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Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan


Word Count: 2208    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ale's heart thr

hus warmly welcomed to any camp. Why, it was almost worth shooting the rapids

and why were they her

d evidently carried them up the river from some

or it was of varnished cedar, and with its nickeled trimmings, glistened there under

"open sesame" for him to enter upon a new and perhaps delightful experience; rathe

f one who had foresworn all cookery, one of these modern cranks determined to exi

and then filling a pannikin with the canoeist's stew of corn beef, succotash a

odors, and he started to eat like a starving chap; as indeed, he came very near being, seeing th

ensed milk to mellow the same, and close at his hand was placed a packa

ty on both sides might be, nothing was said beyond the usual courtesies ne

this half-hour, their eyes did double duty, and

curiosity, but everything he saw about t

e rain that had been beating down ever since they commenced eating had found n

os, gray blankets that peeped out of two expensive sleeping bags, and a couple of black japanned boxes the contents of which he could not picture, unless they might b

to study out what they were-the taller one he understood immediately must be in command, for his whole appearance indicated it, while the shorter

t if the leader of the mysterious expedition was possessed of unlimited means he a

comrade, finding that the newcomer had dried out pretty thoroughly, hunted up a spare jacket from one of the bags, which he insist

as far as you care to go and no further. First of all my name is Cuthbert Reynolds, and I'm from across the border, a Yankee to the back

region-my parents were of Scotch descent I believe. And the first thing I want to say is that I'm mighty glad to be here with you just now. I was just about as hungry

not fancying being thanked for doing what was ap

to please me better than meeting up with you. You can bet there's something besides chance in it. Now, naturally you're wonder

a lunatic asylum up to this time; but as some of my friends say to me, youthful enthusiasm is responsible for many quee

dangerous only to myself, and any other foolish chap whom I may influence to accompany me on my mad expeditions," and as he spoke he glanced a

out the woods isn't worth telling; and so we make a pretty good team, for I've picked up a little knowledge about camp

h other, and I hope we will. Ever, since I was knee-high to a grasshopper I've been inoculated with the exploring bee

ears. Haven't made myself famous yet, and a little of my enthusiasm in that line has dribbled away; but I'm just as determined to work in the field of research as ever; only age is beg

the Crees or Chippewas to some convenient branch of the Athabasca River, and voyage on to the lake of that name by fall, winter there perhaps at the Hudson Bay Post, and in the spring by means

I couldn't see anything but success ahead of me. I've had my fun, and I'm ready to call the game off. This is a man's work, I understand now, and I'm out of the exploring business for the time, only now that we'r

al laughed good-naturedly and nodded his head-evidently he had a fund of h

ection with his presence in the neighborhood, and how he came to be rushing down the dangerous rapids at the time the storm broke, when

ng some wood to the fire from a stock they had laid in dry when the storm was seen approaching, while Cuthbert busied himself in making his seat more comfortable,

ll, that is hardly so, for when I was a little chap I remember being in Montreal with my

later. That's about all there is in connection with me. I-I had some trouble up the river at the post, and was making my way down with the intention of leaving this country forever when this accident happened. I'm glad it did happen, because it's thrown

d if you have no other place to go, why make a third member of the crowd. You have a boat, and as for grub and such, why, we're l

it was to conceal the tears that came unbidden into his eyes-the genuine warmth of this invitation s

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