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Two Tragedies of Seneca: Medea and The Daughters of Troy / Rendered into English Verse


Word Count: 18178    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

of far less moment in the evolution of the modern drama than the more fundamental imitation of form and structure already noted; their chief interest in

lizabethan tragedies of blood had a strong hold upon the English mind from a much earlier date. One need not wonder that the thought which colored so early a poem as Beowulf, and which came to the surface in the conscious philosophy o

nglish dramatists the more readily as such borrowings follow

l and detailed comparison with their originals of Senecan passages in "The Misfortunes of Arthur." In a le

ritten in the

mper sceleribus

anslated b

mischiefe is by mi

, in 'The Misfortune

ssage is from

'The Malcont

through black d

, in 'Macbe

n make strong th

n 'Catili

t I have done


'The White D

s are by greate

s 'Duke of Milan,' II


pon myself,

n; and since

innocence, guilt

ught me; murder's

then help me

e following also from "

way of gain

d that sin wil

h of English tragedy, and that a careful reader is likely to have little

found in Rudolf Fischer's "Kunstentwicklung der Englische Trag?die." Symonds in his "Shakespeare's Predecessor

ginals, using as my text the edition of F. Leo. I wish to express my indebtedness to Prof. Albert S. Cook, and to Drs. Elisabeth Woodbridge and M.













e]. Ye gods

rdian of th

aught the tam

Argo; stormy

g bright day t

-formed Hecate

splendor on th

son plighted

a rather sh

t eternal; re

ial powers; a

dusky realm

th betrayed;

ppy voice. App

desses with

stained hands you

horrible as

e my marriage-

ide, and to t

se for Jason I

am in fear throu

ted, poor, w

well known, le

rs, and long f

st revenge, l

ather, daughters

nge is even now

sons to Jas

ry aloud with

attack mine

wn the torches f

heaven. Does th

ur race, and st

n his chariot,

accustomed space

n to seek his

ck the day? Gi

me in thy

t the winds,

idle those thy

let the parted

emains-for m

torches to th

crificial pra

their altars. S

livest, or i

igor-seek to

n bowels; throw

yself in sn

eds Phasis or

see. Evils unk

tful both to e

-wounds, and the

I remember g

e; let heavier

crimes befit m

rath, prepare th

hy divorce may

riage! Make n

ve thy husband? A

t up, by crime m


women, singing the marria

ent at the roya

way the scept

ld dominion i

eople come, ye


bull shall stoo

fer, knowing

air Lucina;

loody hand of M

tions peace,

, sacrifice

awful bridals

rkness with t

h slow step, di

temples with

bringest in the

on the lov

hining maids an

the virgin b

men, and the st

nwalled town,

etus try you

in the clear

s' sacred wa

he wild thunde

yoke to tiger

ian prince. Th

tripod, Dian's

oxer Pollux; C

e palm to Jas

heaven, ever

women, he ex

eauty in the

the other maid

rise pales the

on with bright

rescent horns,

like white cloth

erd sees the li

th the dawn.

nce to clasp

and reckless,

Colchian marriag

in-'tis her fat

ng of the thyr

me to light the

ipping wine put

music of the

ss their jests;

home to wed a

way into the



a, N

wedding chorus

ie! I could

dly yet believe

son's deed? Of

eft, can he d

n a foreign

th who saw the

ed? thinks, perch

ssed by every

ted, seeking

her's love-he

hrust the steel!

barbarian ci

and knows not, th

rn to mind ex

treasure of

rade, wicked m

imb and scattere

to his fathe

boiling cauldr

basely, bu

wrath, unhapp

choice, by f

r constrained? H

eel the sword.

milder words.

as, if this

, still let him

till the memo

Creon's; he

arriage, sever

ldren from their

y the penalt

home in ashes,

ea's dreaded ca

e only afte

t, I implore th

bosom. He wh

ounds, with pati

find healing

, when open ha


is grief that

sel. Great wrongs

olved on


fury; hardly

gh s

ne tramples

ars th

s is no pl

hast cou

It can

should be o

. To

une, hope poin

ho cannot hope d

is far away, th

hes nothing no

w remains! Here

d, god and th

king is t

I claim


thou then no

w warriors sprin


. I w

e. F

, I repent

hou art

thou sees

ilt thou

ly, but fi

eance may f

may, pe

s to hind


threaten madl

t thyself to fo

s, not my spiri

s,-who is this?

