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The Brothers Karamazov

Part 1 Chapter 4

Word Count: 3720    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

young man, Alyosha, was not a fanatic, and, in my opinion at least, was not even a mystic. I may as well give my full opinion from the beginning. He was simply an early lover of humanity, and th

th Alyosha had two more years to complete at the provincial gymnasium. The inconsolable widow went almost immediately after his death for a long visit to Italy with her whole family, which consisted only of women and girls. Alyosha went to live in the house of two distant relations of Yefim Petrovitch, ladies whom he had never seen before. On what terms she lived with them he did not know himself. It was very characteristic of him, indeed, that he never cared at whose expense he was living. In that respect he was a striking contrast to his elder brother Ivan, who struggled with poverty for his first two years in the university, maintained himself by his own efforts, and had from childhood been bitterly conscious of living at the expense of his benefactor. But this strange trait in Alyosha’s character must not, I think, criticised too severely, for at the slightest acquaintance with him anyone would have perceived that Alyosha was one of those youths, almost of the type of religious enthusiast, who, if they were suddenly to come into possession of a large fortune, would not hesitate to give it away for the asking, either for good works or perhaps to a clever rogue. In general he seemed scarcely to know the value of money, not, of course, in a literal sense. When he was given pocket-money, which he never asked for, he was either terribly careless of it so that it was gone in a moment, or he kept it for weeks together, not knowing what to do with it.In later years Pyotr Alexandrovitch Miusov, a man very sensitive on the score of money and bourgeois honesty, pronounced the following judgment, after getting to know Alyosha:“Here is perhaps the one man in the world whom you might leave alone without a penny, in the centre of an unknown town of a million inhabitants, and he would not come to harm, he would not die of cold and hunger, for he would be fed and sheltered at once; and if he were not, he would find a shelter for himself, and it would cost him no effort or humiliation. And to shelter him would be no burden, but, on the contrary, would probably be looked on as a pleasure.”He did not finish his studies at the gymnasium. A year before the end of the course he suddenly announced to the ladies that he was going to see his father about a plan which had occurred to him. They were sorry and unwilling to let him go. The journey was not an expensive one, and the ladies would not let him pawn his watch, a parting present from his benefactor’s family. They provided him liberally with money and even fitted him out with new clothes and linen. But he returned half the money they gave him, saying that he intended to go third class. On his arrival in the town he made no answer to his father’s first inquiry why he had come before completing his studies, and seemed, so they say, unusually thoughtful. It soon became apparent that he was looking for his mother’s tomb. He practically acknowledged at the time that that was the only object of his visit. But it can hardly have been the whole reason of it. It is more probable that he himself did not understand and could not explain what had suddenly arisen in his soul, and drawn him irresistibly into a new, unknown, but inevitable path. Fyodor Pavlovitch could not show him where his second wife was buried, for he had never visited her grave since he had thrown earth upon her coffin, and in the course of years had entirely forgotten where she was buried.Fyodor Pavlovitch, by the way, had for some time previously not been living in our town. Three or four years after his wife’s death he had gone to the south of Russia and finally turned up in Odessa, where he spent several years. He made the acquaintance at first, in his own words, “of a lot of low Jews, Jewesses, and Jewkins,” and ended by being received by “Jews high and low alike.” It may be presumed that at this period he developed a peculiar faculty for making and hoarding money. He finally returned to our town only three years before Alyosha’s arrival. His former acquaintances found him looking terribly aged, although he was by no means an old man. He behaved not exactly with more dignity but with more effrontery. The former buffoon showed an insolent propensity for making buffoons of others. His depravity with women was not as it used to be, but even more revolting. In a short time he opened a great number of new taverns in the district. It was evident that he had perhaps a hundred thousand roubles or not much less. Many of the inhabitants of the town and district were soon in his debt, and, of course, had given good security. Of late, too, he looked somehow bloated and seemed more irresponsible, more uneven, had sunk into a sort of incoherence, used to begin one thing and go on with another, as though he were letting himself go altogether. He was more and more frequently drunk. And, if it had not been for the same servant Grigory, who by that time had aged considerably too, and used to look after him sometimes almost like a tutor, Fyodor Pavlovitch might have got into terrible scrapes. Alyosha’s arrival seemed to affect even his moral side, as though something had awakened in this prematurely old man which had long been dead in his soul.“Do you know,” he used often to say, looking at Alyosha, “that you are like her, ‘the crazy woman’” — that was what he used to call his dead wife, Alyosha’s mother. Grigory it was who pointed out the “crazy woman’s” grave to Alyosha. He took him to our town cemetery and showed him in a remote corner a cast-iron tombstone, cheap but decently kept, on which were inscribed the name and age of the deceased and the date of her death, and below a four-lined verse, such as are commonly used on old-fashioned middle-class tombs. To Alyosha’s amazement this tomb turned out to be Grigory’s doing. He had put it up on the poor “crazy woman’s” grave at his own expense, after Fyodor Pavlovitch, whom he had often pestered about the grave, had gone to Odessa, abandoning the grave and all his memories. Alyosha showed no particular emotion at the sight of his mother’s grave. He only listened to Grigory’s minute and solemn account of the erection of the tomb; he stood with bowed head and walked away without uttering a word. It was perhaps a year before he visited the cemetery again. But this little episode was not without an influence upon Fyodor Pavlo

