s out with the medical report calling the

r wife's current issue.” He said in a very prof

d a little he collects

mmediately as he was extremel

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