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Dorothy on a Ranch


Word Count: 4320    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ngers in the hotel lobby grew amused at Leslie's

whole long summer! I must go, I must find her, I shall-I will!" cried poor Dorothy, her own words increasing her fear of this calamity, and with a sudden burst

staggered backward from the impact, then quietly put h

lo! What's wrong? Did I hurt you?

to Dorothy it was a case

dreadful trouble. Do you know-do you?-whe

, I kno

The cabman-we haven't any money-it

s, which she had clasped imploringly be

h one angry glance around the lobby and at the now obsequious clerk, he wheeled about, strode to the cab, opened the door and lifted Doro

worth your while. Straight ahead, five blo

within the carriage the three young folks sat in anxiety, Dorothy leaning

coming summer. Then almost before the cab was halted before a big hotel he had opened its door again and taking the hands of t

el Ford a

rbed. I'll send to inquire-step into the reception room please

arby of the Metropole. These young

suing from his private room, vexed and anxious a

le of it? Mrs. Calvert's fretting so she can't eat her dinner and-in with y

her person and Dorothy drew back in fear. But

slie vainly tried to explain: "A gentleman, a stranger, brought u

s rapid stride along the corridor, fairly dragging Dorothy off her feet in his unconsciou

some lessons up at San Leon, this summer, or I'm a mista

ce during the brief space that remained to them together, and she hastened to delive

eat. Her eye had discovered a clock on the wall, with the hands pointing five minutes to three. At ten minutes past that hour the "Easter

you! I-I love you best of all the wor

w them to fall. Unclasping her darling's arms and gently laying them down

followed and Aun

and don't let Dolly follow me, please, till it's too late. She'll be all righ

sened her arms. She was bravely trying to overcome the sudden lone

your soup plate! Are you crazy? There

of her own awkwardness and she looked down expecting a reprimand from Mrs. Calvert. When none came she lifted her eyes and found the next chair empty. Thi

e back to say good-by. Then she picked at her food for a moment, wondering why Mr. Ford had also dis

sk them about the adventure which had delayed them. Presently they were all talking toget

of Leslie who, for once, was angry against

r, and the proprietor of a rival hotel, pay our cab fare! I wish you

er complaints by a nod of h

'll not delay us, too, as you did. Money? No, dear, I can't give you that. Not in this case when your fat

upon the face of Dorothy. The girl had sprung up from her chair and had fixed her own gaze upon the time-piece while the co

ful woman and thinks of everything that will make people happier. She said she'd just postpone the farewel

the genial tones of Mr. Ford mingling with them, and presently the portieres were parted and the

hed Dolly, rubbing her eyes that had been so dimmed by tears, and gazi

nd down in her excitement, "hail-fellow-well-met" with them all, forgetful for once of

im! How's Ma Babcock? How's Pa? How's every single one the precious folks up-mounting? Oh! I could just squeeze the life out of you, I'm so ter

reddening yet laughing, and casting an appealing look upon the lady w

hyness rather than have that beautiful lady think he was a "softie" who liked kissing girls. Also, he was than

delighted that you were able to take your holiday with us; and though we are not there yet, I bid you hearty welcome

" demanded pretty Molly, hugging her friend, then standing back to hold her at arm's l

tender arms, and Molly reluctantly released Dorothy, while

boy! I've heard this little lady spoken of as 'Jolly Molly,' and you must make it your business that not

young strangers a complete surprise to him; but he was trained to good manners and at once captiv

y handsome boy, with his blue eyes and-and his

ly laughed

hange a bit! Still 'doting on boy

and said he had no time to waste visiting. He'd got to learn the business soon as he could

l me how in the world you happ

and Dorothy's eyes now free from tears. Indeed, so surprising was this

that we're to be together all summer long, at least for three whole months. Think of that, girlie, just think of that! He wrote Papa, too, that he'd have liked to gather the whole 'House Party' together if it had been practical, but his wife didn't think it would. I reckon she knew she'd have her hands full enough, chaperoning ei

oney. He's a

nd Jim were the real chaperons of our trip, though Helena's governess, Miss Milliken, was called such. But she's a stick! I had the time of my

see Miss Mill

station and carried her off to dine with them. I wish she'd get be

have so little snap that Herbert nic

h! there she is now! You can't lose that woman! Mrs. Montaigne told her that 'the lives of her precious children

able and they were invited to their seats. The zeal with which they accepted and the fine appeti

rst, chatter afterwards! The wagons will be at the door very

all too excited for quiet, and presently rose from

shall divide. First, count noses! Eight youngsters, three oldsters, two 'boys'-t

rs. Ford, appeared not to hear the gentleman's quest

r there were 'thi

ss Milli

llow you later if there were some way but I positi

s, whose lips had closed in such a thin line of obstinacy as changed h

Miss Milliken? Surely,

ed with an ai

your common sense. Remember we are guests

but kept silence, ti

ossibly more men picked up along the road. Moreover, thirteen is my 'lucky nu

s yet, and the best way is to draw lots.

hole ones go in number one, the next lengths in wagon two, and the little ones in the last.

beside the driver; and it fell out that her companions would be Alfaretta and Monty Stark. The driver was

eir colored "boy," with Molly, Helena and Herbert-their driver, Lem Hunt,

rival from the east. He was less familiar with the country than the other two teamsters and had been assigned to the pla

Ford protesting that it was inhospitable to put all her family in one

y, "and let one of the girls sett

ked his head, avoiding an imaginary blow,

at! 'Twould be the very worst luck of

e, by rail, but that's too humdrum a thing. Anyhow, I bow to Miss Milliken's prejudices for the time being. We shall be in sight of each other all the time, I expect, and meet at Roderi

hand. These were hastily bestowed in the boxes of the two less crowded buckboards, and no attention paid to thei

er his four-in-hand, proud Lemuel led the way along the cit

San Leon stables, with a record known as well in the far east as in t

e 'n he will a second-class railroad. My! See 'em travel! At that gait they'll pick

dle buckboard. Them blacks. The boys up to S' Leon hadn't no right to trust a tenderfoot to drive them c

d toward "T. Sorrel," who merely tossed his red head and continued to draw upon the reins he s

fool! Give 'em t

y women" and felt his fate a hard one in having to escort such a one as the governess. She, accustomed only to the sedate pace of the fat Montaigne steeds, felt that the spirited animals befor

p-and let me get my breath! I-

her fingers off as he would a trouble

Why, they call this mere walkin'

il end of the procession with stupid Alfaretta Babcock, a speechless man, and a nervous, half-hysterical woman for companions. But the chuckle that escaped him a moment later proved that his slumber was only a pretended one. At a parti

the distance which she had been studying for some time. Th

ul dark yet but I wish-I wish I could get a glimpse of Dolly and Jim. That fo

reply. His business was to drive his own horses and let the tenderfoo

t a trail through the woods. Dark as midnight. Don

, by daylight and with a trustworthy mount. Not otherwise; and though the opening was fairly clear the trail entered a hopeless tangle of underbrush and fallen timber but a short way further on. To go forward then became impossible, and equally so the turning

ctions, then settled into a broken heap, while the light traces yielded

t dusk his trained eye had noted fresh wheel and hoof prints. But it was not his business to stop and investigate. He

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