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The Mafia's Delight

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1327    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

mie's presence is looming over my shoulder; he's practically standing on top of me. I've go

my mind he did that kind of thing so openly. Matt told him to take "the whore" elsewhere, Damson looked indifferent, and Jam

e when it comes to women as my family, and

by blood. My mother cheated on Lucas and had me. They always knew I was different than the rest of them but when he found out the tr

to my secret. He only licks his lips before askin

ridiculous lengths to make other people miserable. The only reason he spared me was b

nickname for me. Goia. Joy. I remember flashes of how her life was taken from her, but the trauma from that day has dulled into a fuzzy video reel with chunks of fo

he Castro family. I'm irrelevant to this entire game you're pla

reathing picking up pace behind me. I imagine he'

grow up?" Mat

s, just close enough for Lucas to keep an eye on me." I push back my emotions abou

att is thinking and

ing desperate. "I'm useless. The

very useful. I think Lucas will care very much. If what you say is true and he only keeps you aroun

and I can only stare in horror. Matt doesn't even l

alone! Fuck you!" I'm yelling, squirming, and Jamie's hands are everywhere as he

the entire time despite my yelling. It's much colder down here, and the g

s the cold metal bites into my cheek, feeling the press of his body behind mine, all hard muscle. My heart quickens at our

flip around so I'm facing him. He's not manhandling me, for

e growls. "Fucking stop that. Nobody

where you draw the line? You'll maim, torture, and kil

and chills run down my spine. "It's much more fun for me that wa


hat I'm trying really hard not to look at. Jamie has been standing in front of my cell just s

eing feisty.

er, turning away from me, and I

ill respond favora

to wait for him to make a move now th


the precious Castro g

be upset because o

ot several of our men killed. He's been coming closer and closer to c

ame, Matt. What are you prepared

co. Seattle.

arsh growl that sends tremors down my spine. "Not even for th

brought her here. Now that we have her, I'm not fond of the idea of her going back to her family. Look at her. She's small, weak. L

unfeeling voice describe my death like he's providing observations


ve never felt wea

dea. Just because I went along with it, does not mean I approve of your methods

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