ith Grecia


h Attenda

is Medea of t

n ??tes, n

plotting evil

well I know h

are, or whom let

d thought t

word, but Jason'

ife. She may g

et our city f

erce, she seeks to

ep her off, bi

arn at last, a

Go, haste, and

lt is punished

nnocent, may ask,

hou wilt ju

Kings c

st, a king m

st kingdom nev

hence! See


ght me hither ta

come late, my edi

ho judges, one s

st judge, though

listening to the

e to hear so g

it is to calm

es the scepter

ill sufficient,

t in my father

sport of fortun

ne, forsaken,

y father was

ed from the

Phasis in its

Euxine touches

y the water fr

maiden cohorts

on, all these

her's kingdom

y and with pri

eek, sought the

ortune cast me

ile. Put thy t

ou mayst put in

ere at will! Kings

honor time c

retched, and

retreat. This

his at least I

ower of Grecia

, the offsprin

they owe t

elted rocks and

ollux are my

nd Lynceus whos

eyond the Euxi

Argonauts. O

hiefs, I do no

ught; those have

. Rehearse, now,

confess; this

rgo! Had I he

odesty or f

r leaders had

n-in-law, had

the fire-b

trample on m

uccored princ

compense for

ou wilt, but tel

my guilt-guil

uppliant, I tou

utstretched hand

a refuge, so

hide in; gra

safe asylum

t leave

rince who rules

the wretched

n this true by


t resource, in

astus, king

roy, that so

th age, bowed do

e torn asunder?

sisters imp

; if thou would

he can prove

d has stained him

sword, are yet u

ator of all

wantonness in

geous heart-and

ngdom; take thy

ear; dwelling

nvoke t

hou bids

ship and comra

go alone? N

both should go for

een two equa

ell for Jason'

ht, rapine, a

ted father;

hich a husband

inned, but ne

t begone, why waste

t going make on

er's guilt dra

father I will

a fathe

By futu

appy marriage,

h fickle fortune

grant the ex

ance about to d

on her chi


commit n

In so b

me were

o time t

who woul

Dost th

ort space fo

. Dee

t thy prayer; y

h thou mayst pr

the favor! Of t

draw. I would

he coming day i

ave the city

alls me, and

ws to


y ventured who w

t a pathway thro

ative land be

lue; who to t

fe, his slende

fe and death. O

ed age, and o

born he lived

his father's

ich, he knew

land afforded

nstellations, n

tars that paint

to shun the

rthern Wain, th

es driven;

Zephyr give

s the first to

canvas; for the

rl the sail; or

onged to fly b

ail fluttered in

wisely severe

Thessaly u

ters bring us

leader paid

ffs, the gateway

h smitten by t

oned waters sm

ed, and from hi

rudder; Orphe

ed; the Argo los

by her girdle

e Sicilian str

uths, who fears

tremble at th

irens calm the A

rpheus' lyre h

rs of ships t

rney's prize? Th

er than the

for those firs

ts its former

ws; and not a

ed, manned by

other ships ma

ved, new city wa

il, and nothi

n. The cold A

s; the Persian q

ome with the sl

trike off the chai

orld be opene

ys, shall wi

e to be earth'



a, N

er-child, why fly

th! curb thy imp

te, frantic

h rage divine,

snowy Pindu

so Medea w

her; on her che

, her visage fl

s. She cries

calding tears; a

rge within her

tens, makes complain

fling the bur

engeance? where w

sion overflo

ime, no or

elf; I recogni

mething terri

human, devil

rt the horro

eek how to show th

And must I t

ge the royal

rove unfruitful,

st effort? Wh

in the heavens;

nd the earth with ch

lie unnumbered

, the night bri

ver wet in

pole; while rive

ever cease to s

ceness of a r

r Charybdis

of the wi

lian seas; o

prisoned grea

flame, so glow a

rivers, nor th

fanned, can im

w and bring to

the king? Thes

nothing. He was

e gave his ha

ought his wife

red to do. He m

me delay of b

anted for my

complaint of t

for much; thi

ll ever hide.

and shake the

hy spirit so d

t thy storm-toss

can never fi

th me to ruin;

to share one's

thou hast to fea

ely fight with


ithdraws; e

is ever hard;

