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Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2142    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

passengers being anxious to see more of the evolutions of the men-of-war, and their commanding officer very w

s on deck except the very little ones, who were already in their nests. The vessel

asked Grace, taking possession of her father's knee

ked, smoothing her hai

war-ships. What do they do at such times when t

ofit too," he said. "'In tim

hey prepare f

ithout making mistakes even in the dark. Ah, see! there it comes!" as at that instant a signal-light from the flag-ship shot up several hundred feet into the air, speedily followed by another and another, till the whole sky

re doing, Papa?" as

s of battle," he replied, and proceeded

e said, "though I do hope they won'

d, quarrelsome world the only way to secure peace is to s

is obeyed!" remarked Grandma Elsie. "It is

roud of our navy, even though it is s

speaking with some excitement. "You know we've whipped the British twice

s even you can be," laughed Violet, while his fath

at from the beginning of our national li

But the exhibition seems to be over for to-night, and the

xing tone which seemed to add, "I hope you

le girls may say good-ni

long the others followed their example, till Mr.

resting topic of conversation; but it was suddenly broken in upon by the sound of the

th, gazing toward the war-ships with keen interest an

at the great guns, training the men so that they ma

hastily thrown on to conceal their night-dresses, one and another asking excitedly what was going to be done now. But even as

, really war?" queried little

to say. You may look and listen without fear that any one i

at some imaginary foe. At length, however, it was all over, and the passengers of

, Levis?" Violet asked of her hus

ove the destination of the squadron, it being about the best place for naval exercises in our Nort

ou suppose the

battles on sea and land. D

ing a sham battle to a real one. But they won't

r husband, with a slight look of amusement. "Don't allow the prospect of wi

t laugh. "I really am not now so much

very other passenger had sought the dec

same name. There were a large number of vessels in the bay,-several sloops, schooners, and a yacht or two beside the "Dolphin," to say n

t they quickly repaired to the deck to watch the movements of the squadron. Bu

h exclaimed, "I wish they

there's a boat leaving the flag-ship; I sup

ask Papa about it

" asked the Captain's

ag-ship, sir," she answered. "Do you

me message, probably from the Admiral to

Max; "and see, there are other boats g

ats filled with marines, pulling for the shore of Gard

l one, Papa," said Grace. "It would

may enjoy the show as much as you can, fo

oats ready packed with things," rem

xes that doubtless contain materials and tools for repairs, compasses, and other arti

is hands in delight; "and the other fellows that went first

barkation with interest, the children in a good de

shining on them! And there are the beautiful stars and stripes flying from every boat. But t

aymond. "Ah, see, there he is on the bridge of the flag-ship, with his field

l understood by the young people around him, who thought they had never witnessed so fine a sight as the mimic fight that presently ensued, opened by the mar

he marines meanwhile pouring forth an unc

arges, advances and retreats, men falling as if wounded or

Gracie's blue eyes, and she asked in tremulou

she had put into his, "it is all pretence, just

he exclaimed, furtively wiping away

d be the height of folly not to

his cap, "our side's whipped and

t is whipped, or has whipped?" asked Rosie, wi

Max was too busy listening to him to b

battle is about over. Our side, as Max calls it, you see,

other Levis?"

hat they have t

dma Elsie, who was watching the movements of t

they are already beginning that work. They must

pa?" ask

-pits, planting guns, and so forth. If you

d closely and with keen interest all the movements o

time to notice the completed fortifications, the tents pitched, and the troops at their

aid, "the fun on the island is over,-at least for the

laimed Max; "for I dare say they were going to

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