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Bobby Blake at Rockledge School; or, Winning the Medal of Honor


Word Count: 1816    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ogether and grinning over the fen

at tree-you!" excla

so?" dem


Master Fred, in a most tantali

but he wasn't an albino, for albinoes have pink-rimmed eyes. His eyes were very stran

rown one. But Ap Plunkit had one eye that was of a sickly brown color, while the other was

other boys plagued him, and that had sour

d-headed monkey!" he shouted,

d your dog can't get me; not unless he can

e and knock you out

it," responded Fred, s

tarted for the hole in the fence. "

ine playmate for any boy, if he had not been trained to be ugly with all stranger

shouted Fred. "

obby Blake. "And you had better

d the farm boy. "My father says

and your father doesn't own this cre

ross our land to get

ating an apple. He threw the core at the dog and hit him on the nose. R

kicking up his heels excitedly. "Didn't ge

," ordered Bobby.

There was a heavy club of hard wo

that tree or Rove will eat

belong to you any more than they do to us," said Bo

the tree-trunk to get there, and t

jumped up and grabbed a limb, and pulled myself up. Have

t, Fred!" called

to the dog," said Fred, th

, and you stop pelting my dog!"

onded Fred, biting

anyway!" exclaimed Ap, who ha

e caught the latter so unexpectedly that he

hrieked Ap. "Bite

red-haired boy in the tree.

boys. Perhaps he was looking for a chance to bit

cked as he had been, he struggled manfully to escape the bigger boy. He

the hat. That was one of the dog's accomplishments. He was a Newfou

idently considered that, after all, his master and Bobby w

dog into the water, he twisted in Ap's grasp,

You're hurtin' me-you're k

o his favorite battle-cry, and he dropped f

wling farm-boy at once. "Come on, Fr

Fred, in disgust. "Let's duck him! L

e going to get out while we have the chance. I only trippe

. "I didn't get as ma

You come on,"

bled the red-haired boy. "Anyway," he added, picking up the cl

through the bushes. The dog had come ashore, and it and Ap Plunkit were quickly ou

e same," he declared. "Why didn't you

into a fight. You keep that up when you get to Rockle

o be in cold water right now. The s

t once-you know we

demanded Fr

thers we wouldn't go in but

take off our clothes and put on our sw

exclaimed Bobby. "And you wouldn't do it. Besides," he added, grinning

g fierce! No. I won't do that again. That's the day we built the raft

o home. That'll clean us up, and make us feel fresh. There's that old stump again, Fred. I

many square meals this summer, don't you know? It'll take a fancy fly, like th

d Bobby, who could be o

lared Fred. "I'll try off that rock yonder.

t fishing. No need to carry them back and forth to their homes in C

said Bobby, when Fred

ty, said yesterday morning? You know it rained the night before and th

p a worm, swallowed it, and flew right up into a

s; how can he sing that way when he'

going to drop this nice fellow right down besid

ied it again and again. He changed his bait and dropped a fresh

rom his station on the rock, a few yar

n't see any medals on you. Y

Fred, swiftly, and holding h

, wriggling, silver fish, about a finger long, shot into the air. But Fred had not been c

nd likely scared my t

were caught around a branch. The shiner dropped off the hook and rested in a crotch of

again until, stepping too far back, and pulling too hard, the line chanced to give a fo

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