ter if it s

medies worse th

aith with her

to die; woul

ar myself. No

honor, love ha

er's death invol

e, if thou dw

e to witness

father! Say t

urns the yoke, s

more worth than

ed, I go to he

ight of me, her

e shows a


not new to c

banishment al

exiled hithe

compellst me,

hall I go? Sh

olchis, and my

atered by a bro

thou command me

ws through whic

nces when I

through the

os? Tempe? T

y I opened

st myself. Whe

into exile, b

anishment. I

sa's father, b

o his biddin


enalties let

ress, load my h

geon of eter

'tis less th

ne, recall t

soldiers, who

her; and the

, whose watchfu

dragon, at my

lain; the man

athered. Think

that old man's

aged father, d

safety, by thy

gon, by these bl

d from doing

ears, and by

our marriage,

give me som

shed gold the S

ar as India's

e palace hardl

our groves with

rother only b

thee I sacri

ther, brother,

rriage portion

o goes an

Creon thought to

yers, he gave t

d for a reward


hou mayst fly,

ings is ever h

t me such advice

dst divorce

Medea taunt me


anst tho

ins to

l I have

eeds that I shou

se thy

e are they,

minal who rea

ld brand thy wi

efend and call

ed for thee, tow

my life is an

h I am

Who is

ife to me ca

s' sake control th

ve none of them,

shall Creus


n exile's w

ueen will

. Nev

that mingles a


ns of S

What, c

rag both to ba

n has heard

What ca

e? Some crim

A princ

e and

a's wrath m

ur power, the



rust a fate to

as ever served m


eon's a n

l fall. Medea

st arm thyself a

ands with mur

me inno

Who wil

r ensue, and


o them the C

, Scythian hos


I great

er's po

Do not

t short our conve


from high O

piter; stretch

ghtning, from

remble, nor with

me; whichev

thy avengin

istake t

Try t

alm thyself. I

eon's house, thou

s strong enough,

ings; this boon

hildren with

soms I would

s are t

I might gra

e forbids me

mpel me to i

rrow of a grie

ive, I soone

embers, l

'Tis well! He

place where he m

e I go, thou wilt

give my sons a

e? But one th

e poured forth thr

ot in mind; l

r speech, my


have eras

brance. I wou

ntly; calmness

t Ja


a, N

! And can it be

and all my g

shall Medea

all thy power

me is thine, to s

less, so they

do not dream tho

e, be bold

yea, that whi

urse, companion

rtunes, aid my

gift of the h

of a king's

o my father

a necklace of

diadem, inl

used to bind my

poison by my

carry for me

cate, bring th

tars. Let the

all th


he power of flame,

rt, nor cloudy

s; fear not when

een its widely

one hastes seaw

p the snow u

s flows i

d, loving whil

lindly burns he

res not, will no

sk your grace

sed the seas; t

s conquered kin

son, we

outh who dared

eping not the

rious fires hi

ils of the wel

aths your fath


ill inv

ped the oars of

their shade the

ed between the

any hardship

r anchor on a

with ravishe

arful death up


eep demande

n unskillfu

n a foreign c

ther's kingdom,

shades, unde

er still harb

ships, remem

hat she lo

's son, who tou

the floods stood

nd the birds f

llowed him, on

ead borne down b

in the Styx an


hrew the nort

on of Neptune

rms; but afte

and and sea, an

Dis, lying

body to th

is wife's gift

ith Centau

a victim to

nia; Mele

ther, stained hi

other. They

what the crim

ercules long so

as drawn benea

oldiers, boldly

the gentl

rpents burie

h he knew the f

hers true, fa

hebes; and he w

eks fell headl

was meet

en by the thu

ocean; and P

husband, so a

nded that th

the ships ha

seething cauldro

its. 'Tis eno




with horror! R

her wrath inf

e awakes, thus

ng and att

ven. Greater c

es, for as wit

e sanctuary o

all her threats;

ow brings forth;

evils, arts

nd outstretched

s with their fie

Taurus with per

Drawn by he

rags his heav

tongue, and seeks


swelling body

eble poisons ear

s,' she says, 'he

time for de

ke a torrent

ds the Great and

iuchus shall l

ow. Be presen

ared to fight

ain by Hercu

nd. Thou watchful

the rest-thou,


been called she

rbs; all Eryx'

open top of

eus' blood, wher

rich Arabia

shafts, or the

s; all the brav

an forests in

the earth bring

nesting; or w

y the beauty

e world in i

ves flower the c

ted root, her ha

salian Athos

ndus; on Pan

nder herbs wit

tured with its c

ose; Hydaspes

rrent warm thro

s its name to n

e western oc

se. Those have be

bs at dead of n

athered with the

ants she chooses

nd she takes i

rt, the quivering

d owl living;-

ger force of f

itter cold of

adds the veno

feared. She sta

the world tremb


re the alta

invoke you,

, blind Chaos

, and squalid

nks of Tartarus

ridal leave yo

ou whirling whe

und; come, Tan

wave of the

nishment on Cr

isyphus, worn s

?des who st

eaking jars, I

nvocation, s

m most horrible

ce, thou three

rding to my c

nfilleted a

cred groves; cal

ies; have driven

ocean to with

's laws confused,

her, and the

dden ocean.

the seasons:

hes with summ

est; Phasis'

ource; the Dan

mouths restra

ly moving past

silent; but th

oar; the home o

fy shade; the

the sun stands

ons move the

hy hour

dy hands have wr

rpents girt; tho

phon bore, wh

ingdom; Nessus g

ta's funeral

ch have drunk t

cules; and h

eful brand. T

n the pathless d

they fled from

dropped by the

ound of arrows


a voice, the t

favoring goddes

-not the full-

heaven; but as, wi

the Thessali

ce upon my al

t. Terrify w

rth! Costly C

honor, Hecate,

blood I pay th

ee have stolen

gives its balefu

wed head I have

ance with my

illeted, have p

grows beside the

?nad, laying

nife I cut fo

the altars! H

arest! See, my b

seus, have I as

all no more my

lways I inv

ake alone! En

aleful power

first touch co

poison in her

id in the brigh

e and taught m

his daring the

vitals. Mulcib

nd I in sulph

ark from the d

have the flame

a, and the fi

age bull; and mix

om. I have b

orcery; now

oison, aid the

; let them dec

uch; let the he

and veins, st

nes in smoke.

