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Dorothy on a Ranch


Word Count: 3527    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

igure as it disappeared behind a clump of

were still standing beside the cloistered walk, talking, planning the wonderful trips which would be open to them now that th

can see each of you is perfectly satisfied with his own choice and sure it was the wisest. I only hope our good James Barlow

e. I suppose it is for Lad

had not forgotten the missing lad for whom she had chosen the best horse in the herd, but it did not seem now that anything could be really amiss. He would surely soon be back, safe and well, and oh! how

anything of weight a

hat-here-why? See how oddly it's fastened with rushes or somet

t the rushes which were bound tightly about the basket. As he did so a

ughed Mr. Ford, pretendin

ick, please! I can't

rass, was a tiny, new-born lamb. Ohs! and Ahs! and laughter greeted it, to which t

! Who could have sent

ite.' The comparison, 'white as a lamb' is generally wrong, for they're a dirty gray. This one has been washed withi

or we'll find the little boy again. He wa

some come to San Leon. A peaceable lot, though, mostly, unless they get hold of liquor. But liquor turns even cultivate

on't like them," protested Mrs. Ford, with a l

ring ranches and a child more or less isn't enough to set us worrying. Hmm. Here comes the oper

rying the basket with the lamb, the others following-with mischievous M

called it, and sought the ranchmen at their quarters to le

o kill things for!" pouted M

ou know, Papa is getting quite anxious for a stock farm? We think it's so queer for a man who knows nothing but banking, but some doctor told him it would be fine for his health. If he has cattle, I suppose we'll have a dairy. I mean now to fin

ing place, Dorothy begged a basin of milk for their new pet. It still remained in the bas

nding it on, turning it idly in her hands. Suddenly she stopped and stared at its inner

kes, Dolly Doodl

d little thing so it won't drink. It hardl

k a there!

urious handwriting which James Barlow had acquired; quite different both girls knew from that of any

ew near to learn what had happened to surprise them. For a

or painted it-or-or-It's

oks more as if that lamb had bumped its itsy-witsy-heady-and made it bleed. That's some India

that lined the basket; and, in the bottom, tied to a bunch of faded flowers was a little g

b another as Dorothy sprang to h

! And he's alive-somewhere he is

inder of the lad's existence, b

eton. And he's mean, too. He's meaner 'n pussley, makin' everybody such a lot of trouble. Folks riding nigh

As always she was loyal to her beloved Dorothy whose joy

his with him and clothes don't grow on trees, even in Colorado. But-if I knew w

ed expression of his. He seemed to find a lot of young folks the most entertaining company in the world. He had hated their coming and had instantly veered around to be thankful for it. Already his mates

ire ye none. Hello! Gone to raisin' sheep, have ye? Mighty

y work and hurried with the others

scriptions on them. Cocked his head sidewise, put on his spe

or fist-whoe

e'd begun that even before I first saw him and it's hard to unlearn things, you know. Else, Jim's so smart he'd

shook his hea

ugh to come in out the rain. This here one 'peared the same to me. Course, I hadn't been acquainted with him longer 'n next to no time but if he was so smart, as I s'pose you're mean

ugh the window. He caressed it tenderly enough in his st

hadn't. And it isn't ours, anyway,

D. It's plain as the nose on your face w

mine-how lovely!-I'll

oor lost feller like Jim, I'd name it after him and not

kind of a lamb," observed the Capta

en Helena smiled, bu

ll her Jiminetta-that'd be after me

s traced on the cover and the stone. They but deepened the myst

r whole name, child. It's generally 'Alfy.'

Colorady folks or flocks, she won't care a mite what name

und a friend. But his face was troubled. He didn't like this secret signal from the missing James and he liked less the fact that the lad's messenger had bee

can run San Leon with

ifle testily: "That's what I have been doin'

on your hands then, to keep happy an

ne. Wish 't I was ag

as such-and its probable meaning; but they paused at a little distance, not wishing to i

hem to come up; and then explained t

, in fact, from paralysis or something of that nature. She brought Erminie up and has been the best and truest friend my wife ever had. We owe her everything, and feel that we cannot leave her to land in a strange city, broken in mind and body, without her 'daughter' to care for her. We must go, for I don't want Lady Gray to take the trip and responsibility without me. If all goes well, we should be back in less than a fortnight-could be much sooner except t

e had been simply "Mr. Ford" to her as well as to all his other young guests. But it needed only one look of anxiety on his noble face to rouse all her loving sympathy. She repeated: "Don't you, nor sweet Lady Gray, worry one single minute about us or things up here at San Leon. We'll be as good as good!

as much for the lads. In any case he must go; and, indeed, at once. He was so pressed for time that they dislike

t see as we're going to be so much alone, after all. There's the tra

ere's Mr. Robson, Captain Lem, Anita, Wun Sing-and lots of ranchmen left. Oh! we'll be all right

s complained, incessantly, that she could hardly breathe up here and I'm glad she has the chance to go now. B

h that much-travelled prima donna was never disturbed by sudden changes from place to place. Indeed, sh

n even shorter time and it was only Miss Mi

ather jealously regarding him; until his eye fell upon his "awkward squad" and he remembered the greater r

eel sot up. Funny, ain't it, Lem! You a regular, dyed-in-the-wool old bach to find yourself suddenly playin' daddy to seven strappin' boys an' gals! Seven an' there'd ought to be eight. Ought to be-must be-that's what

t watching it. Everything would go on just as usual, of course. Why should there be any difference? But-how l

, though she shed them silently. All, indeed, were very sober and Leslie's face was pale. He hadn't realized till now how necessary his mother had become to his happiness, and he fel

. Let's ride to Bald Eagle Peak-or Rock. You'll need clear eyes to follow that trail, bu

em answer

n you do now, nor unless you start by daybreak. I wouldn't try it myself, old mountai

per rose and

and don't you dare

p was in his hand and, with a furious look at the Captain, he lifted it and brought it down

ieked the onlookers,

asped and threw himself be

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