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The Mafia's Delight

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1323    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

uilds. "She does not control me. Lei è bella, sì, ma la bellezza co

y lips, and Jamie

g about that woma

he tells Matt, "She's my mistake

other an unreadable look befo

aking it fall messily over his face. I don't know why he's looking at me like that, almost like I'm the one posing a threat to him, but I must have imagined it because suddenly, I'm being pu

his. I do not want to give my father the satisfaction. I'm aware of the thin shirt I'm wearing that isn't doing the b

el, so fast, almost elegant in his speed. That, combined with the deadliness of his strength makes him an absolutely let

ck. Unwittingly, I think of my mother, how she met her end at the jagged blade of L

ing there, looking at me. Maybe this is one of his torture


s. I start straining against my restraints, and I feel the knife dig into my skin as I press forward

rather see him grinning down at my dying form. At least I'd get to see beauty in my final moments—however

here I am, but

ve her

fact she passed out, it provided for effe

not need to


an issue fo

her safe from the men. If I hear that anybody touches her, I


jolts me a little more awake, and I

am over my projects. I want to be the one to break her. Right now, she will not be any more l

body and I press myself into the pillows with a small groan. My head is killing me, and my neck feels incredibly

ng I'm alone, I begin to stretch, opening my eyes fully. A beautiful,

eck, and whimper at the new pain caused by my sharp movement. I feel a warmth spreading there and watch

n silence as Jamie

the sharp curves of his face as he works above me. "I

t care ab


. My chest heaves as I fight back panic and anger. He releases m

at a pathetic life I've led. Hidden away but constantly on call for Lucas, for whatever

"Just get it over with. Don't clean up my wound

s they rove across my face and down my neck. "Matt's word is final, yes.

But he doesn't... he doesn't have emotion, right? Why woul

merely gets back to work on my wounds. I barely contain a gasp when he gra

or us, and we for him." A fierce loyalty shines in his eyes, and I realize I've seen a s

works out gr

eding into his tone. "I

torture, not rape? Death, but not yet? I hea

in your room until I say otherwise." With his chest rising and falling like a

in my chest is, and why his anger sou

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