brightly than th

d, and Hecate t

e from her fun

Call my sons. M

rne by them to

ns, a hapless

ts and prayers y

with speed, tha

t emb


the blood-stained M

What mischief

face grows rigi

es; threatens the

eve her exiled

crimson, pallo

color linger

driven to an

, of its youn

anges in the

not how to c

love and hate

eave the fair P

hian one, and f

ngdom? Drive wi

a; let the sw

Hesperus, end



ger, C

ste]. All are destroyed

d lie in one fu

troyed by w

. That wh


uld these

self wonder, an

plished, though

w did it h

. A destr

here as at com

n fear, the p

water quench

. It will

cle floods f

ht it so much m


a, N

Medea! Swiftl

ek in haste a

fly? I? Were

n for this, t

als. Dost thou pa

t the beginni

love if thou

son. Seek n

ne and maid

evenge pure hands

drooping spirit

heart its all o

now call honor;

ee how light, h

me-the prelude

reat my novice h

madness of my

ow, through

e through thee

hrough thee his li

y father lost t

rmed by thee hi

eek revenge!

crime; what wilt

nst thy hate

at my maddene

I confess i

de haste-woul

by this other

sa bore them!

heart at last fi

prepared for t

ce my children

feit for your

spirit and benu

wildly; mother-

and; shall I sh

blood? Demente

this crime! Wha

heir father?-g

dea claims th

ons of mine, s

t them perish


tears already m

ove like adver

ere? As when the

aves against e

eaten; duty d

duty. Anger di

solace of a st

he may have

too! But he ha

om my boso

ing-perish the

My wrath aga

o wherever

children of t

ere mine, tha

ons! In beari

ursed! And ye

other, that I

horde of furies

are their fir

ernal band its

era seek with

agon lashes i

tain brings its

her, and he s

ust the torches

furies have me

and the aveng

d the shades to

nal regions

o myself, and u

soul has found revenge.

dden noise? Th

drive me in

on the high r

body with me.

hid thy power,

hou ar

d the living boy, and carries w


, Medea with the childr

aithful one

tunes of your

the author of t

ither, cohorts

weapons; overt

captured now my

d my father;

ce; my kingdom

rginity re

d, marriage, a

geance is comp

thy hands are

? Why hesitate

All thine anger

of that whic

hou do it, m

e! Ruth shall

joy fills my un

joy increases


as not seen I

ns from the roof;

ish burned with

h the funeral p

tomb. To Creo

ady paid th

ad, and this s

alt see him

By th

ight together

illingly for

ere is any cri

h, strike down

thou askest mercy

rust the sword.

ide, desert a

ne suffice f

Had i

satisfy my ha

ne. But two is

fill up the meas

ng but that tho


grief, take

; haste not,

the oth

y me, mine

ost thou

is well! I

nothing more tha

rateful Jaso

I am wont to

h the skies; two

submissive to

r through heave

of her children, and is borne aw

the skies sublim

ll not in the hea















of Troj





ho puts his trust

ince's court wi

of heart, dread

appy lot con

oy's. Never by

frail a thing

capital, the

she beneath who

rink the Tana

evenfold outlet

ee the new-born

ters with the b

alls and towers,

id her rui

troy the city;

home of Kin

not the eager

Troy. The sky is

ough enveloped

ashes. Eager

ds and measures

g ten years; de

es that he has

es her conquer

are busy wit

ps will hardly

adverse deit

hes, and thou,

th the ruins

the mighty, in

ye my offspring,

have happene

s of Apollo,

ed belief, h

ith child, have

ilence, though

o has prophe

not the cr

nions of his

, who flung int

e; the glowing

of life, why

recall more

roy is now an

urder of a king

tar's foot all

e, when ?acu

n the twisted l

ad, and drove

nd; freely it w

, and yet drawn

s the blood o

cruel death a

e; and the i

he deed; and f

cannot stay t

father of s

ave, and in the

e, and yet the

ed; behold, th

Priam's daught

and I go t

Hector's wife

nor's; nor ar

thee, Cassand

I alone affri


ite your breasts,

, home of you

your sorrowf


orus of Tr

hose weep who are

ons have not

hen the Phrygia

cl?; and th

ele, through

. Ten times t

Ida-Ida stri

jan dead with

rembling reaper

ed grain from Il

has seen us fr

k new mourning

hy breast: thy

inept at


my grief, unbi

oulders let i

ashes; come with

sened robes, a

modest bosoms,

owing tunics, f

requent beating

tisfied, I

ollowers; a


for He

e unbind

in wild lame

g ashes on ou

be to drop from

soms now inv

hy power; let Rh

lows, nor from

und the closi

ice repeat eac

ocean hear. Wi

be content with

p for

our hands have to

oulders; Hector

ows and lacera

icted in thy fu

low with blood.

