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Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3038    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

much to Max's disgust, though at his father's bidd

plans. Two of the vessels were to take possession of a part of t

the question is, shall we stay to see it all, or turn about and seek entertainment elsewhere? Let us have the opi

am entirely willing to have the matter decided by your younger people. I shall

avour of immediate departure; and the children, though at first disappointed, grew quite reconcil

ld better go back to our cottage, because Laurie and

d reply. "Strange as it may seem, I too am quite desirous to make our t

rther operations here, Cousin Donald," rema

sting sight to me, I expect to find almost if not equal enjoyment in a run

t before we get back, Cousin Donald, you'll be ready to own up

" remarked Rosie, with a merry look at her cousin;

life on the ocean wave,' though I hope to be always willing and anxious to serve my country wherever and whenever I

. "And if ever we should have another war

d, regarding the lad with an express

ed on deck, taking a farewell look at the vessels belonging to the squadron, and

e Raymonds, Grandma Elsie, with the youngest two of her c

ld be desired, every one wel

to his father, but did not grumble over that, and took great delight

ing to the Naval Academy when he can learn everything

sail a ship is by no means all he needs to

ssary, sir?" asked Max,

a battle, take charge of an ordnance foundry, and conduct an astronomical observatory; must have a good knowledge of

one head!" laughed Max, with a slightly

hold it all?" asked his f

difficulty is to pack it all in right. I presum

eir directions carefully you wil

ax; "and I am fully determined to try my very bes

rm clasp, "I don't doubt that you intend to do as you have said; but never forget th

broad ocean, out of sight of land. They were all on deck, enjo

to do about keeping the Lord's Day to-morrow? We can't go to church, y

d; "but I can conduct a service here on

ation, blushing and looking fearful of hurting his

miling a little at her

're not a mi

minister, I'm sure," exclaimed Lulu,

t into tears; "I didn't mean he wasn't as good as anybody in this whole wo

inst it. And we can pray and sing hymns together; and if we put our hearts into it all, our heavenly

is very sweet to reflect that God is as near to us out on the w

the morning, I suppose, Capta

doing, sir," was the reply. "Ha

have a Bible class

s is customary with me at home; but if the suggestion meets with favour, we will resolve ourselve

I am sure the day could not be better spe


ke it, Captain," Evelyn

lu; "Papa always makes Bibl

ht by any minister or Sunday-school teac

ldren," the Captain said gravely, though not unkindly. "But who shall act as teacher on this occasion is a questi

lly. "I am sure no better teacher could be found than Mamma, thoug

Elsie said; "and I would greatly

" said the Captain, colouring and laughing lightly, "even tho

of which she forms a part, may

ible," the Captain replied, w

ther's wish," Grandma Elsie said in a sportive to

w to her children, we will consider it

e we must, my dear," he returned in th

licious breeze filling the sails and wafting th

. The ladies, gentlemen, and children sat on one side, the crew on the other, Captain Raymond standing between. A Bible and a pile of hymn-books la

Violet, seating herself before it, led t

Scripture, a second hymn was sung; then he gave them a sh

h,-always about His Father's business, doing good to the souls and bodies of men,-and the bitter enmity of the scribes and Pharisees, who "hated Him without a cause." Then he went on to tell

e not love Him in return? Shall we not give ourselves to Him, and serve Him with all our powers? It is a reasonable service, a glad service,-a service that gives rest to the soul. He

drag all souls down to his own depths of sin and misery; and Jesus only can save you from falling into his cruel hands. But He-the Lord of Life and Glory-invites us

efore the melodeon, softly touched the keys and sang in sweet, low to

esus, come

us just now

, come to Jes

llowed with an earnest prayer; and with anothe

evidently an American, and possessed of more intelligence and education than the average sailor before the mast. He had

ubt," she said to herself. "Ah, if I could but help him

o one near, while she paced the deck slowly and alone. Gradually she approached, and when cl

a polite and r

d to the Captain's short sermon, and asked in kindest words and tones if he, like herse

aid with emotion, "No, m

says, 'Him that cometh to me I will in no

tion, then said, rather as if thinking aloud t

e said low and feelingly. "Speak to Him just as if you could

nd just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all

a silen

is blood for us that 'God may be just and the justifier of him that believeth

ike to be a Christian, ma'am," he said, "s

esus only can make you such. The work is too difficult for any human creature; but Jesus is all-powerful,-'able to save them to

'am, if-if I only

me unto God by Him;' and He invites you to come: 'Come unto Me a

as if you were pointing out the righ

us, though we cannot see Him; and you may speak to Him as readily, and wit

th upon the cross, and the far greater suffering caused by the burden of the sins of the world and the consequent hiding of

you could see Him while kneeling at His feet; and He will grant it, will forgive a

er for her kindly interest in him, and promise to think of what she had been saying

adults and children taking part; and in the evening hymns were sung

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