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The Girl Scouts at Home; or, Rosanna's Beautiful Day

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2425    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

they found a lovely glade where the grass was smooth and where the trees grew close all about. They were screened from the passe

y at the foot of a tree and sewed on one of her doilies

y roar with a running accompaniment of sobs in another key. Two children were being as miserable and unhappy as they knew how. As

is roars did not prevent an air of lively interest in his surroundings. His face was tear streaked, and he cried with the air of one who never i

ed the mournful group. A larger girl, who staggered along under the weight of the fat baby she was carrying, and another small boy who s

ttle girl. "Oh, oh, oh!" I

roared the boy whose bl

setting the baby on his feet and shifting him to t

Ow, ow, ow!"

the sound of her voice the small girl opened her eyes and her sobs dwindled to a steady sniffle. The boy stopped instantly. He looked ashamed. The big girl once more put down the baby, setting it on the

e what it is all about

omething," said Minnie, intent on her cross-st

ly down the bank an

Rosanna. "She earned the carfare to bring them out he

iggest, and he wouldn't let Myron even take hold of the basket. And when we got off the car Luella fell down and bumped herself, and the car went off, and then I asked Tommy where was the lunch, and he had left it on t

e baby, but that is all there is except carfare home, and I'm sorry but p'raps next time Tommy will think how he

out with even greater noise. Luella's eyes c

didn't go to lose the supper.

ve anything to eat any more than Myron has. Why don't you act l

ong enough to talk. "Myron's littler and

down to the playgrounds, and you can each have a good big

hough she had carried the baby most of his life. And so she had. The other children started down the

She kissed the baby. "Shake a paddy good-by," she said, and

rry," said Hel

!" echoe

dle of the grassy lawn that they had chosen for their picni

hree plums apiece," sai

ing something that had not been suggested to her; something that was out of the regular order of things. She did not ask herself if the children belonged to nice families. She rather knew they had no family at all in the sense her grandmother always used.

down the baby. Tommy heard and squeezed out a louder howl. Luella opened her eyes. Myron g

with her sweet smile. "We have a lovely supper and we cooke

not afford to miss hearing. Luella showed that her

said the older girl slowly. Sh

p people at that; and there are only three of us. Minnie thought we were crazy to pack s

w," she said

a Girl Scout," she said. "Now that makes it all right for you to come to us because,

sure lighted t

am so tired carrying the baby, it would seem good jus

na. "I don't want a single bit o

ed and made its joyful way

uched by the tired face and drooping shoulders of the little girl who had c

ng the food on the table. Tommy stared with round eyes. Myron glanced at the feas

" said Minnie, speaking over the head of

la who mumbled something

she say?" a

looked dreadful

does think up such dreadful things! She is crying because t

Helen and Ro

ed Luella, sniffl

stopped as they noticed the unha

ittle and always called them plums long after I knew they were olives. Here, Luella, you can eat

mouth. She managed to eat it, although she made awful

u would let me. I would feel better to do something when

pper is ready, and I am sure you must be tired nearly to death. And if you would tell us your name

over to pat the little hand, "and my name is Mary. You are

ie. "Will it hurt the baby t

s. He has fallen out of bed so many times that we keep the floor all covered with pillows in fron

t it kill the poor c

ding, and he fell into those and never hurt himself at all. He di

said Minnie. "You talk like you

orks and somebody has to take care of them. And it isn't such very hard work, especially since I joined the Gir

ed at her in amazement. "I know what Boy Scouts are,"

bout them, but now we must hurry and get the rest of the things on the tabl

. "He never says a word, but I can tell what he thinks. Myron is such a help t

forget the lun

t! I was helping Mary pick up Luella and I t

," said Tommy as though t

tree and let him have his bottle," said Mary.

aid Minnie. She brought a couple of auto rob

uced a bottle of milk which she gave the baby. He settled down to a quiet enjoy

ing," she said. "I never saw so many lovely th

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