thy land, he

aried Phrygian

ee supported,

. With thee thy

m and Hector's

iam, smite for

as tears

f Phrygia, twic

s, receive our w

t king, Troy su

weapons were he

y made a targe

and when that

ring, had been

sire, the funeral

great Jove, thy



your tears; no

ther all, thri

nded to the l

ver bear on c

yoke; nor th

hrewd Ulysses

hies on his ne

mph; feel his

back; nor add

ne, forced in


appy Priam! as a

d of spirits

fe shadows of

among the pea

r Hector. Ha

, who, dying in

to destructio



Chorus of

delay, that holds

ek for war or f

t the reason of

the Greeks the

ble, and my spirit

s will hardly

myself; Tita

mits, dayspring

en, with a mutt

in the woods the

rests and th

h mighty ruin

summit; nor

ocean also

ng, and laid b

arth a gloomy

opened up

the tomb gav

ade of the Thes

when, preparin

to flight the

eptune's shining,

eathing battle

ivers with the

andered over

hannels; or as

ar, a victor,

oy behind him

ce rang out alon

lothful ones,

the thankless

s. Not lightly

; that wrath sh

rothed to me

acrifice at

b glow crimson.

y with night, a

Dis. He took

ve him, and the

d, the raging

ean murmured,

deep their h


non, P

ward turning, you w

ls, Achilles w

ruck down, Troy

ath, was but s

ubtful whither

ill to give hi

te. Already all

ff their prize

ice have you

valor? Does h

hun the batt

appy age, ou

ars of Pylo

other's mantle,

s. When Tele

lles entranc

a, with his r

lles' hand, but

ng. When Thebe

s conquere

aptive. With lik

us, built at I

d was capture

royal strife,

n Tenedos, an

h fertile past

rd, and Lesbos

aits, Cilla t

atever land

depths of water

r, glory, h

ut on the mar

d so great th

ready for his

silent of hi

be enough tha

uered Ilium; a

ade it naught.

raises and ill

ire: how Hect

and father p

lies slain, whose

ht of day, wit

te; and at his

bles, and, a

touch the chi

rsh queen, thy

Wouldst thou

, then yield hi

ld ask a virgi

Mycene. Dost

nt, art loth t

am's child, t

s sacrificed


no power to check

fault of youth

others is the

his father's

ce I stood the

erce son; mo

ost strong. With s

ur illustrious

w much the con

suffer. 'Tis t

hly rules, rule

rtune doth ex

man power, so

ods who too m

ndful of unc

k. In conquering

t greatness is

umph too soon

ks, in that place

ave been, and

oudly; Fortune'

they oft in ot

st me proud, but

eem my scept

th idle glitte

rnament? Fa

ll it need a th

ten years' war.

o, oh Argive

I have trou

onquered; but I

shed and laid her

d, who gains

ks not his rag

ruel or un

any, anger w

ness and the s

lood and seeking

ands of ruined


acted; that

nd, offered as

hould crimson

this hateful

I will neve

would rest th

not crime when


ll Achilles


, all shall t

ds shall sing h

de would take

pon his ashes,

ep, rich sacri

ause a sorrowin

this, by whic

to one gone

soil thy fath

enge, command

rence wi

Harsh kin

ile favoring f

aught threaten

d with love and

bear away from

les back, with

nd, if thou w

eater, and who

orthy. All too l

slaughter, Priam

s, indeed, the wor

ith relentles

ppliant prayer

ur father's foes w

his prayer hims

ask, and over

g in thy tent,

essions of


t thy father d

he slaughter

f the fleet,

nd with his pl

ly hi

Mighty He

rms but feared A

hat fear peace


. There w

Hector's father

rant kings li

. Why wou

hand cut short

ives often death

seeks now a vir

emst it crime to

heir children, kings s

ares captives or d

w forbids not, hon

ors is permitted

t should wish to w

thou sayest to us,

eavy yoke, whom

this the boa

. There

r's blood

. Shut in

the seas are kin

and Thyestes'

