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Bobby Blake at Rockledge School; or, Winning the Medal of Honor


Word Count: 2035    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and Fred had been able to get only a bite of luncheon from t

e change it soon became very hard along Hurley Street to obtain pennies at all. All th

Farmers' Banks had closed their doors for the day. The storekeepers then began running around to borrow coppe

venture of Bobby Blake and

rowd eying him while he delivered his talk. The crowd before the rostrum laughed as us

forward to enter the show. Bobby had hoped he would not ven

hwaite," he said, decide

y n

t into the flushed face of the boy who had treated him an

just as good as

in the tent where the red head was, there would be an explosion! Besides, he did not t

any grown folk around for him to dare attack Bobby. "Y

ys who were pretty rough looking, he was worried. These boys stood across the street from the show and Bobb

biggest clerk in his father's store. The clerks were interested in the two young s

elp, if the boys whistled for assistance. This plan quieted Bobby's fears, and he g

retty red when he saw him, for Mr. Priestly was the minister at the church

he had the biggest Boys' Club in town. Bobby and Fred were particular friends of the youn

ed to Bobby's speech, and his blue eyes twinkled. He was the first t

y?" he asked, as he presented h

tatingly, yet with an answering smile. "You shall see tw

e red-haired one, co

ce. "I want you to show him the strongest man i

, eh?" and he pinched Bobby's cheek as he went int

it," chuckled Fred, going before hi

its light shone best was a narrow red curtain. Fred became preternaturally solemn

, "the Strongest Man in the World-and as

y saw his own reflection in a long mirror t

he minister, nodding. "An

at he sees," returned Fred, chuckling

himself to ask for the return of his penny. I-I am not altogether sure that this doesn't smack of a swindle; but it certainly is

ow that comes in is better satisfied

had kept up all day was the wonder of it. The

"Say," he said to Bobby. "You boys must have cornered all the pennies in town. I

llar's worth all you want? I'll send th

orth," returned Mr.

xt oldest sister," who was on the fringe of the

ptly and did not stir. "Call me by my prope

lizabeth Martin, will you please count some of these pennie

did not like to be called aft

piles of thirty, rolled them up that way, carried six of the ro

ty counted a dollars' worth out for him-at t

tent. "We get them coming and going, don't we? T

fter supper, and the boys were tired, too. They had not eaten a

room of the grocery to count the receipts. The amount was far bey

p the bright ideas, chum

iestly thought it was just right?" he murmured.

e fooled if they didn't want to. And even Prissy

and other things they craved. They packed their trunks two or three times over. They carried the boo

lake, helplessly. "What possible good can they be? I d

can tell when he'll want a pin-or a nail-or a button-or something.

re greatly interested in what they termed Bobby's and Fred's "luck." They all h

ngs upside down there," said "Sc

kly. "Dr. Raymond is awfully strict, th

alk-line," scoffed another of the fel

s son a long talk, and Fred went to bed feeling pretty solemn. For the first time, he began to real

derick," said Mr. Martin, sternly; "but I do not believe that is because you ar

ention is your failing. You are going where they make boys attend. And if you do n

school where you'll have very little fun at all for the

e a poor man's son, and go to the public school the other h

xt morning. "Father doesn't often scold, but he was

arted from his mother, he had to swallow a big lump in his throat, and he hugged her around the n

nt porch to bid their brother and Bobby good-by.

"That's what they do w

where the shoe had landed. "And, anyway, no girl's got a right to shut her eyes t

huckled Bobby. "It's lucky

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