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Bobby Blake at Rockledge School; or, Winning the Medal of Honor


Word Count: 1467    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

go home that way," sai

e tragic instead of comic. Fred could not walk back to Cl

p Plunkit," repeated Fred Ma

e don'

us and found my clothes, and ran away with them

obby, suddenly, staring up into


stockings-shoes, anyway,"

omised a full crop of nuts in the fall, for the

limbed to the very tip-top of the chestnut and hun

viction. "He climbs trees like a monkey. You see how long

up there, too," said Bobby, g

. "How'll we get them, Bob? I-I

is friend. "But wait till I

aimed Fred, suddenly, "or you won

no sign of Applethwaite Plunkit about-or of any other marauder. Just the same, when Bobby was

ckly burrs that had dropped into the crotches of the limbs, and, drying, had become quite stif

s swiftly as he could. Both boys at once sat down and put on this part of their ap

ething to him yet," he declared. "I'll have

them? We didn't see him,


use and tell his mother. We know he did this, even if

im mad," declared Fred.

him. He just was

trick to steal a

it that way and make App

o the house with only thes

t help grinning a littl

Fred, "and have to go home this way, my

ood club. That dog,

p, I'll be likely to use it on

at the moment. It seemed to relieve Fred to threaten the a

creek. Fred was feeling so badly that he did not pick more

the pasture, then they climbed a tight fence and entered a big cornfield. The corn was taller than their heads and there

in his corn, he'll be

use, and we've got to try and get

the farmhouse, the more Fred lagged. But suddenly, in the


with you? I thoug

See yonder

a scarecrow

take them. I'm not going up to that house wit

for anything to rob a scarecrow. But Fred was pushin

another yell-this ti

y-yow! I

anded Bobby, hurry

the mean thing! Look here!" and he snatche

ike your cap, Fre

it is

ust the stripe

Ap Plunkit yet-you see if I don't. There's the old ragged things this scarecrow wo

. They were all here. Bobby kept away from him, and laughed silently to himself

not go to the farmhouse

ted Fred, very sour.

t," agree

s. I'm going to get square," Fred kept muttering, as they struck r

ils to leap into the road they w

t you doin' in

aite, the white-headed boy. He sat on the top ra

Fred Martin, and before Bobby could st

Fred seized the latter by the ankles

fix you!" shou

im go. Ap fell backward off the fence into the

he did not seem to be so badly hurt. He searched around for a stone, found it, a

poised it to fling at his enemy. Bobby threw h

that, Fred!"

m? He flung one at me,"

him and do him harm. Suppose you put his eye out-o

ed Fred, and thr

ged Bobby, hurrying his chum along the road towar

h me, Bob," declar

'd let me," murm

ircumstances could arise that would m

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