f Achilles ere h

aid he ravis

Achilles, who,

e world held s

m his mother,

from Jupiter

les, who by Pari

om the gods att

rb thy insolence

ble, but my s


e soldiers, wh

god's int

ldiers go out, C


, Pyrrhus

] Thou, who hast freed

r's delay; a

ven; to whom th

acrifice, in

through heaven its

of fate; whose

of doom; speak

god commands,

wise co

ate a path

nly at the wo

t be slain u

alian leader

those Thessali

r bridals, or

Mycene; and

rrhus to his f

ghtly wed. Y

se that holds o

flow for blood,

lyxena. Whom f

Priam, Hecto

om Troy's wall sha

ousand sails make


of Troj

or does an

dream that af

one shuts the w

day's sun has

ral urn has

l live on amo

ail to bear th

? Must miser

eyond? Does n

eting spirit

n the dreaded

dy, does no p

he rising su

ver ebbing

with blue w

egasean fli

of whirling con

ling of their

es. As obliq

so all must s

es once the

e god, exist

smoke from smo

s, or as a

wind scatters,

that rules u

nothing; deat

mete of a s

souls gives h

to their fe

and the aby

to the flesh,

; T?naris,

my monarch,

berus and guar

y rumors, se

hat trouble an

ther go we

e who never h



che, An

ar your hair, my P

asts and mar your

ht that has the

you but now, f

hilles urged a

hind his wheel

of wood from

, and under Hec

elmed and crushe

, for I was stu

followed He

om the Greeks,

my heart, forba

till to ask th

nger life

my sorrow's r

r. All chance

, and worse are

ss to fear wher

den fear assails

reat misfortunes,

fill the measu

hould wish, what can

entrance of the

yx lies open

ough of fear,

m Dis. Can Gree

y is equal; Ph

ar; a dream of

y terr

What drea

t night's second wat

were turning f

came an unaccu

ed; on my eye

f that dull le

rief-worn souls

s stood Hecto

the Greeks ave

give fleet wit

with slaughter '

Achilles' ar

layed Achilles

. Not with flam

rred with tears

ll unkempt his

d to see him.

ad: 'O faithfu

son and hide hi

p not! Do you

fallen! Haste

the child.'

d a trembling

d my eyes now he

e, careless

ector, but the

my arms, elud

son of an il

e; last of a st

spring of an

ather! Such my

gait, his man

s, and so his s

th bold brow whe

! Oh, born too

e, will ever c

, when thou sh

lead from flight h

defending m

a name to Tro

of my fate, I

fe is all that

lace of safe

That high citad

eets are flame,

mighty city

de an infant.

n I find? Th

band-this the fo

riam, in his

ous hand, great

ust a father

men of the pl

my trembling me

ay choose, the wret

ay not hide him

me one

Cover up

ur d

And if the f

estruction of the

ved a man tha


No other h

heavy burde

e once more in

ts it to h

n. Vic

nly in the f

] What distant, pathless

thee, give th

w as ever gu

cret of thy fai

usted ashes t

ou into thy f

urn and shun t

y father's str

. Put by thy in

ake what fortu

eft of all th

ild, a capti

ortunes. Dar

er's sacred res

nd thou hast

thee aid, tho

ulcher will safe

ou shouldst draw

r is lightlier borne

ill I go, since

a while, but check

recian leader


a retinue of warriors.

g a messenger

not mine the b

his is but the

ks, too long fr

ild: him do th

hope for but a

l them still to

their armor, w

ves strength t

s the god's

ophet Calchas

oken; Hector

: those sprung

great. With pr

k, the young an

rnal herd and

ee is cut, the

self above th

h, and lifts its

nce has left fro

gth; like these

h our act, you w

harsh of judgmen

ers, ten long

, grown old, ou

len Troy, som

ng thing that mov

tor; free them

e holds back ou

ships. Too crue

nded Hector'

s once; with pa


he. Alas

wert within th

ew what fate en

ds thee, torn f

were pierced with

ast with woundin

e were girdled

ff my mother-

fortune holds

derer in an un

lames of Troy

nqueror in thy

ome wild beast, p

mit, food fo

retend. Thou mayst

have power

les, although

pty plots; wh

is my Hector? Wher

seek'st one, I s

hou refusest wi

t be forc

ught, nay, who

h may put an end t

if thou hop'st thro

speak, threa

me a wished-

, scourge, torment

hy heart's deep

stronger far

mes, wounds, hunger, t

all torments, sw

bosom, or th

ry, fearful

ving mother kno

s love, in which tho

y, admonishe

heir own chil

ng ten years,

ss the danger Ca

I feared-but

r Tele

che. Un

ecians joy, b

ish must conf

n of Atreus,

ont, to the P

s: great Hecto

prove it to

e. Fall o

ill the victo

y an easy, tim

underneath m

ctor lie his

that, hidden f

mb, among the

ed then the fate of

sage of esta

. [He turns to go


trusted thee, th

uld a mother

augury of dre

uguries, who fe

ith an oath-yet

orse to fear?

hast of cunn

hole Ulysses; tr

other; see-she m

ns every way he

ar attentive;

thou hast need

other mothers' loss '

d one, we mus

lost a son whos

headlong from t

the ruined

ife fails, I faint, I

es my

. She trembles;

