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Tabitha's Vacation


Word Count: 4113    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

from one bright, girlish face to the other as his fingers gently

tting the arm nearest her in a fashion that

big armchair in which her adopted father sat, and smiling c

ourteen whole day

ggled, "fourte

hildren can raise

of town for their noise to bother

o if burglars broke in at night? You wo

to burgle," his daughter retorte

sented itself. She was still afraid of the black desert nights, and burglars were a constant sourc

easy-easier, in fact, to get help if we needed it there, than here; for the McKittrick house is on the side of the mountain overlooking the town, while our place is hidd

ith such an air of relief that Mr.

going to happen in two

in two weeks? I thought you wanted

nyway, you know. Myra won't be looking for us before the first of July, for we had expected Tom would come hom

had developed into a charming, gentle-mannered maid; and while he rejoiced in gaining so sweet a daughter, he disliked to lose the wild, untamed elf who had so suddenly blossomed into a young lady before he could in any measure atone for the unhappy years of her loveless

n sixtee

rning to Gloriana sitting silent


ousekeepers," he d

d. "Why, Miss King says we are the two most promising dome

ou have my hearty sanction. The fact of the matter is, I find it impossible to be here at home much for the next fortnight, myself; possibly

ntedly. "You shall see what model housekeepers y

t if you begin your arduous duties to-morrow, it i

, arms and backs ached sadly. But the next morning, after a refreshing night's sleep, the duet was ready and eager for the novel role they were about to play; and just as soon as their own simple tasks were done, the necessary clothe

tarted on their brief journey; but finally they were off, and a row of sober-faced children stood on the b

new charge descended upon the shoulders of the volunteer housekeeper, and Tabith

I am ashamed of you! If you can't take care of six children for two short weeks, particularly with Gloriana to help, you are not good for much!

w her leader; and at mention of these words, the

too? Mamma said we might i

itha scornfully. "Well, I should s

des, who knew from experience how d

led Susie, with her

h chocolate,

ood," sugg

who had a boy's fondness f

ad," lispe

. "That's quite a c

them all to-night. In fact, it is nearly four o'c

abitha slowly, seeing the look of disappointment clouding t

coaxed Rosslyn.

"Oh, yes, that's the way we like it

m," pleaded Inez. "M

twelve," added Irene hopefull

r supper," said Gloriana. "I supposed the raisins

hings. Susie and the twins stone the raisins; and, Rosslyn, you might bring in some small wood for the stove. We'll use the range to-night

hting the fire, hunting up cooking utensils, and beginning the process of making ch

flew to their various tasks; and soon voices buzzed bu

ed pies in the oven, "they are done. Don't they look fine? Now you can put in your gingerbread whenever you a

dow," volunteered Irene, not wishing to have

tha. "And supper will be ready so soon that they won't be co

oryard where Rosslyn was still busy with his basket

ft her dishpan where she was piling up the soiled kitchen utensils which the youthful cooks had used w

ging-up reminded her that in the meantime the cake would spoil. So she paused long enough to dump in the cupful of raisins still standing on the doorsill, where the seeders had been sitting at their task. Giving the mixture a

dly tousled by the wind and her struggle through sagebrush and Spanish bayonets. Altogether, she presented a woeful spectacle; but in spite of it all, she clasped tightly in one chubby fist, a soiled and crumpled letter, which every now and then she examined critically, having discovered that the warmth and moisture of her fat hands left tiny, smudgy fingerpri

screen and stumbling into the hot kitchen. "I

fairs, she raced from room to room as fast as her sh

ed. "Dory! What did

alone. Why had everyone left her? Back to the kitchen she pattered. It was empty, but a fire still burned in the stove and savory odors from the oven lur

some now!" And forgetting that the oven was hot, she seized the pan with both chubby fists, but instant

Tabitha with her adopted brood in close pursuit, flew into the kitchen, and gathered up the hurt, sobbing baby in her arms, c

Irene, shuddering in sympat

ed Susie with satisfaction, after a keen and anxious

not having noticed the seared fingers up t

loriana, remembering Granny Co

k of butter in her hand, and the other bearing a bucket of molasses; and before either of the older girls could intervene, they plunged both of Janie's dirty, sc

forgetting the dignity of her position in her wrath at wha

burns," quavered Inez, her li

rised Susie defended. Then bo

mean to scold, but you ought to have known more than to stick t

en and dumped into the middle of the floor, while angry Tabitha rushed out of the door into the cool dusk of early evening, leaving a dismayed family staring aghast at each othe

breath, she cried, "I am sorry I was cross. I reckon I'm a little tired and everything has gone upside down and-suppose we have supper now. I know you are all hungry. Susie, while I

per proudly, "and already sliced for

houted the si

der girl. "Yes, you better get them right away. On

e house; but immediately a terrified scream pierced the air, there was a loud snort and the sound of startled, scampering feet, and Gl

ies!" wailed the

os!" gasp

le of this pie. The other beast had upset the second

ie!" whimpered Rosslyn,

worst luck?" S

in the window to cool, li

ed, seeing a wrathful sparkle in Tabitha's black eyes; "but if you do

Mercedes, from her post by the stove, where she was vigorously mak

ppointed children gathered about the table, t

ected Janie, scorning the p

ans first," in

little plate, and proceeded to help the other children in the same liberal manner. No one wanted beans and potato, but at the first mouthful of the temptin

ins for this cake," cried

flushed crimson as she bent over her pl

he cake! What did you do wit

slid hurriedly off her chair, flew through the doorway and down the path towar

ercedes, lifting her hands in ho

lled that Janie was lost, and I forgot to put it down when I ran out-doors. I remembered it

d that small maiden in drowsy t

!" chorused her

or the missing epistle, while the rest of the family forgot both pie and gingerbread in joining in the hunt. Rosslyn found it at last under the s

es, "Do you suppose Janie really

convinced that Rosslyn had actually found her precious letter; s

ing that in her written instructions, Mrs. McKittrick had failed t

nd not even to send papa's to Los Angeles

u open it?" cried

o wrote it,

read the few short lines. Then beginning with the heading, she read it the second time, her face growing graver at each word, until impatie

s slowly retorted. "She is going to Europe for som

d and Th


y, with papa hur

e knows mamma will be glad enough to get the m

. "It's an imposition!"

once before, and Aunt Kate got awful mad 'cause papa licked 'em when they touc

d come again," added Inez,

they?" vent

" Mercedes answered, "and Theodor

o let them come?

itha. "What would you do, Kitty?" she

mean,-and tell her just how things stand, your father in the hospital and your mother with him. She ought to know more than to send them then. Still, I believe I'd just

think much about other folks' wishes, and if she wanted to go to Eu

l have no excuse for not knowing how sick your father is. Where is there a pencil and

y scribble

nnis McK


er in Los Angeles hos


ph station that same evening, to make sure it reached its destinatio

at selfish old cat-yes, that's what she is,-imposing upon Mrs. McKittrick again. I remember the boys, though it was quite a while ago that they were

housekeepers in this family, we shall have all

and disappointing," Tabitha a

ana comforted her. "And it is only fo

fervor; and the tired eyelids closed o

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