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Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3323    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

said to the driver as they re-entered their carriage afte

more about Frazer, Papa, w

eral Frazer. I admire and honour him; but it is necessary he should die, because victory for the enemy depends upon him. Take your stations in that clump of bushes, and do your duty!' They obeyed, and in five minutes Frazer fell mortally wounded, and was carried from the field by two grenadiers. Only a few moments before he was hit, the crupper of his horse was cut by a rifle-ball, and directly afterward another passed through the horse's mane, a little back of his ears. Then his aide said, 'General, it is evident that you are marked out for particular aim; would it not be prudent for you to retire from this place?' 'My duty forbids me to retire from danger,' Frazer answered; and the next moment h

praise for giving that order to his men. If Frazer did not want to lose his l

k he hated the Ame

art in the war was probably to make a name for himself as a brave and skilful

want nothing for himself, and sought only his country's good. Papa, it do

from selfishness, ambition, and pride. And yet he had enemies and detractors,

d Lulu, her eyes flashing. "

November that he wrote at all to the commander-in-chief, and then merely mentioned the matter incidentally. In that month Gates was made president of the new Board of W

d have been a very bad thing for our caus

Gates had some very good qualities, he was far from

an man, like Washington,

ful, and had an overweening confidence in his own ability. Yet he had some noble traits; he emancipated his slaves, and provid

wn whose shot killed

, took deliberate aim, and saw Frazer fall. Frazer, too, told some one he saw the m

badly about it, only that he knew he di

ountry," replied her father; "and no doubt that thoug

rst fire on the funeral pro

nnon was heard along the valley. It was a minute-gun, fired by the Americans in honour of their fallen foe, the gallant dead. Ah

grave and its monument, pausing to

a gallant man, a brave and good soldie

g's orders of course; he couldn't well help it, and probably he had no real hatred to the people

nd talents in trying to help reduce her to slavery. I'm sorry for him, too; but as he would

great pity. Frazer was a brave officer, idolized

a lovelier spot, I think," remarked Lulu; "the hills, the mountains, the beautiful river, the woods, the fields, and these tall twin pine-tre

be on top of the ground and able to see what it's l

at his son with a sl

took her hand and led her back to the waiting carriage, "Oh, Maxie, that

feelings," returned Max, in a tone of mock regret; "but I

the driver as the Captai

ler mansion,"

ays liked everything I've heard about General Schuyler; and

aroused in the night after the battle of

goyne's orders a few days l

this one built

e say it was shortly after the surrender in 1777;

to see it," she said. "Papa, is it on the exact spot where the

t stands a little to the wes

h makes it almost, if not quite, as well worth se

g of the 9th of October. His troops, who had been marching through mud, water, and rain for the last twenty-four hours, with nothing to eat, encamped unfed on

day the Baroness Riedesel went t

d counselled hasty retreat; but Burgoyne would not listen to their prudent advice. While the storm beat upon his hungry, weary soldiers lyin

t he didn't rather spend it in slipping away fro

o fight them again the

ing the next day,-wasn't

ding northward, and guarding the river to the eastward, so that the British troops could not cross it without exposure to a murderous artillery fire. At last, finding his provisions n

victory,-wasn't it

Before that battle things looked very dark for the people of this land; and if Burgoyne had been victorious, the probability is tha

ul!" she exclaimed with w

ea of this great country being governed by that bit of an island away across

d look, "you would hardly be here now; or, if you

rather be your son by a great deal. Papa, wasn't it a

The garrison was without a flag when the enemy appeared before it, but soon supplied themselves by their own ingenuity, tearing shirts into strips to make the white stripes and stars, joining bits of scarlet cloth for the red stripes, an

t I don't remember about the fighting at

their relief. The story is a very interesting one; but I must res

heir carriage had drawn up in front of it. They were pol

ntion was an artistic arrangement of arms

n an intensely interested way. "Please, sir, may I go and look at them?" ad

word, "was carried at the battle of Bennington by an aide of General Stark. This other sword, and this mus

ting souvenirs," rema

the years that had elapsed since the struggle for independence. But what interested Max and Lulu still more than any of these was a beautiful teacup, from which, as

arked Lulu, gazing admiringly at it. "If i

never have robbed us, as some vandal visitor did not lo

is, and looking quite aghast at the very

ary to be more careful to whom we show such things. Now let me show you the bu

they all followed in the gentleman's wake; "but I would like

ory far better than I," replied the Capta

just the same light that they did. These miscreants had their place of rendezvous in a large swamp, about five miles from Colonel Van Vetchen's, cunningly concealing themselves there. Robberies in that neighbourhood became frequent, and several persons were carried off. General Stark, then in command of the barracks north of Fish Creek, was active and vigilant; and hearing that Lovelace and his men had robbed General Schuyler's house, and were planning to carry off Colonel Van Vetchen, frustrated their design by furnishing the Colonel with a guard. Then Captain Dunham, who commanded a company of militia in the neighbourhood, hearing of the plans and doings of the marauders, at once summoned his lieutenant, ensign, orderly, and one private to his house. They laid their plans, waited till dark, then set out for the big swamp, which was three miles distant. There they separated to reconnoitre, and two of them were

a spy, did they,

inting out the precise spot, "after his execu

hey, sir?" asked Lulu, shuddering as she glance

nes, and even his teeth, hav

ose for relics!" Lulu exclaimed

th a smile. Then he told the Captain he had shown them everything he had which could be

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