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Keeping Fit All the Way / How to Obtain and Maintain Health, Strength and Efficiency

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2356    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

n and forty-five years are unable to meet the health requirements of military service, and that, of the largest and strongest of our countr

our youth would compare favorably with those of other countries. When one comes to sift the statement, he should remember that many disabilities for which the milit

at we ought not to have had so many rejections. It is time for us to realize that a man who is out of balance physically should be looked after. Moreover, men should not become out of balance. The truth of the matter is that our mechanical devices have gone so far toward taking the place of manual labor tha

of outdoor exercises, vitiated atmosphere, and a minimum of sunshine and of the


d professional schools into general business and civic life. This war has opened our eyes; it should be a warning, and it ought to result in a far broader comprehension of what physical condition and physical education really mean. It is in this way only that we can meet the demands of modern civilization without an accompanying deterioration of the physical condition of our people. No one has set a finer example in th


d taken measures to meet it, as Germany did. Dr. William C. Woodward, who is chairman of the District Police Board in Washington, did not overstate the matter when he said that the draft officers were weary, that the strain had begun to threaten their efficiency, and that they were thoroughly undermining their bodies in the effort t

a large percentage of our vast horde of physically sub-standard, low-priced men will drift into sickness and meet premature death because their power to resist disease is rapidly declining. The Equitable calls, on this convincing evidence, for a thorough and permanent system of health education in our schools, saying: "With all of our wealth and inte


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responsibility, are subject to the same form of disease; and this is why, I presume, that I, as well as others who are accust

eural exhaustion. Next to these come merchants in general, brokers, etc.; then, less frequently, clergymen; still less ofte

a day'

r to Japan, died in Washington of he

for Suffolk County, dropped dead in the

urt Justice, New York, died in t

railroad station, Salt Lake City, as he step

age who drop off under this strain, but t


certainly a puzzle to understand how men can willingly slip into fatness and flabbiness or nervous indigestion, forget entirely what a pleasure physical vigor is, fold their hands contentedly, with the statement that they haven't time for physical culture, and so, gradually, by way of the motor-car and the dinner-table, slide into physical decadence and a morbid condition of mind


n and traveling for twenty-four hours toward the South and sunshine, he begins to lose a little the feeling that he is playing "hookey" and is liable to be dragged home and birched. But he does wonder a little whether he won't have hard work in finding somebody to play with him. When, however, he disembarks from his train at his destination-we will say Pinehurst-he has already

ay before or he is likely to kick his heels around the first tee for a couple of hours before he can get away, and when he looks over


ndoubtedly found all the excitement of a football game in fighting the Indians; consequently, they attained proper physical development. The descendants of these settlers still retained a good deal of the outdoor habit, but in the

old man tramping through the woods with the rod and gun, as he used to do thirty years ago, and as he will do to the end-all these know what fresh air means. Sunshine, through the medium of golf, has come to the life of thousands of middle-aged wrecks formerly tied to an office chair. No one can estimate the number of lives, growing ag

ermit anything to interfere with his Saturday on the links. And this means that he and all the officers in the departments under him, instead of viewing with concern the interest of the men in outdoo

of the olden times demanded of our ancestors, and that something has come in the shape of physical exercise. But


intelligence by setting the animal at mental tasks, and so gave it only the exercise that would come from moving about the

what we are ready to condemn in the hypothetical cases given above. Some of these men, while still able to whip up their will into going on from day to day with the same exhausting program, finally conclude that unless they take a vacation they are going to break down. The doctor tells them so and they know it. Whereupon they rush off for

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