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The Brothers Karamazov

Part 2 Chapter 3

Word Count: 3450    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

was at last coming out, and they had gathered together in anticipation. Two ladies, Madame Hohlakov and her daughter, had also come out into the portico to wait for the elder, but in a sep

to you.”“What are you weeping for?”“It’s my little son I’m grieving for, Father. he was three years old — three years all but three months. For my little boy, Father, I’m in anguish, for my little boy. He was the last one left. We had four, my Nikita and I, and now we’ve no children, our dear ones have all gone I buried the first three without grieving overmuch, and now I have buried the last I can’t forget him. He seems always standing before me. He never leaves me. He has withered my heart. I look at his little clothes, his little shirt, his little boots, and I wail. I lay out all that is left of him, all his little things. I look at them and wail. I say to Nikita, my husband, ‘let me go on a pilgrimage, master.’ He is a driver. We’re not poor people, Father, not poor; he drives our own horse. It’s all our own, the horse and the carriage. And what good is it all to us now? My Nikita has begun drinking while I am away. He’s sure to. It used to be so before. As soon as I turn my back he gives way to it. But now I don’t think about him. It’s three months since I left home. I’ve forgotten him. I’ve forgotten everything. I don’t want to remember. And what would our life be now together? I’ve done with him, I’ve done. I’ve done with them all. I don’t care to look upon my house and my goods. I don’t care to see anything at all!”“Listen, mother,” said the elder. “Once in olden times a holy saint saw in the Temple a mother like you weeping for her little one, her only one, whom God had taken. ‘Knowest thou not,’ said the saint to her, ‘how bold these little ones are before the throne of God? Verily there are none bolder than they in the Kingdom of Heaven. “Thou didst give us life, O Lord,” they say, “and scarcely had we looked upon it when Thou didst take it back again.” And so boldly they ask and ask again that God gives them at once the rank of angels. Therefore,’ said the saint, ‘thou, too, O Mother, rejoice and weep not, for thy little son is with the Lord in the fellowship of the angels.’ That’s what the saint said to the weeping mother of old. He was a great saint and he could not have spoken falsely. Therefore you too, mother, know that your little one is surely before the throne of God, is rejoicing and happy, and praying to God for you, and therefore weep, but rejoice.”The woman listened to him, looking down with her cheek in her hand. She sighed deeply.“My Nikita tried to comfort me with the same words as you. ‘Foolish one,’ he said, ‘why weep? Our son is no doubt singing with the angels before God.’ He says that to me, but he weeps himself. I see that he cries like me. ‘I know, Nikita,’ said I. ‘Where could he be if not with the Lord God? Only, here with us now he is not as he used to sit beside us before.’ And if only I could look upon him one little time, if only I could peep at him one little time, without going up to him, without speaking, if I could be hidden in a corner and only see him for one little minute, hear him playing in the yard, calling in his little voice, ‘Mammy, where are you?’ If only I could hear him pattering with his little feet about the room just once, only once; for so often, so often I remember how he used to run to me and shout and laugh, if only I could hear his little feet I should know him! But he’s gone, Father, he’s gone, and I shall never hear him again. Here’s his little sash, but him I shall never see or hear now.”She drew out of her bosom her boy’s little embroidered sash, and as soon as she looked at it she began shaking with sobs, hiding her eyes with her fingers through which the tears flowed in a sudden stream.“It is Rachel of old,” said the elder, “weeping for her children, and will not be comforted because they are not. Such is the lot set on earth for you mothers. Be not comforted. Consolation is not what you need. Weep and be not consoled, but weep. Only every time that you weep be sure to remember that your little son is one of the angels of God, that he looks down from there at you and sees you, and rejoices at your tears, and points at them to the Lord God; and a long while yet will you keep that great mother’s grief. But it will turn in the end into quiet joy, and your bitter tears will be only tears of tender sorrow that purifies the heart and delivers it from sin. And I shall pray for the peace of your child’s soul. What was his name?”“Alexey, Father.”“A sweet name. After Alexey, the man of God?”“Yes, Father.”“What a saint he was! I will remember him, mother, and your grief in my prayers, and I will pray for your husband’s health. It is a sin for you to leave him. Your little one will see from heaven that you have forsaken his father, and will weep over you. Why do you trouble his happiness? He is living, for the soul lives for ever, and though he is not in the house he is near you, unseen. How can he go into the house when you say that the house is hateful to you? To whom is he to go if he find you not together, his father and mother? He comes to you in dreams now, and you grieve. But then he will send you gentle dreams. Go to your husband, mother; go this very day.”“I will go, Father, at your word. I will go. You’ve gone straight to my heart. My Nikita, my Nikita, you are waiting for me,” the woman began in a sing-song voice; but the elder had already turned away t

