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The Mafia's Delight

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

bbing the crown of curly blonde hai

s were close enough for him. He had gagged the blonde to stop her moans, he didn't want to hear a single sound

ming in so ferociously he hit the back of her cervix causing tears to flood down her eyes. It hurt, it was painful

was visible underneath the smooth skin of her stomach. It encouraged him to move faster, going in and out at an impossible spe

ng. With one more rough thrust, he spilled in

it heaves up and down. He untied the restraints on his toy, ignored her, and didn't even bother to bid her good

ed the Campbell household, and

ll Resi

throwing a hand underneath

llowed. It's been

sting billionaires. All of his allies were invited, coming from all over the

with malice. "I don't want

res on his phone, sent to him by the security he had trailed her, and some were from her s

s cock, tugging it slightly causing him to hiss in slow-burning pleasure. He wanted Juliana's tongue li

Fill her holes with his seed and breed her, watch her belly swell

wn his length, imagining those hands were hers


ty guard with big Alsatians patrolling every inch the cameras didn't catch. It had b

he had been avoiding her to the point he didn't show up for dinner anymore. One time she kn

g, she hadn't eve

blank ignore with a weary face. His cold tone had dabbed painfully in the chest to the point she wanted to cry. Not bec

start whistling "Here comes the bride" with a smug face. At first, Juliana had brushed it off as another one of his anti

rhaps what Edward had said before was the truth and he wasn't lying. Or

r surprise, the door was left ajar and she could her father speaking nervously switching between En

ng in Spanish with the persons on the other end. His

't told


back the wedding. I'll have her ready a


. It was loud enough for her father to hear. He rolled to face, hi

phone and quickly ended the ca

room, locking the door shut. Her back hits the door and sh

ng before he started banging on

teeth. She ignored him, hugging her knees t

st the door. With slow shaking breath, she uttered, "Is wh

gan ringing. It was loud, she al

He an

d tears poured down her cheeks. Maybe laughing was her


. He was angry, Juliana could feel it ro

m you now know and he'll be here by morning to come and fetch you." He cleared his

f frustration threatening to explode within her. If she was a burden then why d

to get out of here but she had nowhere else to go. And, it wasn't going t

d everyone was in bed. Juliana was fairly certain the next guard wouldn

them both with clothes and her personal belongings. She fished a spare cash

k combat trousers and a grey hoodie underneath a checkered Sherpa jacket. She wash

over her shoulders. Juliana opened the kitchen door to the garage and unchained Edward'

ng her every move. She was making a point, letting her father know that she was hum

t where she withdrew enough cash to last her for the month. Then, she cycled towards her mother's hosp

tart fresh somewhere new, and liv

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