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1 Part 1 Chapter 12 Part 1 Chapter 23 Part 1 Chapter 34 Part 1 Chapter 45 Part 1 Chapter 56 Part 2 Chapter 17 Part 2 Chapter 28 Part 2 Chapter 39 Part 2 Chapter 4 A Lady of Little Faith10 Part 2 Chapter 5 So Be It! So Be It!11 Part 2 Chapter 6 Why Is Such a Man Alive12 Part 2 Chapter 7 A Young Man Bent on a Career13 Part 2 Chapter 8 The Scandalous Scene14 Part 3 Chapter 1 In the Servants' Quarters15 Part 3 Chapter 2 Lizaveta16 Part 3 Chapter 3 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - in 17 Part 3 Chapter 4 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - In 18 Part 3 Chapter 5 The Confession of a Passionate Heart - "19 Part 3 Chapter 6 Smerdyakov20 Part 3 Chapter 7 The Controversy21 Part 3 Chapter 8 Over the Brandy22 Part 3 Chapter 9 The Sensualists23 Part 3 Chapter 10 Both Together24 Part 3 Chapter 11 Another Reputation Ruined25 Part 4 Chapter 1 Father Ferapont26 Part 4 Chapter 2 At His Father's27 Part 4 Chapter 3 A Meeting with the Schoolboys28 Part 4 Chapter 4 At the Hohlakovs'29 Part 4 Chapter 5 A Laceration in the Drawing-Room30 Part 5 Chapter 6 A Laceration in the Cottage31 Part 4 Chapter 7 And in the Open Air32 Part 5 Chapter 1 The Engagement33 Part 5 Chapter 2 Smerdyakov with a Guitar34 Part 5 Chapter 3 The Brothers Make Friends35 Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Rebellion36 Part 5 Chapter 5 The Grand Inquisitor37 Part 5 Chapter 6 For Awhile a Very Obscure One38 Part 5 Chapter 7 "It's Always Worth While Speaking to a C39 Part 6 Chapter 1 Father Zossima and His Visitors40 Part 6 Chapter 241 Part 6 Chapter 342 Part 7 Chapter 1 The Breath of Corruption43 Part 7 Chapter 2 A Critical Moment44 Part 7 Chapter 3 An Onion45 Part 7 Chapter 4 Cana of Galilee46 Part 8 Chapter 1 Kuzma Samsonov47 Part 8 Chapter 2 Lyagavy48 Part 8 Chapter 3 Gold Mines49 Part 8 Chapter 4 In the Dark50 Part 8 Chapter 5 A Sudden Resolution51 Part 8 Chapter 6 "I Am Coming, Too!"52 Part 8 Chapter 7 The First and Rightful Lover53 Part 8 Chapter 8 Delirium54 Part 9 Chapter 1 The Beginning of Perhotin's Official Caree55 Part 9 Chapter 2 The Alarm56 Part 9 Chapter 3 The Sufferings of a Soul57 Part 9 Chapter 4 The Second Ordeal58 Part 9 Chapter 5 The Third Ordeal59 Part 9 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor Catches Mitya60 Part 9 Chapter 7 Mitya's Great Secret Received with Hisses61 Part 9 Chapter 8 The Evidences of the Witnesses. The Babe62 Part 9 Chapter 9 They Carry Mitya Away63 Part 10 Chapter 1 Kolya Krassotkin64 Part 10 Chapter 2 Children65 Part 10 Chapter 3 The Schoolboy66 Part 10 Chapter 4 The Lost Dog67 Part 10 Chapter 5 By Ilusha's Bedside68 Part 10 Chapter 6 Precocity69 Part 10 Chapter 7 Ilusha70 Part 11 Chapter 1 At Grushenka's71 Part 11 Chapter 2 The Injured Foot72 Part 11 Chapter 3 A Little Demon73 Part 11 Chapter 4 A Hymn and a Secret74 Part 11 Chapter 5 Not You, Not You!75 Part 11 Chapter 6 The First Interview with Smerdyakov76 Part 11 Chapter 7 The Second Visit to Smerdyakov77 Part 11 Chapter 8 The Third and Last Interview with Smerdyako78 Part 11 Chapter 9 The Devil. Ivan's Nightmare79 Part 11 Chapter 10 "It Was He Who Said That"80 Part 12 Chapter 1 The Fatal Day81 Part 12 Chapter 2 Dangerous Witnesses82 Part 12 Chapter 3 The Medical Experts and a Pound of Nuts83 Part 12 Chapter 4 Fortune Smiles on Mitya84 Part 12 Chapter 5 A Sudden Catastrophe85 Part 12 Chapter 6 The Prosecutor's Speech. Sketches of Char86 Part 12 Chapter 7 An Historical Survey87 Part 12 Chapter 8 A Treatise on Smerdyakov88 Part 12 Chapter 9 The Galloping Troika. The End of the Prosec89 Part 12 Chapter 10 The Speech for the Defence. An Argument th90 Chapter 12 Chapter 11 There Was No Money. There Was No Robber91 Part 12 Chapter 12 And There Was No Murder Either92 Part 12 Chapter 13 A Corrupter of Thought93 Part 12 Chapter 14 The Peasants Stand Firm94 Epilogue 1 Plans for Mitya's Escape95 Epilogue 2 For a Moment the Lie Becomes Truth96 Epilogue 3 Ilusha's Funeral. The Speech at the Stone