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Rosa's Quest / Or, The Way to the Beautiful Land


Word Count: 1524    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

adually fading

e, was sitting before her cheery open fire, fruitlessly en

contained, from the rugs upon the floor to the pictures upon the wa

ed back upon her couch for good solid meditation, while tears gathered in her

noon, recalling minutely the details of the unusual

know.' If only I knew where she lives, that I might go and see her and minister to the comfo

ly rising upon hearing the familiar footstep in the h

g. What is it? Are you ill, or have

bout a little girl I saw in the car this aft

y and tell me all

the largest churches in the city, he always ha

a crowd, but overshadowed by an expression of care far too heavy for her baby years. Her eyes were large, dark and unusually lustrous, while her wavy brown hair fell about her face and neck in rich profusion. He

w recall the conversation, I find that I know but little indeed of her

ne, is not specially noted for her amiability. But oh, father, when she would refer to her mother, it se

lderment concerning her mother's rumored moving, and of h

the poor and outcast, bowed his head and wept also. The pathos of the chil

? How much is the fare?'"

ho, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, an

in silence, lost in the thoug

I felt ashamed and speechless when she asked me why she had never been told before, having no reasonable answer whatever to give. I wish I could tell you

for her as well as for you and for me. In ev

ne to tell her, and her mother is almost dead. Oh, that I knew where she lives! All she needs is some one to

ches, with many thousands who profess to be the Lord's, yet Rosa in reality has never heard of Him. Every day of her life, as she goes upon the street, or is in a car, she comes into contact with some one who migh

dliness sweeping over the churches is at the root of the whole matter. Many to whom I preach are saved, but oh, so few surrendered! They want just enough of Christ to help them in times of trouble, to make sure of heaven being their ultimate goal, and just as much of this world as they can possibly carry alo

st's words, 'Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh,' it makes me fear that many, indeed, of this generation shall say in vain at that day, Lord, Lord! It is a fearful thing for those who profess to know H

for the glory of the Lord, I should have left the car and followed her.

hild, but let us ask God to send her to us. He can direct in

ed Esther's face with joy, as

o mere chance I saw her today. The Lord's directing hand was in it. H

w mother loved that song, when she knew that so

soprano, the other a fine teno

u a song of tha

ay home of

ver beat on that

ears of ete

ng, Esther kissed her fathe

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