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Tabitha's Vacation


Word Count: 2982    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

washing the supper dishes, Tabitha proposed, "Let's go up to

the evening meal had ended and the night's chores were done. What had come over her to suggest such a thing as an evening stroll, or climb, as it would be if they we

r are you joking?" d

gh her face flushed uncomfortably under t

u know," said Susie, still wondering

t would be fun to follow the trail to the top

eathed Irene, clasping

," laughed the se

ercedes, who was never tire


to listen to Gloriana's rich, sweet voice car


ed, remembering that it was too early for green corn yet

finished Toady

," she said gravely. "There is a law against such things here in Silver Bow. A fire is such a

ious, seeing which, Tabitha hastily continue

tion that the cup she was drying flew out of her hand and half-way across the room,

I wish my dishes would do that! W

the performance of her cup, caused a merry laugh all around, and the s

bitha loved, and she would gladly have sat in silence the whole evening through, watching the barren landscape lying glorified in the white moonlight; but not so with the younger members of the party. To be sure, it was a pretty picture that the old mo

the beauties of the night, and longing for a few moments of solitude that she

their curiosity had well-nigh reached the bursting point. "Speak right away. It's no fun w

" suggested Gloriana, noting the wistfulne

atically declared. "It's ladies first

l it be?" sighed that

t," was Toady's prompt repl

-fight," suggested Billiar

chie," put in

"We've heard that so oft

ted Mercedes. "I think that is so

omptly vetoed Susie. "W

and guns," sec

ingly recited th

e South at b

Winchester f

d air with a

haste, to the c

rumble, and ru

battle was o

n twenty mi

h had overtaken her; but the sting of it was all gone now, and she found herself smiling at the recollection of that fateful encore. Everything w

e steed that

Sheridan int

ter, twenty

egan Horatius at the Bridge. Then followed in quick succession all the thrilling wartime pieces

ircle of faces about her, said whimsically, "That's a

re!" they pl

can think of now with g

kind," wheedled Irene, in

vy Hall," suggested Mercedes, "w

e. This was an adventure which had never been recounted to t

plunge into the ocean; the night of the opera and their experiences with the runaway ostriches; the voice of the mysterious singer in the bell-tower, which some of the more timid students had mistaken for a ghost; and finally, the appearance of the Ivy Hall ghost itself. The McKittrick girls h

a at length roused with a start to announc

t cl

kes. We must fly into bed as fast as we can get there. I had no idea it was so late, although Janie

to the cottage instead of having to be carried. But Rosslyn refused to waken thoroughly, and created such a scene that it was some minutes before they could coax him to follow them down the trai

Tabitha in surprise. "Have we been w

faces peacefully reposing on their pillows. Mercedes and Irene were already fast asleep, and the other two so near the land

y trying to slip Rosslyn's nightgown over

id the other girl. "I will


ce more. It won't take me half a jiffy, but if I don'

scurried back into the kitchen; and when Tabitha wheeled about in surprise at her hasty entrance, she laughed nervou

rained from smiling at what seemed an uncalled-for fright, and said reassuringly, "N

be plenty of gold nuggets,"

cidly replied, "But if you are afraid to go to bed alo

lver Bow first became her home. But Gloriana thought she detected a hint of ridicule in her companion's voice, and hurriedly departed for their room once more, sa

avery, began to cover the mound of soft, white dough in the huge pan, when a wild, unearthly shrie

t of Glory gave wings to her feet, and, heedless of her own danger, she flew for the scene of disaste

e low dresser; and even in her terror she wondered how it chanced that careful Glory had neglected to protect the light properly. The next object

you hurt?"



under the bed, and shot off the lamp chimney," she panted, beginni

and peered under the bed, half expecting to see





cked in. Her

for the c

the closet, and Gloriana cried in terro

ly can't get loose in that time!" And she darted from the ro

against the door, half dead with fear, was electrified at hearing a muffled voice call through the keyhole, "I say

ade us think of it," pleaded Toady. "We ain't sure-eno

d. "Please let us out before Tabitha gets back. She said s

us away from here," wheedled Toad

ered Glory, with a grimness tha

us out?" cried the b

ed yet," Gloriana

will be bac

nk she will be gone long." Glory was be

us here, please! pray

urglar again!" prom

else the next time," sai

e, we'll be reg'lar sissy girls all

so many times-" G

dy, half frantic at thought of the con

ing prisoners out, urging them on with a violent push as they scurried past her, and hissin

Gloriana, as they made a mad rush for their room; and when Tabitha returned a m

r ejaculate. "You let

red girl in excited tones. "Couldn't you

l investigate

er the rest of the household was fast asleep, little dreaming that as soon as the door was tightly closed so they c

ty," whispered the black-haired girl with her hand over he

sed you to k

d to you talking with them. When they thought they heard me coming back, I concluded it was time I did put in a

t tell their U


big punishment


them stiff w

ere as badly scared you

I'm an awful coward. My t

the ague. Are you sure you're not hur

ys a chance to scramble into the closet. I didn't know it was Billiard and Toady t


ll their might, and the only thing left to do was to turn

rudgingly. "But I can't say I

Tabitha. I think they rea

ll about it now and go to sleep

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