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The Brothers Karamazov

Part 1 Chapter 3

Word Count: 2648    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

ars. He took this second wife, Sofya Ivanovna, also a very young girl, from another province, where he had gone upon some small piece of business in company with a Jew. Though Fyodor P

without a word, and when he escorted the old lady to her carriage he made her a low bow and pronounced impressively that, “God would repay her for orphans.” “You are a blockhead all the same,” the old lady shouted to him as she drove away.Fyodor Pavlovitch, thinking it over, decided that it was a good thing, and did not refuse the general’s widow his formal consent to any proposition in regard to his children’s education. As for the slaps she had given him, he drove all over the town telling the story.It happened that the old lady died soon after this, but she left the boys in her will a thousand roubles each “for their instruction, and so that all be spent on them exclusively, with the condition that it be so portioned out as to last till they are twenty-one, for it is more than adequate provision for such children. If other people think fit to throw away their money, let them.” I have not read the will myself, but I heard there was something queer of the sort, very whimsically expressed. The principal heir, Yefim Petrovitch Polenov, the Marshal of Nobility of the province, turned out, however, to be an honest man. Writing to Fyodor Pavlovitch, and discerning at once that he could extract nothing from him for his children’s education (though the latter never directly refused but only procrastinated as he always did in such cases, and was, indeed, at times effusively sentimental), Yefim Petrovitch took a personal interest in the orphans. He became especially fond of the younger, Alexey, who lived for a long while as one of his family. I beg the reader to note this from the beginning. And to Yefim Petrovitch, a man of a generosity and humanity rarely to be met with, the young people were more indebted for their education and bringing up than to anyone. He kept the two thousand roubles left to them by the general’s widow intact, so that by the time they came of age their portions had been doubled by the accumulation of interest. He educated them both at his own expense, and certainly spent far more than a thousand roubles upon each of them. I won’t enter into a detailed account of their boyhood and youth, but will only mention a few of the most important events. Of the elder, Ivan, I will only say that he grew into a somewhat morose and reserved, though far from timid boy. At ten years old he had realised that they were living not in their own home but on other people’s charity, and that their father was a man of whom it was disgraceful to speak. This boy began very early, almost in his infancy (so they say at least), to show a brilliant and unusual aptitude for learning. I don’t know precisely why, but he left the family of Yefim Petrovitch when he was hardly thirteen, entering a Moscow gymnasium and boarding with an experienced and celebrated teacher, an old friend of Yefim Petrovitch. Ivan used to declare afterwards that this was all due to the “ardour for good works” of Yefim Petrovitch, who was captivated by the idea that the boy’s genius should be trained by a teacher of genius. But neither Yefim Petrovitch nor this teacher was living when the young man finished at the gymnasium and entered the university. As Yefim Petrovitch had made no provision for the payment of the tyrannical old lady’s legacy, which had grown from one thousand to two, it was delayed, owing to formalities inevitable in Russia, and the young man was in great straits for the first two years at the university, as he was forced to keep himself all the time he was studying. It must be noted that he did not even attempt to communicate with his father, perhaps from pride, from contempt for him, or perhaps from his cool common sense, which told him that from such a father he would get no real assistance. However that may have been, the young man was by no means despondent and succeeded in getting work, at first giving sixpenny lessons and afterwards getting paragraphs on street incidents into the newspapers under the signature of “Eye-Witness.” These paragraphs, it was said, were so interesting and piquant that they were soon taken. This alone showed the young man’s practical and intellectual superiority over the masses of needy and unfortunate students of both sexes who hang about the offices of the newspapers and journals, unable to think of anything better than everlasting entreaties for copying and translations from the French. Having once got into touch with the editors Ivan Fyodorovitch always kept up his connection with them, and in his latter years at the university he published brilliant reviews of books upon various special subjects, so that he became well known in literary circles. But onl

