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The Brothers Karamazov

Part 1 Chapter 5

Word Count: 3711    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

osha was at this time a well-grown, red-cheeked, clear-eyed lad of nineteen, radiant with health. He was very handsome, too, graceful, moderately tall, with

ploits, he was found worthy at last to suffer torture and a martyr’s death for the faith. When the Church, regarding him as a saint, was burying him, suddenly, at the deacon’s exhortation, “Depart all ye unbaptised,” the coffin containing the martyr’s body left its place and was cast forth from the church, and this took place three times. And only at last they learnt that this holy man had broken his vow of obedience and left his elder, and, therefore, could not be forgiven without the elder’s absolution in spite of his great deeds. Only after this could the funeral take place. This, of course, is only an old legend. But here is a recent instance.A monk was suddenly commanded by his elder to quit Athos, which he loved as a sacred place and a haven of refuge, and to go first to Jerusalem to do homage to the Holy Places and then to go to the north to Siberia: “There is the place for thee and not here.” The monk, overwhelmed with sorrow, went to the Oecumenical Patriarch at Constantinople and besought him to release him from his obedience. But the Patriarch replied that not only was he unable to release him, but there was not and could not be on earth a power which could release him except the elder who had himself laid that duty upon him. In this way the elders are endowed in certain cases with unbounded and inexplicable authority. That is why in many of our monasteries the institution was at first resisted almost to persecution. Meantime the elders immediately began to be highly esteemed among the people. Masses of the ignorant people as well as of distinction flocked, for instance, to the elders of our monastery to confess their doubts, their sins, and their sufferings, and ask for counsel and admonition. Seeing this, the opponents of the elders declared that the sacrament of confession was being arbitrarily and frivolously degraded, though the continual opening of the heart to the elder by the monk or the layman had nothing of the character of the sacrament. In the end, however, the institution of elders has been retained and is becoming established in Russian monasteries. It is true, perhaps, that this instrument which had stood the test of a thousand years for the moral regeneration of a man from slavery to freedom and to moral perfectibility may be a two-edged weapon and it may lead some not to humility and complete self-control but to the most Satanic pride, that is, to bondage and not to freedom.The elder Zossima was sixty-five. He came of a family of landowners, had been in the army in early youth, and served in the Caucasus as an officer. He had, no doubt, impressed Alyosha by some peculiar quality of his soul. Alyosha lived in the cell of the elder, who was very fond of him and let him wait upon him. It must be noted that Alyosha was bound by no obligation and could go where he pleased and be absent for whole days. Though he wore the monastic dress it was voluntarily, not to be different from others. No doubt he liked to do so. Possibly his youthful imagination was deeply stirred by the power and fame of his elder. It was said that so many people had for years past come to confess their sins to Father Zossima and to entreat him for words of advice and healing, that he had acquired the keenest intuition and could tell from an unknown face what a new-comer wanted, and what was the suffering on his conscience. He sometimes astounded and almost alarmed his visitors by his knowledge of their secrets before they had spoken a word.Alyosha noticed that many, almost all, went in to the elder for the first time with apprehension and uneasiness, but came out with bright and happy faces. Alyosha was particularly struck by the fact that Father Zossima was not at all stern. On the contrary, he was always almost gay. The monks used to say that he was more drawn to those who were more sinful, and the greater the sinner the more he loved him. There were, no doubt, up to the end of his life, among the monks some who hated and envied him, but they were few in number and they were silent, though among them were some of great dignity in the monastery, one, for instance, of the older monks distinguished for his strict keeping of fasts and vows of silence. But the majority were on Father Zossima’s side and very many of them loved him with all their hearts, warmly and sincerely. Some were almost fanatically devoted to him, and declared, though not quite aloud, that he was a saint, that there could be no doubt of it, and, seeing that his end was near, they anticipated miracles and great glory to the monastery in the immediate future from his relics. Alyosha had unquestioning faith in the miraculous power of the elder, just as he had unquestioning faith in the story of the coffin that flew out of the church. He saw many who came with sick children or relatives and besought the elder to lay hands on them and to pray over them, return shortly after — some the next day — and, falling in tears at the elder’s feet, thank him for healing their sick.Whether they had really been healed or were simply better in the natural course of the disease was a question which did not exist for Alyosha, for he fully believed in the spiritual power of his teacher and rejoiced in his fame, in his glory, as though it were his own triumph. His heart throbbed, and he beamed, as it were, all over when the elder came out to the gates of the hermitage into the waiting crowd of pilgrims of the humbler class who had flocked from all parts of Russia on purpose to see the elder and obtain his blessing. They fell down before him, wept, kissed his feet, kissed the earth on which he stood, and wailed, while the women held up their children to him and brought him the sick “possessed with devils.” The elder spoke to them, read a brief prayer over them, blessed them, and dismissed them. Of late he had become so weak through attacks of illness that he was sometimes unable to leave his cell, and the pilgrims waited for him to come out for several days. Alyosha did not wonder why they loved him so, why they fell down before him and wept with emotion merely at seeing his face. Oh! he understood that for the humble soul of the Russian peasant, worn out by grief and toil, and still more by the everlasting injustice and everlasting sin, his own and the world’s, it was the greatest need and comfort to find someone or something holy to fall down before and worship.“Among us there is sin, injustice, and temptation, but yet, somewhere on earth there is someone holy and exalted. He has the truth; he knows the truth; so it is not dead upon the earth; so it will come one day to us, too, and rule over all the

