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The Girl Scouts at Home; or, Rosanna's Beautiful Day

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1377    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

and told her that she felt that things were going along as well as anyone could possibly expect, and that she was deligh

st friend, no matter how sweet and well mannered she might be. Minnie, who knew real worth when she saw it, despised Mrs. Horton for her overbearing ideas, but what to do she didn't

ewing was wonderful. She was working eagerly on a little dark blue dress like Helen's for herself, and with Minnie's help was even putting a little

rave away, all Minnie could see to do was to let things go along, and "trust to luck" as she put it. Minnie didn't like "trustin

and remembered other times when she had been severely scolded for trying to make frie

ming happiness, no one w

little girl must be obedient and truthful and well behaved and kind. She must have a low and pleasant voice and be able to sit in the presence of her elders without tr

s not perfectly straightforward. She was sorry enough for it afterward-sorrier

dmother and still be sure of her happy time, to say nothing of protecting her dear


Oh, grandmother, I am having a lovely time. What do you think? Mrs. Hargrave had Helen and me to luncheon with her, and she likes Helen as much as I do, only she doesn't belong to the Lee family, and after luncheon Mrs. Ha

very pretty. I shall make a good many of my dresses after this. It sa

t what you would do if you saw five little children who had lost their supper, and I asked them to have supper with

don't all get done before you come home, grand

deal about the Girl S

I was glad to find it out. It is one more person to be

en you come home won't it be nice because we can go down town and

he always says, 'Well, all I can say is there'

ed. I think being a Girl Scout will help. Helen says all sorts

good deal to tell you. So please have a good ti


a letter t

. Ho

nd her music teacher says she never had such a bright pupil. I have her take a rest in the middle of each day. The day you left she broke her bottle of tonic, and I could not get more, as you have the prescription. But I do not th

Hargrave has made some slight change, but of course I know



ountry a letter full of praise for

slipped them away in her portfolio, thinking as she did s

ht changes in her way of thinking and acting. And Mrs. Horton did not care to have Rosanna change in the least. She was perfectly satisfied

embered the high stone wall and reflected that the child could

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