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The Girl Scouts at Home; or, Rosanna's Beautiful Day

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2354    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

things that Helen and Rosanna dished out for them. It is to be said for the everlasting credit of the jello that it did no

nd egg sandwiches, and the cold hard-boiled eggs, and crackers and olives, and f

ee if there was a drop of tea left, and they were all eating the last cookies very, very slowly, partly to make them last and partly because they were so full and comfortable, Rosanna happened to notice Myron. She motioned to Helen to loo

er, and he is afraid we won't

boy, who was sitting close to his little pile of goodies as

n no

other, and said, "Why, Myron,

he's going to take 'em

o take it home to mamma and Gwenny. I haven't had a speck more'n my share. I counted every time,

y, I know mamma and Gwenny will be satisfied to just hear about our good time, and they wouldn't want yo

amma and Gwenny. Gwenny never had any cookies like those. And the jell is so pretty. I put a

home to your mother! Who is G

sister!" said

t she always sai

e, Myron," sh

le face as she said, "Gwenny can never go anywhe

d?" questio

h, she can be wheeled around the house and sometimes out in the ya

s good as those, and the jell is so

e help you do them up. You can take them to her just as you meant to, and I know she will like them because her little brother went without t

d Tommy, puffing up his

o fix that boy! I wish my third sister from the oldest, Louisa Cordelia, had him for a while. I reckon o

uppose he doesn't kno

Mary thought of 'em too, but she was too polite to say a word after all you have done for them. But poor little Myron didn't know it wasn't polite

ully. "But, Minnie, we must take some good things t

n the hamper, everybody sat around and wondere

tory. Tommy and Myron looked rather wild. Rosanna saw the look, and said that she thought

know so very many, but

y as he could be. But his mother did not like to have dogs or cats around because they tracked up things, so she wouldn't let him have them. And somebody wanted to give him a canary but his mother thought it would be a lot of trouble to feed. And once he 'most got a pair of white rats with his Fourth of July money, but they simply wouldn

r, went with his mother and aunt, and when they got to the grove his mother said to his aunt, 'I don't see any reason why Peter shouldn't walk around and amuse himself and

with his tail sort of down as though he didn't know anybody and was not having a very nice time. Peter didn't call him, but he wished he knew the dog, he was such a pretty collie with beautiful long hair and such a nice face. Pretty

e for supper the dog lay right under Peter's chair, and Peter's mother sai

that soon the boat would start and he would have to leave the dog and

nd Peter slipped and slid down, down into the river, and under he went. The next thing he knew he was on the bank, and his mother was crying, and there was a lot of people, and the dog was there w

ome we will take him for your dog, and if he has, we will try to buy him.' But it turned out th

ul story!" exclaimed Rosanna, an

dog," said Tommy. "He

y. "He is only three months old

will fight when

anyhow," said Myr

Pet Shop with money he earned himself. It

tory?" asked Rosanna. "I

w none," s

sister corrected him.

d hard, then

as runnin' away, and the rein had broke, and the man he yelled, 'I'll give anybuddy a million dollars to stop this horse,' and one of the kids

him!" said Minnie.

e!" said

with the money

promptly. "Went right d

pend such a lot

d he went to the circus and all the side shows, and Fontaine

ordelia ought to kn

now any girls,"

he conversation. "Now who next?" she aske

a sweet young lady for a teacher; mamma says she never saw anybody take such pains with the children as she does." She turn

nnie. "Miss Marie? Wh

an," sa

one. Nothing would do but she must go through normal school and teach. Seems like she was just made for it

" said Mary. "Go on, honey, and say t

d hard, curtseyed, an

bird sat

is seems a p

s pretty l

s pretty fe

leaves have

s deep on d

ot be the pl

land far

wing and wi

his little

rhaps I'll

e any worms

ng cold wit

trees are ba

inds are col

d teetered

er is as w

lew, "Good-b

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