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1 Part 1 Chapter 12 Part 1 Chapter 23 Part 1 Chapter 34 Part 1 Chapter 45 Part 1 Chapter 56 Part 2 Chapter 17 Part 2 Chapter 28 Part 2 Chapter 39 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Lady of Little Faith10 Part 2 Chapter 5 So Be It! So Be It!11 Part 2 Chapter 6 Why Is Such a Man Alive12 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Young Man Bent on a Career13 Part 2 Chapter 8 The Scandalous Scene14 Part 3 Chapter 1 In the Servants' Quarters15 Part 3 Chapter 2 Lizaveta16 Part 3 Chapter 3 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - in 17 Part 3 Chapter 4 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - In 18 Part 3 Chapter 5 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - "19 Part 3 Chapter 6 Smerdyakov20 Part 3 Chapter 7 The Controversy21 Part 3 Chapter 8 Over the Brandy22 Part 3 Chapter 9 The Sensualists23 Part 3 Chapter 10 Both Together24 Part 3 Chapter 11 Another Reputation Ruined25 Part 4 Chapter 1 Father Ferapont26 Part 4 Chapter 2 At His Father's27 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Meeting with the Schoolboys28 Part 4 Chapter 4 At the Hohlakovs'29 Part 4 Chapter 5 A Laceration in the Drawing-Room30 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Laceration in the Cottage31 Part 4 Chapter 7 And in the Open Air32 Part 5 Chapter 1 The Engagement33 Part 5 Chapter 2 Smerdyakov with a Guitar34 Part 5 Chapter 3 The Brothers Make Friends35 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Rebellion36 Part 5 Chapter 5 The Grand Inquisitor37 Part 5 Chapter 6 For Awhile a Very Obscure One38 Part 5 Chapter 7 "It's Always Worth While Speaking to a C39 Part 6 Chapter 1 Father Zossima and His Visitors40 Part 6 Chapter 241 Part 6 Chapter 342 Part 7 Chapter 1 The Breath of Corruption43 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Critical Moment44 Part 7 Chapter 3 An Onion45 Part 7 Chapter 4 Cana of Galilee46 Part 8 Chapter 1 Kuzma Samsonov47 Part 8 Chapter 2 Lyagavy48 Part 8 Chapter 3 Gold Mines49 Part 8 Chapter 4 In the Dark50 Part 8 Chapter 5 A Sudden Resolution51 Part 8 Chapter 6 "I Am Coming, Too!"52 Part 8 Chapter 7 The First and Rightful Lover53 Part 8 Chapter 8 Delirium54 Part 9 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Perhotin's Official Caree55 Part 9 Chapter 2 The Alarm56 Part 9 Chapter 3 The Sufferings of a Soul57 Part 9 Chapter 4 The Second Ordeal58 Part 9 Chapter 5 The Third Ordeal59 Part 9 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor Catches Mitya60 Part 9 Chapter 7 Mitya's Great Secret Received with Hisses61 Part 9 Chapter 8 The Evidences of the Witnesses. The Babe62 Part 9 Chapter 9 They Carry Mitya Away63 Part 10 Chapter 1 Kolya Krassotkin64 Part 10 Chapter 2 Children65 Part 10 Chapter 3 The Schoolboy66 Part 10 Chapter 4 The Lost Dog67 Part 10 Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside68 Part 10 Chapter 6 Precocity69 Part 10 Chapter 7 Ilusha70 Part 11 Chapter 1 At Grushenka's71 Part 11 Chapter 2 The Injured Foot72 Part 11 Chapter 3 A Little Demon73 Part 11 Chapter 4 A Hymn and a Secret74 Part 11 Chapter 5 Not You, Not You!75 Part 11 Chapter 6 The First Interview with Smerdyakov76 Part 11 Chapter 7 The Second Visit to Smerdyakov77 Part 11 Chapter 8 The Third and Last Interview with Smerdyako78 Part 11 Chapter 9 The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare79 Part 11 Chapter 10 "It Was He Who Said That"80 Part 12 Chapter 1 The Fatal Day81 Part 12 Chapter 2 Dangerous Witnesses82 Part 12 Chapter 3 The Medical Experts and a Pound of Nuts83 Part 12 Chapter 4 Fortune Smiles on Mitya84 Part 12 Chapter 5 A Sudden Catastrophe85 Part 12 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor's Speech. Sketches of Char86 Part 12 Chapter 7 An Historical Survey87 Part 12 Chapter 8 A Treatise on Smerdyakov88 Part 12 Chapter 9 The Galloping Troika. The End of the Prosec89 Part 12 Chapter 10 The Speech for the Defence. An Argument th90 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 There Was No Money. There Was No Robber91 Part 12 Chapter 12 And There Was No Murder Either92 Part 12 Chapter 13 A Corrupter of Thought93 Part 12 Chapter 14 The Peasants Stand Firm94 Epilogue 1 Plans for Mitya's Escape95 Epilogue 2 For a Moment the Lie Becomes Truth96 Epilogue 3 Ilusha's Funeral. The Speech at the Stone