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Tabitha's Vacation


Word Count: 2360    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

conquered; but she had reckoned without her host. Two little heathen such as Williard and Theodo

, but who surrounded them with every luxury money could buy simply because she found it less trouble to

the shadow of a resplendent monument in an Eastern cemetery; and the rearing of the two boys was left wholly to their fashion-plate mother, whose only gods were dress and personal pleasure. Tabitha had heard many stories of the selfish, heartless woman, who

s reformation was genuine and lasting; while in reality, the young scapegrace was merely studying the unique situation and plotting how to "get even" with the girl who already had mastered him twice. A coward at heart, he

" wailed Janie, the third m

sslyn, tasting his critically, a

illiard, winking solemnly at Toady while Ta

added Susie, making a wry face at the first

wl, she cautiously tasted its contents, and turning toward Ine

barrel," cried Inez indignantly, "'cause I

retreating to the pantry for a fresh supply of sweetening; and Billia

ad dressing, Glory?" cried Tabitha, snatch

ed the second cook, whose turn it w

Toady, who had a particular aversion for re

ied visit to the pantry disclosed the spice cans in their proper places, all correctly

ss of water," complaine

es myself, and never used a bit of soap on the

ishes on the table tasted of Fels Naptha. Tabitha looked concerned, but Billiard and Toady

e way she had substituted corn starch for baking powder; but as another hurried visit to the pantry showed both articles where the

a favorite recipe; a scorpion dropped off the cake plate which Gloriana was in the act of passing, so frightening the girl that she dashed cake, dish and all onto the floor, and promptly had hysterics. Horned toads, ugly lizards, and wor

by two tiny wires. She merely hustled the thing out of doors, hacked it into pieces with the axe, and buried the remnants under a pile of rocks to make sure no harm came of them. It never occurred to her to wonder how General, who was not allowed in the house, could have dragged the snake i

ut-of-way places, adroitly misplaced her cooking utensils, or whatever article she was about to use, causing her many a long and annoying search when she was in a hurry. They stopped the clock or set it ahead with aggravating frequency; and discovering that the plucky girl grimly bore their tormenting in silence, they grew bolder, jumping out at her fro

plaguing her on the sly whenever a chance presented itself. But to tease her openly was out of the question; so Gloriana received a double share of tormenting, which she bore with such uncomplaining fortitude th

ck sheep, hav

s, sir, thre

master, one

'gory head' who

her pan of vegetables more vigorously, and tried not to hear the taunting words, though she knew from the sound of their

u'd never dare do that if Tabitha was here!

vey of the yard as he limped past the door, to see if the oth

e been doing," threatened the girl; and the little name slipping

Tabby Catt,"

where hav

Silver Bow to

bby Catt, what

ner' with her f

en and close softly behind him, but Mercedes caught a glimpse of the set, white face an

rupted; and the two tormentors came to an abrupt halt in the middle of th

d the last potato, Tabitha dashed its contents over the astonished duet. Then realizing that once more she had let go of her fiery temper, she fled

hateful as Billiard! Oh, dear! And I thought he was being so good, and all the while he was doing mean things behind my back. I make a miserable fizzle of everything I undertake. What wou

thankful that Miss Davis will soon be home. I will never play housekeeper again, never! But now,-how can I make it right with Billiard and Toady? What a world this is to live in! Always stepping on someone's toes and then having to beg pardon. The trouble of it is I-I don't believe

on herself, she descended from her refu

might be the sheriff or Uncle Hogan, whose authority he had never but once dared to defy. So he was visibly re

ly framed speech, saying briefly, "I came to ask your pardon for my rudeness of a few minutes ago.

kedly at Toady, and her good resolutions abruptly took wing. "But you deserved every bi

to the kitchen, and furiously began beating up a cake, so chagrined over t

Say, Tabitha, we've apologized to Gory Anne-Gloriana, I

linchingly-he certainly knew how to look angelic

meaning emphasis, which was not lost on the o

ulped at length, shuffling forward a few ste

"But don't you dare bother Glori

ly; and the two boys made good their

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