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Canoe Mates in Canada; Or, Three Boys Afloat on the Saskatchewan


Word Count: 2794    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

to husky boys this amounted to little, and as soon as the camp was abandoned they would soon warm

who live the life in the open, for the unconscious things appeal to their affections, and a staunch boat, a favorite paddle, a gun, knife, belt hatchet, or even the spot where they fou

e way in hi

ight be that affected him-could the coming of Stackpole have had anything to do with it-the idea was not impossible, for he had evidently

the opinion that there must be another r

en them; many things gave Cuthbert the opinion that the other had been fleeing from the region at that time they made his acquaintance so stra

ied hard to throw off his morose mood, and answer the sallies of his comrades in a spirit of frolic proved that he was fighting aga

know Owen's story, had too much delicacy to influence him in the telling; he had promised

nding the river swiftly, in each of which a trio of Cree Indians sat or knelt, wieldin

t he was keen to notice how they took the presence of the young Canadian in the company of strangers, realizing tha

ats, and answered the civil salutation of Cuthbert with a series of "how-hows" until the current had swept them past; but it might have been noticed that not once did their shre

tream. Now, I wonder if they were sent out to look for a fellow of his description? Gee, but this is a

taining the Indians had passed, but continued to dip his paddle in and out with the met

twisted his head around so that he could secure a survey of the river below; and on such occasions Eli kept his eager eyes

ttle exclamation, whether of satisfaction or annoyance it woul

t as well as I do, but he's too proud to give them a single look. I like his grit, and between you and me, he's going to show us something before long. I'm in a fever to set eyes on that same old Tartar, Alex Grego

ith us," answered the young logger; and it was not in a boastful spirit that he spoke, for Eli usually showed a modest disposition; only he, too, had taken a great f

the post. These chaps possibly saw that smoke signal the other Cree we met downstream sent up, and they knew Owen was somewhere around. You noticed that they just stared at him all the time, and paid little attention to us. Well,

wer he received, and Cuthbert, who knew the l

trees that stood like sentinels on a projecting knoll, he was able to see the two bullboats come around the curve, and follow grimly in their wake, the occupants evidently making no

e easily carried on. Thus he learned that, proceeding leisurely they would readily make the Hudson Bay post ere nightfall; had there be

lunch, washing it down with a pot of coffee, the delightful aroma of which must have reached the nost

y in order that the appetizing scent might be wafted with the breeze; consequently when Eli declared one of the Indians was advancing toward

ly up to where they sa

bad one, since he had only a limited experience with the natives-what appeared to be a scowling phiz to him might seem onl

hands, which Cuthbert understood must be the peace signs, and he b

-colored intruder, wit

hbert, in just the

y eyeing the young fellow, as though h

that I'm an Easy Boss, and let it go at that. Now, what can I do for you?" r

so-no have coffee many moons-set um up in other alley-how?" was what followed, much to the amusement of

d. What is your name, may I humbly inquire?" ventured Cuthbert, keeping a very straight face, though he could hear Eli chuckling, and wanted to laugh outright himself; for it was evident that while music is said

ot forget," and not waiting to receive additional assurance he raised his hand to his mouth and gave vent to a series of sharp barks or yelps that m

ar any danger from the Crees; but the young Canuc

y, when they think no one is looking, and I think we can avoid that by being on guard all the time until

s of their treacherous nature, and heard men speaking so derisively about the "only good Indian being a dead Indian," that he felt it his bounden duty to m

ous nature-we are often creatures of circumstances and environment, and his school

eam began to pour out from the nozzle of the pot, and the aroma struck their olfactory nerves, really several of them could not stand it, but had to walk

or condensed milk, showing that they possessed the proper taste for the beverage of the god

again with the half-formed idea that possibly his little party might benefit from the act in the fu

allow this thirsty crowd of skin-hunters to become regulation camp-followers;

boys captured the same, deposited them in the receptacle where they belonged, thru

, all

f the expedition began to clea

that elixir had quite captured their hearts, and they scrambled to keep in close proximity to the magical "floating coffin,"

t he need fear no evil from the copper-faced denizens of the timber country

anished around a bend above, nor did they see them again

for being familiar with the region he would know how to tim

tion, and he understood that it must be connected with the return trip he was making to the

e, for he had promised to reveal the secret of his lonely life at the first favorable opportunity; but

thbert, being built along the lines of a patien

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