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Dorothy on a Ranch


Word Count: 3893    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

oped to the valley of the Mismit, utilized for the sheep farming; and across the river, or run, rose grassy fields, climbing one above another till they ended in rocky,

unt. For once he had attentive listeners. There was no fellow ranchmen to ridicule his oft-told tales, but

dently, for old Lem, there existed but one m

like him. The Boss, he never brags of his doin's, that's why I have to do it for him. Well, Ma'am, I can't help sayin' 'twas a d

ad been a recent one and was amazed now to learn it had been owned by Mr. Ford for several years. Not as it then was, for no improvements had been made to the home-piece till a

uel. I'm anxi

rt, arms folded, an old sombrero pushed back on his head, a riding crop in hand, and an air of a king. Was he not a free-born American citizen, as good as could be found in all the country? Lemuel adored his "Boss" but he

' chock full o' silver an' he'd wheedled the rest to takin' his word for it. Silver? Not on your life. The sheriffs got after him. He hadn't a friend in the world. He lit out a-foot and got as far as Denver city an' aboard a train. Leastwise, under a baggage car, stealin' a ride. Course he got hurt. Happened the Boss, he was on hand. He's a way of bein' when other folks is in trouble. Heard

-but to do anything needed. The's always somebody gettin' broke, legs, an' arms, and such. But as for gineral sickness, why there ain't never been none

hat. Used to belong to a crack comp'ny out home and was one the picked men to shoot at Seagirt, New Jarsey. The National Rifle Range, Ma'am, as maybe you know. I've scored highest, mor

of seven pairs of eyes. Only Jim Barlow's blue orbs were missing; but, of course, that nurse or do

l wild to do-learn to handle a rifle. B

ight escape. The knowledge had almost miraculously been kept from Lemuel and by the master's express o

e "Boss," who understanding the shy nature of the truant and knowing how he would dislike to be talked about, had instituted a quiet but thorough search. Only the trustiest men had been set upon this search, Mr. For

laims he'd rather have had a clean, sharp break to mend than all those bruised and torn ligaments. However, don't you worry. This party is going to be a success-don't doubt. Sorry to leave you with seven young folks on your hands-a little worl

e injured Jim before beginning their lessons in shooting, L

boys' quarters first hand. That's a part o' my business, anyway. Makes 'em mad, sometimes, but it's for their good. Nothin' like the army for trainin' folks right, an' so I tell 'em. Get jawed for it a prett

se. Then, the girls laughed and marched, Herbert gallantly escorting Mrs. Ford, as the

cs.' Once a day, anyhow. I'll get Dad to furnish the uniforms and it'll be

ing to Lemuel's talk. This West Point ambition of her son's was a sore subject wi

exam., and the book one-eith

ut. It's a terrible fine thing, though, if a body could. Why, up-mounting, we can hear the bands playin', guns firin', and Dolly there, she's seen 'em drill. Seen the battery-drill, she called it, and didn't guess

he present inspection of San Leon; and encouraged by this Alfaretta made Dolly tell ho

Lemuel had named the long building of the workmen, while the story was told. Lemuel and Leslie were the most

ow us around, and Aunt Be

tia, Tom's mother,

. You can do it bet

he darling cadets were all in their white uniforms, fresh as daisies. Do you know those poor lambs have to change their white suits e

athy with the afflicted young soldie

s come out of that. Whatever else they have their own people give them. But, anyway, it was just lovely. If I were a boy

impatient Leslie, while Lemuel nodded his head in satisfaction. Talk of sold

l, there isn't

n elegant lunch. Cold chicken and sardines and sandwiches and early peaches-the nicest we could get, and Tom's 'leave' gave him a chance to eat it with us. We asked him where we could and he thought a minute, then said in the church. Aunty Lu thought that was dreadful,

other good reasons, including his utter want of fitness in the matter of book learning-had prevented the realization of this fine dream. His fa

rested face and she would gladly have postponed the recital; for, even more than the disgruntled Monty, she disliked the very name of West Poi

oor and peeped in, to see a famous painting over the chancel, but finding us there went

ory!" cried Herbert, who was so familiar with W

e mocking face and her

y, course, after so early a breakfast, and the sail down, and all; but Tom was simply ravenous. He was so hungry he took away our own appetites, just watching. When he'd eate

cket, that fitted him as if he'd been melted into it, and began to pad himself out with the leavings. Cake and chickens, pickles and sardines, boiled eggs and fruit-you never saw such a mess! And the way he packed it in, so as to keep an even sort of front, was a caution. You know the poor dears have no pockets

t. If 't wasn't for that you'd be just splendid, and they don't seem to mind-much-anyway," remarked Alfaretta, beaming upon pretty

ance into all the boyish faces turned toward her and on every one she saw a sim

back to the house by the time James Barlow is ready to see us. I suppose the

nted to put aside the unfortunate subject of West Point. To her surprise, instead of lightening, the la

ar me, Dorothy Doodles?" demanded Leslie, catching her hand and swinging it lightly as he led her forward into

you get there-when you get there-I'll come, and you shall have the finest dinne

es the old soldier make the men keep such order, I wonder! Lem

t out in the cold." The "soldiers" were jolly company for themselves and none at all for any outsider who refused to obey the unwritten laws which honest old Lem had laid do

elonged to Silent Pete, just then engaged breaking to harness a spirited colt, exercising it around and around the smooth driveways of the "home piece." He was not so far away that he could not perfectly see what was going on at th

the whole appearance of things that, after one hasty test with the handkerchief, he withdrew carrying the company with him. Yet, before leaving, he had drawn a piece of chalk from the band of his sombrero and

h amusement at this odd old ranchman'

ith it? What right has h

eon, was as much in the dark as any o

o handle the 'irons.' He's rippin', Lem is. But come on. He's getting away from us. I wish poor old Jim was here. It's a pity anybody has to be sick in such a place as this. I tell you, boys, I was never so proud of Dad as I am now, when I look around and see what a ranch he's got-earn

passed from room to room, Lady Gray and the girls going forward in Lemue

to her room to write letters, immediately after breakfast, but I see

way, but return

some books she wants to send for, when the mail-bag is sent out. Do you know where he is? Or father? 'Tisn't half-fun, this inspection

sed since Mr. Ford had ridden away, with a couple of men attending him. All the other men not absolutely required to look after the place had been despatched to search on foot. Their long-d

God, no tragedy marks t

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