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Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan


Word Count: 2115    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wer; and being fond of singing, and knowing scores of college songs, he promised himself he would in good time teach them to O

hythm and swing of the paddle; possibly Owen would know some such, and might be induced to sing them on occasion, all of which would add to the delig

y take advantage of an alluring point where the trees hung over the water and the situation seemed especially adapted for a campfire, Eli g

ow there are good things in the larder; and with boys this thing of appeti

arge of the preparations for lunch, giving them a species of flapjac

He was a singularly quiet lad, and Cuthbert, who made it something of a fad to study human nature

o go for several days thus, especially at this time of year, when the Indians and halfbreeds who trapped for the fur company were hunting back in the forests, laying in

in cash and the balance in store goods. It is then that the resident factor has to exercise his wisdom in handling so varied an assortment of characters, and keeping them from gettin

it hazy to his listeners, it might have been noted that he did not offer to launch out into a voluntary description of life as it was to be seen at one of these posts-Cuthbert even fancied tha

set eyes on a cedar boat of this delicate character, willingly lent a hand to the accomplishment of the task, satisfied to just handle such a dainty wizard craft, w

that afternoon, and met one Indian in

at their new companion in something of a strange manner, though not saying a

love lost between them; and noticing that one of the fellow's eyes seemed swollen, the idea thrust itself into Cu

d pass the next night, and it lacked half an hour to sunset when he gav

my camera in focus on it in the morning, for the sun must rise, let's see, over across the river, and shine right on the front of the tent. I've been baffled

me, and silently acquiesced, sending his boat shoreward with vigorous dips of

od from long experience, Cuthbert was secretly of the opinion that much of his enthusiasm sprang from the

was of a romantic disposition, and inclined to seeing the elements in a glorious sunset that appealed to

young Canadian might be built along his own lines, and able to sympathize with him as the good-hearted b

difficulty could be depended on to the utmost, being honest, willing and obliging, three necessary el

place upon which coffee pot and frying pan will rest cozily, the digging of a ditch on the higher ground back of the shelter, if there seems the slightest possible chance of rain b

n care of, and they were in fine fettle for the stay, whether it be

taking a share in preparing as well as demolishing; and it was wonderful ho

d upon them sufficiently to provide them with fish for the evening meal, which Owen cooked in the manner most favore

fish are at their best when eaten in the very spot they are taken from their native element; and that being placed on

ad tasted for a year; and he also gave his companions to understand that he had

ited to think of such a thing as cleaning up the pots and pans for the time being, tha

lled his pipe, preparatory to enjoying his customary a

we were heading for the shore? I was going to call your attention to it, but something th

for a jolly place to bunk tonight that I reckon I never once glanced

ause something like a flash spread over his swarthy face, though

dozen times in the last half-hour, expecting

r a campfire-as near as I could make out there were several of 'em, all in a row, a

t with a gritting of his teeth that excite

in Florida always communicate in that way, and have a regular code, so that

Cree Indian we met on the river sent it to others

former thought that these two had met before, and that the husky lad might even have had to do with the mournful black eye of the aborigine, came back with added force just now; sti

terested in my movements that I had apparently changed my mind, and did not

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