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The Girl Scouts at Home; or, Rosanna's Beautiful Day

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2171    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and taking off her own socks and slippers. Then while Minnie stood looking at h

have you any little g

Rosanna, ev

as me?" pur

ome just about like

o they most of them dres

busy to bother! And besides, those children have got to learn to do for themselves sooner or later, and the sooner the better. And I will say, Miss Rosanna, good wages nor anything will ever make me think it is

, Minnie. While grandmother is away, play you are wor

Miss Rosanna, if I am only a maid, and I certainly do think you are a dea

ld Helen that you dress me she looked sort of funny. Then suppose you had to go away for awhile, what would I do? None of the other maids know where my things are an

rror, Minnie bu

ht of that and me dressin' you half the time that rough and sudde

or me and show me where my things are and how to do things. Helen is going to teach me to cook i

at my own game. I learned of the nuns in the convent school where your stitches has

h grandmother was going to stay away longer than a week! That's such

gh for her own good, I say. Well, wishing never does much good. All we can do is just put in all the time we can, Miss Rosanna, and we will do exactly what you s

later. "What a lot of them I have!

Miss Rosanna. You o

ng, long time," said Rosanna. "Minni

t for you, dearie; it is

anna slowly, "about dockin

mother would do to me. Your hair is her pride and glory. It is the only thing I ever heard her brag about. 'You can tell Rosanna in a crowd as far as you can see her,' says she, 'by her hair; just that dark color full

g your sewing so you can sit here and tell me when I don't do the right thing. After breakfast, if cook will give us some things,

nnie kisses you good-night

ou would, Minnie! It is so nice to have somebody

ss you, dearie, old Minnie will

light and snapped o

as though it was the greatest treasure in the world, she went down to see the cook. She told her all about what Rosanna had planned, and the cook listened and sniffled and blew her nose hard several times and then got up and brought out a big basket. This she set on the kitchen table and commenced to fill with any number of things: salt and pepper and flour a

om?" cried Rosanna, clapping he

he one they used in your nursery when you were a baby. She cleaned

e the wind for the kitchen, where she burst upon the astonished cook, and reaching as far around

two children were in the playhouse k

r stirred a batter. By eleven o'clock the cooking was done and every pot and pan washed and put in its place. Helen said that was the rule in domestic science school, so although they were both tired with their labors and R

before in her life had she spent a really useful morning. She had learned

?" asked Helen, sinking down

would have to do it all, and we would just sit around." She laughed. "I think it would be loads of fun to take our cookies and the jello we made, and make some sandwiches of the

cried, "I have not been out there yet, and dad say

mother would like to g

gone to Jeffersonville and will not be back until to-morr

atisfaction, they called Minnie back

a?" asked Minnie, looking into

nd Helen and me," sai

ese things to eat?" said Minnie. "This basket holds eno

"You have no idea how good those cookies and things

olive bottle?" said Minnie. "And

ed eggs,"

in salt and pe

have," said Rosanna.

dish?" Minnie wen

e other one ha

ed to add, "Well, I say that is a grand supper, and cook never did a bit better for Mr. Robert when he was home and used to g

er she was dreaming of dinner parties and kitchens. When she w

ched the porch when Helen came running up, dressed pl

door. And oh, he thinks he can't stay with us. He has so much studying to do he

Minnie. "Only now that makes

le and skipped down the broad steps after the

aid. "Wouldn't you be s'prised

said Minnie firmly

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