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1 Part 1 Chapter 12 Part 1 Chapter 23 Part 1 Chapter 34 Part 1 Chapter 45 Part 1 Chapter 56 Part 2 Chapter 17 Part 2 Chapter 28 Part 2 Chapter 39 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Lady of Little Faith10 Part 2 Chapter 5 So Be It! So Be It!11 Part 2 Chapter 6 Why Is Such a Man Alive12 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Young Man Bent on a Career13 Part 2 Chapter 8 The Scandalous Scene14 Part 3 Chapter 1 In the Servants' Quarters15 Part 3 Chapter 2 Lizaveta16 Part 3 Chapter 3 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - in 17 Part 3 Chapter 4 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - In 18 Part 3 Chapter 5 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - "19 Part 3 Chapter 6 Smerdyakov20 Part 3 Chapter 7 The Controversy21 Part 3 Chapter 8 Over the Brandy22 Part 3 Chapter 9 The Sensualists23 Part 3 Chapter 10 Both Together24 Part 3 Chapter 11 Another Reputation Ruined25 Part 4 Chapter 1 Father Ferapont26 Part 4 Chapter 2 At His Father's27 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Meeting with the Schoolboys28 Part 4 Chapter 4 At the Hohlakovs'29 Part 4 Chapter 5 A Laceration in the Drawing-Room30 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Laceration in the Cottage31 Part 4 Chapter 7 And in the Open Air32 Part 5 Chapter 1 The Engagement33 Part 5 Chapter 2 Smerdyakov with a Guitar34 Part 5 Chapter 3 The Brothers Make Friends35 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Rebellion36 Part 5 Chapter 5 The Grand Inquisitor37 Part 5 Chapter 6 For Awhile a Very Obscure One38 Part 5 Chapter 7 "It's Always Worth While Speaking to a C39 Part 6 Chapter 1 Father Zossima and His Visitors40 Part 6 Chapter 241 Part 6 Chapter 342 Part 7 Chapter 1 The Breath of Corruption43 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Critical Moment44 Part 7 Chapter 3 An Onion45 Part 7 Chapter 4 Cana of Galilee46 Part 8 Chapter 1 Kuzma Samsonov47 Part 8 Chapter 2 Lyagavy48 Part 8 Chapter 3 Gold Mines49 Part 8 Chapter 4 In the Dark50 Part 8 Chapter 5 A Sudden Resolution51 Part 8 Chapter 6 "I Am Coming, Too!"52 Part 8 Chapter 7 The First and Rightful Lover53 Part 8 Chapter 8 Delirium54 Part 9 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Perhotin's Official Caree55 Part 9 Chapter 2 The Alarm56 Part 9 Chapter 3 The Sufferings of a Soul57 Part 9 Chapter 4 The Second Ordeal58 Part 9 Chapter 5 The Third Ordeal59 Part 9 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor Catches Mitya60 Part 9 Chapter 7 Mitya's Great Secret Received with Hisses61 Part 9 Chapter 8 The Evidences of the Witnesses. The Babe62 Part 9 Chapter 9 They Carry Mitya Away63 Part 10 Chapter 1 Kolya Krassotkin64 Part 10 Chapter 2 Children65 Part 10 Chapter 3 The Schoolboy66 Part 10 Chapter 4 The Lost Dog67 Part 10 Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside68 Part 10 Chapter 6 Precocity69 Part 10 Chapter 7 Ilusha70 Part 11 Chapter 1 At Grushenka's71 Part 11 Chapter 2 The Injured Foot72 Part 11 Chapter 3 A Little Demon73 Part 11 Chapter 4 A Hymn and a Secret74 Part 11 Chapter 5 Not You, Not You!75 Part 11 Chapter 6 The First Interview with Smerdyakov76 Part 11 Chapter 7 The Second Visit to Smerdyakov77 Part 11 Chapter 8 The Third and Last Interview with Smerdyako78 Part 11 Chapter 9 The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare79 Part 11 Chapter 10 "It Was He Who Said That"80 Part 12 Chapter 1 The Fatal Day81 Part 12 Chapter 2 Dangerous Witnesses82 Part 12 Chapter 3 The Medical Experts and a Pound of Nuts83 Part 12 Chapter 4 Fortune Smiles on Mitya84 Part 12 Chapter 5 A Sudden Catastrophe85 Part 12 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor's Speech. Sketches of Char86 Part 12 Chapter 7 An Historical Survey87 Part 12 Chapter 8 A Treatise on Smerdyakov88 Part 12 Chapter 9 The Galloping Troika. The End of the Prosec89 Part 12 Chapter 10 The Speech for the Defence. An Argument th90 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 There Was No Money. There Was No Robber91 Part 12 Chapter 12 And There Was No Murder Either92 Part 12 Chapter 13 A Corrupter of Thought93 Part 12 Chapter 14 The Peasants Stand Firm94 Epilogue 1 Plans for Mitya's Escape95 Epilogue 2 For a Moment the Lie Becomes Truth96 Epilogue 3 Ilusha's Funeral. The Speech at the Stone