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1 Part 1 Chapter 12 Part 1 Chapter 23 Part 1 Chapter 34 Part 1 Chapter 45 Part 1 Chapter 56 Part 2 Chapter 17 Part 2 Chapter 28 Part 2 Chapter 39 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Lady of Little Faith10 Part 2 Chapter 5 So Be It! So Be It!11 Part 2 Chapter 6 Why Is Such a Man Alive12 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Young Man Bent on a Career13 Part 2 Chapter 8 The Scandalous Scene14 Part 3 Chapter 1 In the Servants' Quarters15 Part 3 Chapter 2 Lizaveta16 Part 3 Chapter 3 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - in 17 Part 3 Chapter 4 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - In 18 Part 3 Chapter 5 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - "19 Part 3 Chapter 6 Smerdyakov20 Part 3 Chapter 7 The Controversy21 Part 3 Chapter 8 Over the Brandy22 Part 3 Chapter 9 The Sensualists23 Part 3 Chapter 10 Both Together24 Part 3 Chapter 11 Another Reputation Ruined25 Part 4 Chapter 1 Father Ferapont26 Part 4 Chapter 2 At His Father's27 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Meeting with the Schoolboys28 Part 4 Chapter 4 At the Hohlakovs'29 Part 4 Chapter 5 A Laceration in the Drawing-Room30 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Laceration in the Cottage31 Part 4 Chapter 7 And in the Open Air32 Part 5 Chapter 1 The Engagement33 Part 5 Chapter 2 Smerdyakov with a Guitar34 Part 5 Chapter 3 The Brothers Make Friends35 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Rebellion36 Part 5 Chapter 5 The Grand Inquisitor37 Part 5 Chapter 6 For Awhile a Very Obscure One38 Part 5 Chapter 7 "It's Always Worth While Speaking to a C39 Part 6 Chapter 1 Father Zossima and His Visitors40 Part 6 Chapter 241 Part 6 Chapter 342 Part 7 Chapter 1 The Breath of Corruption43 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Critical Moment44 Part 7 Chapter 3 An Onion45 Part 7 Chapter 4 Cana of Galilee46 Part 8 Chapter 1 Kuzma Samsonov47 Part 8 Chapter 2 Lyagavy48 Part 8 Chapter 3 Gold Mines49 Part 8 Chapter 4 In the Dark50 Part 8 Chapter 5 A Sudden Resolution51 Part 8 Chapter 6 "I Am Coming, Too!"52 Part 8 Chapter 7 The First and Rightful Lover53 Part 8 Chapter 8 Delirium54 Part 9 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Perhotin's Official Caree55 Part 9 Chapter 2 The Alarm56 Part 9 Chapter 3 The Sufferings of a Soul57 Part 9 Chapter 4 The Second Ordeal58 Part 9 Chapter 5 The Third Ordeal59 Part 9 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor Catches Mitya60 Part 9 Chapter 7 Mitya's Great Secret Received with Hisses61 Part 9 Chapter 8 The Evidences of the Witnesses. The Babe62 Part 9 Chapter 9 They Carry Mitya Away63 Part 10 Chapter 1 Kolya Krassotkin64 Part 10 Chapter 2 Children65 Part 10 Chapter 3 The Schoolboy66 Part 10 Chapter 4 The Lost Dog67 Part 10 Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside68 Part 10 Chapter 6 Precocity69 Part 10 Chapter 7 Ilusha70 Part 11 Chapter 1 At Grushenka's71 Part 11 Chapter 2 The Injured Foot72 Part 11 Chapter 3 A Little Demon73 Part 11 Chapter 4 A Hymn and a Secret74 Part 11 Chapter 5 Not You, Not You!75 Part 11 Chapter 6 The First Interview with Smerdyakov76 Part 11 Chapter 7 The Second Visit to Smerdyakov77 Part 11 Chapter 8 The Third and Last Interview with Smerdyako78 Part 11 Chapter 9 The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare79 Part 11 Chapter 10 "It Was He Who Said That"80 Part 12 Chapter 1 The Fatal Day81 Part 12 Chapter 2 Dangerous Witnesses82 Part 12 Chapter 3 The Medical Experts and a Pound of Nuts83 Part 12 Chapter 4 Fortune Smiles on Mitya84 Part 12 Chapter 5 A Sudden Catastrophe85 Part 12 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor's Speech. Sketches of Char86 Part 12 Chapter 7 An Historical Survey87 Part 12 Chapter 8 A Treatise on Smerdyakov88 Part 12 Chapter 9 The Galloping Troika. The End of the Prosec89 Part 12 Chapter 10 The Speech for the Defence. An Argument th90 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 There Was No Money. There Was No Robber91 Part 12 Chapter 12 And There Was No Murder Either92 Part 12 Chapter 13 A Corrupter of Thought93 Part 12 Chapter 14 The Peasants Stand Firm94 Epilogue 1 Plans for Mitya's Escape95 Epilogue 2 For a Moment the Lie Becomes Truth96 Epilogue 3 Ilusha's Funeral. The Speech at the Stone