; she is betr

e fear. [To h

y; somewh

ile concealed,

st enemy of T

[After a pause as though the

taken; hasten

y do you look aroun

oy is

Would fear w

ed, and now too

ns its

ince by ha

the lad forestal

fering from th

ow obey the s

prophet: this m

ips at last ma

mb be leveled

ttered on the

nd, since Hecto


de]. Alas, what

distracts me

husband's sac

ers? O inex

my husband-

n my son 'tis t

d my son shal

image! Shall

he waves? Nay,

mother bear t

Troy's tower dow

l, that Hecto

tor's sport. T

death has made

one shall pa

in doubt? Thy He

h one is Hector

avenger of his

them both, w

e whom most the

fulfill the orac

to its fo

he. Whic

o it, I will le


call the fai

h, to aid; com

her's g

e tomb shal

ed with

e. This c

unned; ye've sack

g gods, ye've s

ffer it, unar

ed host; rage give

savage Am

army, or the

thyrsus, by the

spreads terror

, I'll rush into

r ashes die. [She places

ly to the shri

oman's wrath a

o? Do quickl

the grave, Andromache

ord must first sla

k. Hector, come f

he fate's delay

ief-thy shade

ngs and flashe

you Hector?


ll lay it in

What have I done? To

n together; y

tions I may m

t weight will p

sure; O my wret

r the fates de

ather not o'e

not upon his

self at the fe

t thy feet

my right hand cla

a suppliant

a mother; he

on the fallen

gods lift up to

antst the wretche

o again thou

old Laertes'

re he see the

and outrun th

rtune, and his

his gifts ou

a mother to

e remains

the boy, then thou

ther from thy hidin

mother's lame



sses, this is h

els, behold him

t the feet of

erence; nor th

bids the wretc

yal race, the

h all the world

aptive on thy

y mother's tea

woes. [To Ulysses.]

f a royal chi

iam turned asi

des; he, the

sts, who from the

is a hidden,

quered by his y

said, 'the rei

ther's kingdom

h a better fait

captives of t

entle wrath

arms alone

to thee? Of

thy feet a supp

ee his life; l

e will Tro

the mother's sor

thers' sorrow

ne this child wou

e ruins of a lan

Or could these

ope, if such

n no longer c

ld his father's

y destroyed, hi

urage which grea

your wish, wha

noble neck to

ave. Who ever

unty to

The see

sses who den

ficer of fraud,

valor never

d guile of whose

fallen, dost th

od or prophet?

rt. Thou, who by

last one dee

boy's de

y valor to

o the Phrygians

aste the day

ps weig

. Grant a

other, for m

ffice, satiate

orrow, with a

d that I might

, I grant thee

weeping ever

e of love, light of

ojan dead, fea

mpty hope, for

that thou mights

thy father's

my vows; thou ne'

the kingly

o thy people,

th thy yoke, n

g Pyrrhus at th

y slender hand

hunt the dwell

festival, in

noble band of

ltars with swif

oing of the tw

honor with ac

emples. Oh, mo

row knows no limit

arrow is the time

al boon: that wi

es be bound.

t feared alrea

ts thee; go,

free T

. Mother

thy mother's hands

in a refuge? T

seeks his moth

of the lion;

lion driv'n, t

shed, and dragged

ches from thy m

tears, my kisse

er, bear him t

t: 'If still t

s, if died not

ove, why lea

Grecians? Hec

old and vanquis

again.' Take t

these alone I h

eath, and take t

ther; leave th

ched his tomb an

it well so a

its fol

p no more, b

ays the sailin


of Troj

alls the capti

lian hills? o

riors? Trachin

le? or the great

the spacious

undred towns?

ricca? or Mo

requent rivers

adow of the ?t

bowmen came, n

the wall

ose homes li

hateful to t

he ocean's cur

unting heaven

othous? There

teacher of the

plectrum from th

red the boy with

stus, for its

Chalcis, lyin

t sea whose h

ait; Calydna's w

enoessa; or

us near the

; Enispe

or Eleusis,

holy, secre

eek great Aja

he home of s

that the Ti

waters? Scar

Pharis, Pis

lympian g

what tempest

nd it bears u

rse alike of G

land of Argos

ops, Neritus

imits than Za

ng cliffs of

t fate, what

In whose realm m



a, Andromach

. Whatever sad and jo

r, lamentation

len. Even to

ortune, bidd

hat Achilles

ather, and dem

ornaments. B

ud, must Pari

s were happie

th must be a l

o his bidding?

s the crime rem

to Po

ghter of Troy'

on thy misf

thee a happy

unfallen Troy

for the brigh

ian race, the

f the wide Th

his by lawful

and the ocean

ntle nymph of

eirs; when thou a

ll thee kin, a

be of mourning

unlearn the cap

llful hands to

Perchance fate

lace to seat th

ofit to have

ne ill only lacked

e Pergamus sti

arriage! Dare

d persuade, who

nations owe to

yal tomb, these b

ttered over a

the cause. All

s for thee, whils

husbands fight

sh the victor!

