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Tabitha's Vacation


Word Count: 3030    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

over the heaped-up mending basket one hot afternoon, and tried to m

lied cheerily. "But really, Puss, time hasn't dragged as slowly a

ically declared. "I thought it never would end, and I'd have qui

word," laughed her companion. "I thought you'd nev

lessly that I knew you were still awake, and fin

t I did, too!" g

ing everything loo

your lovely pie and the seeds in my gingerbread;

nd I don't think I'll ever see a chocolate pie or a ginge

loriana reminded her. "The children have tried to be angels

ass as smoothly as last week did, it's all I'll- What in the world is the matter with the children? So

just in time to hear Inez's voice say cuttingly, "Of cour

of two strange boys, lolling on s

re your names,

en you were here before, so we can't

longer. We are Billiard and Toady these days. Mind you do

m telling you not to come?"

e we

idn't you s

ean and there wasn't anyone else to send us to. Grandma's aw

and mamma's there nursing

alled Toady spoke

think I'

ep us from coming out here," Billiard explained

ather and mother being away to Los Angeles, there'd have to be someone

n she's paying

nd her teeth in helpless rage, while Gloriana ga

ay board," Susie declared in heat. "You

and an ugly sneer on his face. But Susie was no coward, and when he shook his knuckles close to her little pug

d himself in the grasp of a tall, irate young lady, who wore her shining black hair pinned up on top of h

dering depths of those big, black eyes was enough to cow the bully

, jigging excitedly from one foot to the othe


ave come! We telegr


uck terror to his cowardly heart before, she announced, "It is too late now to think of that side of the question. We'll have to make the most of a bad situation; but I w

eans of escape, but Tabitha had delivered her ultimatum, and now swept grandly into

when her sharp ears caught Billiard's hoarsely whi

g care of us," answere


did you ta

things that's trying to vote an

ck girls in unison. "Why,

Angeles, the boarding schoo

st In

s my


ad for her. "Isn't this the worst luck you ever heard of?

ain," declared the red-haired girl angrily. "The very idea of their m

nt away to school most of the year; and during vacations she manages to shift them onto some of

h them? Shall we tell Mrs. Mc

to distraction now. No, we must make the best of it this week, and by that time Miss Dav

d Gloriana. "I suppose we can get along somehow for

ess." She stepped to the door to call them, but not a soul was in sight anywhere. Two open suitcases lay

the sound of their voices at play fell on her listening ear. "Strange," she

umbling down the steep incline behind the house, bruised, scratched, torn, and covered from head to foot with what looked like blood Glorian

ndished a tomahawk in one hand and an evil-looking knife in the other. At sight of the girl on the narrow piazza, he hastily retreated behind the rocks again; but Tabitha was there almost as soon as he. Snatching the gorgeous headdress from the culprit's head, she trampled it ruthlessly in the sharp g

eration. "I didn't mean to scare him

pointed at the circle of sisters,-Mercedes, weak and trembling, bent over the limp form of little Janie, blowing frantically in the still, white face; a thoroughly subdue

ard, as Tabitha resumed her shaking. "

such horrible savages as

ump of relief and thanksgiving, and abruptly dropping the headdress of fe

l have him plumb addled! Really, we were just in for some fun. We never dreamed the kids would scare so easy

as unaware, for with one swoop she gathered up the now hysterical baby, and stalked off toward the house, saying grimly, "You boys stay right where you are until you are willing to apologize and promise to behave

ing the supper hour and he was hungry, but Tabitha had said he must apologize and promise good be

d motionless where he had dropped when Tabitha had left t

winding silver ribbon of railroad track, and the

is brother's thoughts had evidently been running i

neck around a boulder, surveyed the quiet mountainside

they're doing. Maybe th

," returned

ad at you, and besides, you're littl

dy remain

off this stuff before she'll let us i

going to

'lar cyclone. Smashed up half our things already, and like enough she

brother's discomfiture, arose and slowly descended by a roundabout trail to the cottage. He was gone a long time and Billiard was growing d

" cried Billi

heard them say. Mercedes

ss Mercedes," Billiard

with your apology," advised the more easily persuaded brother, "


, they are going to ask the-the-some man, sort of a polic

hink they'd writ

me mountain he wanted to climb 'cause they didn't know who he was. She had a gun and shot at them; but wh

ologize, will they

me woman who's going to take care of the kids most of the summer gets here. Th

ry much," he complained bitterly, feeling that To

edged the other. "I'd rather do that

enjoying his brother's humiliation, for, though comrades in mischief, the older boy loved to bully the younger, and Toady had a long list of scores to settle

ard made straight for the kitchen door, through which


let you in

n, where's

toilet. Then, after a moment's further hesitation, he entered the kitchen with hanging head, an

abject that she could scarcely keep from smiling openly.

he gulped, flushing angr

es be bygones; but we'll have no more such actions while you stay. Your suitcase is in the back bedroo

ng in wood at home!

ome now," Tabitha

re payin

ard money yet. And any

from his trousers pocket and slam

," she counted.


is cheap at a dollar a day. You can write your mother to that eff

pay more," Billiard hastily explained, for

is the regular rate. And now you will have just a

to the clear, olive face above him,

paying no attention to the amazement in his fa

, closed them again, and inwardly raging, but outw

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