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Bobby Blake at Rockledge School; or, Winning the Medal of Honor


Word Count: 2775    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d banners upon the front of the show tent. As to their beauty, there might have been some qu

painted stretched across the width


tement, in no less emphatic l


est Man in

est Woman i

est Girl i

est Boy i

st at once-even before breakfast. The early comers were mostly

used to answer any of the questions, or respon

in that tent. And where'd you get them? Huh! 'Strongest man in the world.' Who's that? Sa

st pictures!" agreed

late!-as silent as his chum. They had agreed

rather better informed than most of his mates. "Cleopatra, maybe! And she wa

demanded one of the bigger girls who went to school with the chums, her

an do so by paying your penny

the young lady-and at once went home an

ere for the smartest boy, Reddy Martin!" suggested one o

if it lay between you and me who was the sm

tore. Fred's father was greatly amused by the signs in front of the tent

to begin till there's a crowd on the street. We'll pass them right into the store here, and I bet

w. Mr. Blake, without being in the secret of the show itself, had written the

artins' attic. On his head he perched an old silk hat belonging to his father, with the

ent at about nine o'clock. His ridiculous figure and the noise of the drumming soon collected twenty or thir

s face, began his speech which he had learned by heart, and spoke a

d Fr

racting money from your pockets and putting it into ours. We make this f

itable institution nor is it for the

son unable to appreciate a joke on himself, or herself, is respectfully

s of the World, have four such marvelous creat

t at a time, and but one of these advertised marvels will be exhib

it is but a penny-a cent-the smallest coin of the r

this Museum of Marvels, agrees to keep silent regarding what is shown within, for a

's worth is given in exchange for the entran

e right, please. Have your pennies ready; we cannot make change. Doctor Truman is the first to enter the Hall of Marvels. Thank you, Doctor

And Fred might have lost hope had he been outside where he could see th

ome of the suspicious ones back. The doctor appeared at the store door, his

old farmer. "What's them 'ta

Doctor Truman, hurrying away. "If a laugh like

ture of the first visitor by way of th

e all day and this evening-or until everybody desiring t

tor. He didn't laugh, but the curious ones hear

s favorite expression, and he came out of the f

m?" asked the sa

riskin' a penny to find out just how smart our boys here in Cl

pened her wit on Bobby before the exhibition opene

rinning at her, "if you think you'll want it again for a

inute Fred blew his whistle and Susie, with flamin

sie?" demanded o

r the handsome lady, or the pretty g

tting the curious old farmer pass into the tent, and then she ran

e was chewing a straw vigorously, and his face was flushed.

git your money's wuth?" dem

ned on the speaker, and gradua

s frightfully neglected. You pay that there boy a cent and go in there, and you'l

ame out his face was red likewise, while Jake burst into a mighty roar of laug

fter, for an hour, the two stood about and urged everybod

is voice in the speech Mr. Blake had written for him. It coaxed the people

keep it to yourself and let the next one find it out. Come on! Have your pennies

hemselves "what that Blake boy was up to now." But the girl who worked in Mr. Ballard's real estat

rked in the offices and stores along Hurley Street, were attracted to the show

o a neighbor, as they passed the peep-show

ather vinegary maiden lady named Miss Prissy Craven.

s. Pepper. "And I must say for Bobby that he's never in any mischief. He'

imed the other

" declared Mrs. Pepper, fumbl

ther sternly. To tell the truth, for t

etter not go in, Mrs

a lady to see?" demanded sh

-but-Well, anyway, you mustn't tell, and you can

worried about the loss of a penny," and she

get her breath. Miss Prissy Craven demanded, sharply: "What under the sun is the matter with you, Mis' Pepper? I nev

pper. "You go in yourself, Prissy, and se

. "But lemme tell you," she added to Bobby, "if it's any

he had to grin. The lady who was laughing nodded

ced through the store and deman

a-way, Mis' Pepper? I never was so disg

you didn't like it," suggested


one, with emphasis. Miss Craven's mouth remained open for fully half a minute, but no sound came forth. The blood mount

ver. So far every person seeing the show had "played fair" and ha

for nothing. That had been agreed upon with Fred, for the proprietors of the entertainment were afraid that the little

those people who had business on Hurley Street came to see the show, and to listen to

oung hopefuls were about. Bobby was just a little bit scared when he saw his mother; he didn't know whether she wo

g," he had said to Mr. Martin. "And they have hit on a positive human faili

ake?" asked Mrs. Blake, seriously, when the boy's lectu

sure not to let you in unless you paid. And I am sure, Mother, that you will

uzzled, Bobby Blake," sai

ut one person is allowed to enter at a time. This way! this way, kind friends! The line forms on the

rd outside of Mr. Martin's store. They lo

boys?" demanded Mrs. Marti

sigh. "But I do fear that they will turn that

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