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The Mafia's Delight

The Mafia's Delight


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1747    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

liana patiently waited for Mr. Mendes' massive SUV to park in front of the iron-wrought gates. For years now she h

t see her. But getting back in was difficult since her father had installed cameras at

lated. They were always in his office, talking in hushed voices. Even her, younger h

end up making a fool of himsel

y a tall man was an understatement, he was massive with widespread shoulders, and arms thick as a

ght stubble, and wide pink lips. And, tan skin that said he spent a lot of time in the sun or was due to his Colombian heri

slow to a halt. Thereafter, she darted out of the brushes as the big G Wagon blocked her from

side the range of the camera, she darted across the lawn,

h a content smirk. Nothing had changed about

bably no older than 16 years old at the time. She had jumped out from nowhere scaring the life out of his driv

ery time she knew he was coming, s

he type to use people to his advantage

nobody d

naive litt

til he saw her for the first. The long blonde curls and those green eyes dotting with blue flecks

his heart began beating

e from America, he had his men keep a close eye on her since her father wasn't. He did this to keep h

y bodies during the two years he had waited

r her. Then, the opportunity to take her from Patrick's grasp came

it. He was a broker and Jamie wouldn't be surprised if he had taken his goods and started s

usiness with. He monitored their lives and noted down who they met daily and what

r eyes. His men were everywhere in all the deepest and darkest corners of t

hair, the man was balding and turning grey. He stood at an average height but besi

e and a rou

t himself go. He had known him for ye

h a smile, "How lon

ed nonchalantly, "I'

led down the corridor, in the corner of his eyes Jamie spots Juliana, dressed in her u

overlook the back garden. His men, security that he h

the room, her eyes lowered

Spanish. He was fluent in several tongues, particularly Arabic and Swahili was often the most useful

iness do

my shipments have gone missing." He said

if he was going to her some air. The point-blank

lions from private accounts." Jamie continu

k it is." He hastily de

ick was caught like a deer in headlights, he was willing to do anything now not to be buried six feet under. M

d force whatever he wanted from Patrick. Good for him,


rdered, daringly. "Sho

away from Jamie's intensity,

er." He stated not

he had moved in with him four years ago. Her mother had gone mentally insane

her up at a temporary home. Ever since then, he had kept he

and had no hobbies - she was isolated fr

away the sweat that had dropped into his eyes. H

ir upper society. He heard them and was ashamed, embarrassed of himself. His wi

k care of her own needs, completed her school wor

car as a shield from the camera?" He raised an eyebrow, not wanting to b

e a problem giving up his daughter to his man, she was nothing but an

e questioned, curiously.

what he intended to do with his daughter. "I'm going to marry her." He looked him dead in the eye, "Ho

ad a talent for causing several disappearances and horrible deaths. Decapitation, being buried alive, and drowning - all the terrible and frightening ways to die.

y daughter, was

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