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Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4588    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ense interest and delight,-the long skirmish lines firing in advance or retreat, picking off distant imaginary leaders of a pretended

she exclaimed, "isn't it lovely! Wouldn't they all fight for the

Keith, smiling at her enthusiasm. "Now look at

ere came the sudden bang of the sunset gun,

o their supper, and our little party tu

elves where the view was particularly fine, the gentlemen conversing, Ma

rmy and navy, had greater interest for the boy than for his sister, and Lulu soo

, low and tenderly, softly smoothing t

d, said coaxingly, "Please don't send m

ay sit up now if you will agree to sleep in the morning when Max and I will pro

in eager tones; "it's about five o

ndly offered to call us in season,

ulu, in the most coaxing tones. "I won

d to such matters; you are always

u say I may

ce, in order to secure enough sle

l," she said, hastily rising to her fee

Max, followi

ng look in Lulu's eyes, he excused himself to his friend, s

rs, Raymond,-one that any father might be proud of," remar

ness of parental affection that makes the child so lovely and engaging in her

re, not," returned Keith

was the added exclamation in a tone of dismay. "I don't li

her before many years!" laughed his frien

first place in her heart-which I know is mine now-is far from pleasant to me. Well, it cannot be fo

ess attractive than his sister, and evidently a remarkably intelligent lad. He will make his mark in the navy; and I

h a pleased smile; "but promotion is sl

y as of the navy. But even that is

ly," was the

g, I think you said?" was Keith's ne

little longer rather than have the children disappointed in their hope of

s one good to see their pride and delight in the flag. How t

with the Revolutionary struggle. They get it in the blood; and it has been the

much mistaken if that boy does not do you great credit while in the Naval Ac

, Keith," the Captain said, giv

ave you, Raymond?" w

feel rich; also, a sweet, beautiful, young wife, who is to her husband worth far more than her weight in go

lied. Then, after an instant's pause, "I wonder if Lulu's father would give her to me should I wait patie

dle jest?" queried the Captain, turning a surpris

t idea of putting any such mischief into your daughter's head,-at least, not at present. But if I a

tle girl seems still the merest child, with no thought of the cares, pleasures, and duties of womanhood; and I wish to keep her so as long as I can. That is one reason why I rejoice in being able to educate her myself in our own home; and

hy of all the love she can give him!" Keith said, with a half-sigh, t

ou tell me your furlough will not expire for some weeks

had made other plans; and besides, his going

Captain averred; "and I am certain that

m," laughed Donald. "So, Raymond, your invitation is

e you on any terms, reasonable or otherwise

good refreshing sleep before the t

ment by the bedside looking fondly down into the rosy, sleeping face,

ked up into his, while a gla

her arm round his neck and returning his caresses. "Oh, I do think I ha

ondling. Then, laying her down again, "I did not mean to wake you," he said; "and I want you now to go to sleep again as fast as you ca

be wide awake presently, and maybe not sleep any more to-nig

ntly to ask another question. "Papa, will you

aking in season rob you of a moment's sleep. I think you m

ments had passed when her father's

o with Papa and Max to see what the cadets will

morning; and thank you ever so much for calling me, dear Papa!" and

ake haste, we have only ten minutes; but I shall bring you back to rearrange your t

nd when her father tapped at her door t

h, exchanged a pleasant "good-morning" w

till the little party drew near the camp, when their father bade them

pleasant tone, and

ay. But all was so quiet, so still, where the tents were that it seemed as if everybody there must be still wrapped in slumber; and Lulu was beginning to think Mr. Keith must have called for them a little earlier than necessary, when a sudden gleam and rattle among the trees

e countersign," r

d bayonet and whispered a word or two in the ear of the young sentinel which at once caused a change in his attitude toward our party,-respectful attention taking the place of

to them to keep quiet, said nothing, but were c

y could see sentries pacing their rounds, but there

, while a corporal and two cadets were silently crossing to th

and as he did so they had reached the gun, and ther

e other side of the plain. Suddenly a mellow stroke began to tell the hour, but the next was drowned in the roar of the gun as

answering smile was both fond and indulgent as he took the small white hand in his with a loving clasp

s of erect, slender lads, in white trousers and tight-fitting coatees, com

silence, while the streets of the camp filled up with gray and white coated figu

s; and like a flash each compan

ring to his own name, was watching with eagle eye a delinquent who came hu

at poor lad will be report

he said to herself, "if Papa was that strict w

hment as he rattled off the seventy or eighty names without so much as an instan

ds hurrying away to their tents, while the first sergeant made a brief repor

d with great interest what was going on there. They could see the lads pull off their gray coats, raise their tent-

ook, and he said, "What is it, daug

ad to do such work as that at

h a smile, "and thought yo

in the past. "Oh, yes, I do remember it now! And I suppose that's the reason y

ad laid on his knee; "but my mother was very neat and orderly,

easier because of your tea

"you'll find you have enough

ing, Max, as I have found in my

n, swung the battalion into column of platoons to the left, ordered "Forward, guide right, march!" and away they went, to the stirring music of the fifes and drums, away across the plain till the main road was reached, down the shaded la

nce, did not attempt to look in upon them at their meal, but hurried on to the hotel to give attention to their ow

in time to see everything," as they expr

admonished them to

ted in order to digest properly; and those who indulge in eating at s

"for it will be an hour or more before anything of

do next, sir

ery interesting, comes next; t

a good while,"

to five minu

t so quickly? I'm sure I couldn't put my room a

e not a boy, you

I were," she returned prom

bright," he answered, with an amused look. "Perh

med; "is that the best

y," he replied kindly, refilling her plate as he spoke; "and I very much doubt his ability to

anyhow,-isn't it, Papa?" queried Max

sorry to admit, or to think, that women have a mono

lved to do my father credit in that line as

, Papa?" Lulu asked a

ait so long as that?" he asked, with a humorous smile,

so impatient as I used to be; and I feel quite sure you'll no

"I want you and Max to see and hear all that I t

rum tapped for morning parade, and the cadets were seen issuing from their tents, buttoned to the throat in faultlessly fitting uniforms,

do look, Lu!" remarked

they couldn't be neat

with a laugh. "Oh, see! yonder comes th

a shout that re-echoed from the hills, "Turn out the guard, Commandant of Cadets!" and instantly the mem

spered Lulu, ecstatically. "Would

be captain of a good

y, too, if I were a boy," she said;

so wou

elbow, and at the last tap faced suddenly outward, while the glistening rifles sprang up to "support arms;" every firs

dierly fashion, and took his post; the captain whipped out

" Mr. Keith said in reply to an

particular, sir

or unfastened, a spot on his trousers, a rip or tear in his gloves, or dust on his shoes, it is likely

a fellow as that at Annapolis," thought Max

ction was

hen more music by the band while the cadets go through some of th

?uvres of the cadets under the orders now of th

introduced his friend, Captain Raymond, to some of the

uck nine the cadets

ng to do now, Mr.

for battery dril

see that!" said Max. "I'd rat

fferent directions," said Lulu. "Some of

is called the 'sea-coast battery' at the water's edge, and pres

em?" asked Lulu, excitedly. "

r sight up here," he replied.

en these youngsters are. See yonder are the seniors in riding-dress, with gauntlets and caval

and battery, the flash of sabres, the belching of flame and smoke, accompanied by the thundering roar of the great guns, the stirring bugle

, occupying in this way the time till the hour for the boat from Albany to touch at the point. They took passage on it to New York City, where they left it to board a Soun

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