ed; what need

ts, when burnin

these new brid

omen, hono

of Pyrrhus. Smite

eep a

t comfort

r, which loses

ers of its gr

d before this

fered heavier il

mourns He

s for Priam

eep for Pari

hateful to b

rs I bore the ca

d low, her h

ose one's land

. Your sorrow fr

and conquere

was doubt whom thou

s me hence wit

I the bringe

crian carnage?

artan keel th

gian oars I am

rious goddes

ris' judgmen

ge awaits me

Menelaus. W

ut by thy gri

myself rest

reat the ill that

weep? What tr

e Ithacan? F

tower, will he

s? Or hurl he

liff which, from

hallow bay,

hou cover with

eavier than t

son of Pri

tell the penalt

at at least th

dost not find

Apollo's prophet

lay of my s

on Achilles

ain by Pyrrhu

of thy fate

lles bids them

his manes,


joy, Hecuba sinks fa

with what joy a

bids them brin

er hair. She dee

e of Pyrrhus,

. The wretched

spirit fails

thy heart, be

y a thread-how s

She breathes,

ies the

ives Achi

jans? Still pu

hand of Pari

chilles drink

ircled by a

by their kiss

her love amon

ne is left; f

ace, healer of

ild of Hecu

ll me mother

lip away, spare

w my cheeks-a

om her e

e are the one

om, scattered

hips shall ca

find at leas

il of her love

known, yet more tho

any portion of

al urn has giv

ll I master? Speak,


ve thee to th

Cassandra, whom

from su

rince of kin

, rejoice, my c

ridals, and C

Is there any o

or his b

hou fall



ss, cruel, u

lot to be the

endly thus div

biter forbids

ith Achilles'



d captive am

ll misfortune

me, and not my

sterile, by rou

old my grave! L

delay not

hee; my fate

m will rest upo

flame shall rag

m's! When these

unishment shal

, from thee I s

rrhus comes with

ce. Why pause?

ubled bosom d

thy Achilles

ed men, up,

hy sword; drag of

deous slaughter

t in heaven and

ay for thee?

tes; I pray the

he Pelasgians,

at I fain would

me hence


a nation's grief

e lamentatio

s and grief is le

rrow, cruel

ee its lot b

not alone it

hapless fate

lf forlorn, thou

happy near h

rom the weal

attle that en

lift again his

comparison ma

n hopeless ru

appy. He depl

, naked, finds t

rs with calme

s, a thousand ves

empest, sees th

ore, the while t

coast, nor h

beggar. When t

leader of the flo

lle, Phryxus m

pped into th

on's wife, rest

they saw the s

of living men

eet shall scat


dding spread th

s, and Troy's sh

nd grow faint and

e, Mount Ida

sorrow; then wh

shall gaze. The

le, 'There where

there is Ilium.'

s know the




itter, cruel,

ars of crime wh

ars encounter

I lament? Thy

Or thine, th

r woe thou mour

fs only others

s of all, all

ows all who cal

ering ever loves

aths-the tale


One mighty

e is left; from

biter of war,

oops; and in t

sing arms, em

en that hero

rd the trembling,

wed the child its

e former glory

ely, ruined

ong of chiefs a

rted ships th

the hills some

ising cliffs,

; some climb the

ll beneath the

rembles; some ha

some climb a sw

urret of the

lookers-on, mou

crowded space, w

Ithacan, an

andson; nor with

g hero mount

the top, with

agle glance fr

tender cub of

o raven with i

ly, and proudl

is brave and

right hand o

d leaders and

t weep for whom

e Ithacan be

tic message a

ods, he leaps

riam's kingd

er such a deed by

cythians, or t

eside the Cas

blood Busiris'

feasted his

imbs! Who took

bore it to t

d that headlong leap

pieces by th

noble form,

ious father, are

roken is his

pieces on the

ains gush fort

d of

Like Hector,

m the wall the boy

ans wept the

se same Achaian

les' tomb. W

aters beat th

he tomb the le

pward, and surr


h lookers-on, w

death their ves

es to think the f

ff. The fickl

the most part

aste with no

eral rites, and,

al fall of rui

iage, sudden

orches; Hele

he bride, with

e daughter

ygians pray, 'ba

sband.' Terr

eoples. With her

s the victim;

beauty shine

ight of Ph?bus

tting, when t

rkened by app

ilenced; all me

e: some praise

moves some, and

ss of fortun

heart by her c

ath. She comes,

remble, pity;

n his father's gr

tands, the noble

linchingly th

pirit moves the


at length, with

the hilt the

st; the life-bl

wound; in deat

ong; with angry

ke the earth a

' breast. Bot

offer only f

urn more freel

; her blood l

nor flowed away


, conqueri

your homes; wi

safely skim the

id are dead, t

e my woe, where

y of the slow

ep? my husband,

ourn the livi

th, with violenc

ens, but thou fle

ought, mid fire, and

ot the foe, n

slay me, thoug


ybius, coming fro

men, seek

s are filled, the

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