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Dorothy on a Ranch

Dorothy on a Ranch



Word Count: 3576    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and his guests within it were the happy people whom, some readers may remember, we l

thus far had been l

n 'most everything, in her long life, never travelled 'private coaching' this way before. I hate to think it's over, that I'll have to say good-by to her so soon. Seems if I ought not. Seem

trap she was fastening about a curious assor

l that prop'ty that got itself into trouble to look after, and she's got them ladies, her old friends, that's been in San Diego all winter, to go home to New York with her. You better stop frettin' and lookin' out o' winder, and pick up your things. You've lots more 'n I have and that

ims and, at the various stops along the way, they had purchased all sorts of things, from baskets to blankets, horned toads on cards, centipedes in vials of alcohol, Indian dolls and pottery, and other "trash," as Aunt Betty conside

w I haven't got a cent, hardly, and I'd ha' been better off if I hadn't a had them! There! that paper's busted again! Does beat the Dutch

ce, after his own bit of packing. "This old musket that that man in uniform assured me had belonged to General Custer-Dad sa

up from her o

he let you b

hat's the way he likes to

icked to waste money. One ought on

at a basketful of things Dorothy was vainly trying to make look a tidy bundle. She had to join in

tion, are you, youngsters? How much o

" said Alfare

' I'll give you just five minutes to select whatever you really wish to keep, five minutes more to stow them compactly for our long buckboard-drive, an

he most of their "things" in a pile in the center of the car. The rest was quickly strapped in the beautiful Navajo blankets which Mrs. Ford, or the "Gray Lady"-as they best loved to call her, had purchased and gi

ruction; and into the baskets were tossed or tumbled the odd collection, ever

to his head!" cried Leslie, as Alfaretta

d as he looks! The horrid leg-gy thing! How in the world did I ever fancy it? Tak

cles. Then he shouldered his baskets and left the car, Mr. Ford following, with the three young people trailing after him. At the door Alfaretta turned and rapidly

ve had in this 'Erminie,' and I never expect to ag

do. But our worst good-by is to come when Aunt Betty sta

en she had learned that Mrs. Calvert was her own kin she had loved the lady with all her heart and had, during the past winter of Aunt Betty's lameness, felt that she mus

is the youngest-h

his wife and son away for a little time; but they had soon returned to El Paraiso, that charming home in the southwestern city

d everyone, to enjoy it with me. My wife, Erminie, claims it her turn to play hostess, so we'll all become cowboys and co

obody noticed that Aunt Betty was silent. Then, when Dorothy observed thi

amiss. Indeed, I don't know yet where I may have to be during the warm weather and I'm delighted for my little girl, and for Alfaretta, to have such a fine chance. I fancy you'll all come east in the autumn, as

s his turn

est of their days. The only proviso is that Father Nicholas shall admit none who hasn't reached the age of discretion-say, eighty-odd years, or so! Nor shall any of his charges be compelled to tame wild beasts and sell them for a livelihood. The good old priest is ready to take possession as soon as we vacate and will put everything into what Alfy calls 'apple-

d care that no shadow of a coming separation should darken her beloved Dorothy's wonderful trip in a private car. Just here we may recall to the readers' at

over the long and delightful road to the distant Rockies: while Mrs. Calvert, her black "boy," Ephraim, and some women friends were to speed eastward by the fleetest "limited" express. One more short hour together, in a hotel dining-room, and

s 'come-uppance' when he got hurt. Dad was so astonished when he heard about that, he said the man ought to be 'framed and put on exhibition, as the only case of his kind on record.' Then he suggested this way of earning his living. He has the 'boys' keep him fixed up in a little sort of stand just yonder and they see to it that his stock never fails. The cripple's as proud as Punch. Boasts that any honest man can do well in Am

pped short

and now will buy it over again just to thr

he boys have is to get folks enough to buy the things for them. When they see a likely lookin' tourist edging around the stand they use him, if they can. If they can't

ht up as Mr. Ford appeared before

yourself and see how you like it!" With this attempt at facetiousness, the seller of n


a reduction-school-ma'am-racket that nigh cleaned me out. See that your man Jed here has got a heap m

now they'll be grateful if you'll take them off their hands. Maybe you can make something from them, maybe not. In any cas

and was pressing it warmly, while the two looked into one another's eyes with mutual respect an

e's boast of the cripple's independence; and there did a

now. If you can't

so I will. Thank God there's always somebody poorer than me! Good-by, and good luck, Bos

son to be glad, Andy

, the young folks trying to equal hi

ean by sellin' things to 'Cookies'

ughed and

ose the 'racket' was a cheap excursion the school-ma'ams were taking. Odd, isn't it? That though all Andy's trouble came from the railroad he claims to belong to it as o

oo," said Alfy

as long as his money held out. Then he stole the ride that

s purse but in his most lordly air, Leslie hailed a cab to carry them to the hotel he knew was that

ng ladies" out of the cab, but the hackman laid a de

s, pl

s, you find Mr. Ford and ask him to step here. It'll be all righ

but the cabman retained his hold

ay your Mr. Ford but, as for me, I never hear

idedly angry. He was a stranger to that city and had just embarked in a rather losing bus

oy, now returned to say that "no name of Ford wa

very small, indeed, and glanced at one another in dismay. Then

Dad wouldn't put up at such a third-rate tavern as this! Now, you idiot, we'll get in again and you take us where you were bid! and there,

ul in California; but she tendered them to Leslie who smiled and shook his head. Alfaretta discovered a dime, but it was her "luck piece," wrapped in pink tissue paper and carried thus in order that she "might always have money in her pocket," and she h

the middle of the day, and not a soul willing

if the man in here will let us use his 'phone! Then your father will send somebody after us or do s

e name of Ford had impressed him if it hadn't the hackma

him up, if there

r to his ear and rang up "Dad;" only to hang it up aga

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