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Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan


Word Count: 2105    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

duties of the hour had occupied their attention upon first landing-the pitching of the waterproof tent, gathering of fue

anadian voyageur during earlier stages of his trip; he did not know how reliable it might pro

e of hiding among the various charts of the Hudson Bay country which he

above, and in some way it might cause their strange new friend to open his heart, and

hem by Indians or disorderly half breeds; for there were at times vast quantities of valuable plunder held in these posts, in the shape of rare peltries, and the many things the trappers took in part payment for their winter's catch, so that a clean-out

red, and partaken of with that keen relis

g some individual task, that had been upon his mind; for it is the natural habit after dining heartily to desire to rest from str

ross a lode of the valuable metal in this far-North country; and make his everlasting fortune that way; for in secret the Michigan lad hugged certain plans for future worldwide trav

stamp collecting, others go in for coins, autographs, birds' eggs, specimens of birds, weapons of wor

as he grew older he would develop into a bona fide Livingstone or a Stanley, eager to see faraway lands where the fe

such things, making copious notes the while, until as his comrade Cuthbert said, he should be about one of the best posted fellows in that line in the country-still, up to this day

but if so the others had as yet been granted

t would no doubt

rided himself on his waiting qualities, so

bunch of charts, and began to absorb himself in the maze of lines and figures, anticipating that when Owen saw what h

ost in self-communion; and Cuthbert could easily imagine that affairs

analyze this feeling, in order to make out whether it was pure sympathy toward one who had evidently rubbed up against the hard places of life while to him had been given the "snaps;" or on the other

the fire to glance over his shoulder at the charts; but both times young Dugdale had sim

what he was doing, so wrapped up did Owen seem in his own personal affairs; when suddenly he discove

de of the fire, and the disturbed look upon his

ntry you have; perhaps I could be useful in telling you whether they are accurate or not, for I rather guess I've pick

but already I've found it more or less crooked, and have begun to lose confidence in its accuracy. Perhaps you could show up the faults, and set me right, so that if the time ever comes when I have to depend on the thing I wo

, see here, he's made an awful botch of this thing right around this quarter, where he certainly knows every foot of ground. I suspect that the greasy old rascal had some object in misleading you-I wouldn't put it past him to plan so that you might b

he went along, so that at the end of an hour that particular chart was entirely changed, presenting so new an aspect that the expl

us-what is the name it is known by-he did not identify it excep

that seemed to be along the sarcastic order, as if deep down in his heart t

r up in the wilderness; and is in charge of-a fact

t. He is believed to be very rich; but though he is scrupulously honest and knows how to drive those under him to their best abilities, he is a harsh, cold-blooded man,

e knew that whatever Owen's troubles might be, they were connected in some way with this man of iron, who for y

beginning to dislike most cordially, even though he had never as yet set eye o

those lines, though quite willing to talk as long as his friend wished

d up considerable information that was apt to prove of benefit

ly as shrewd as they seemed quaint, for he possessed many of the traits generally accredited to the Yankee from Down-East; and a natural ke

seek the shelter of their blankets, when Owen, whose hearing was phenom

st, but the other way. Perhaps it would be just as well to be prepared, for

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