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Rosa's Quest / Or, The Way to the Beautiful Land


Word Count: 3063    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

eparing for the events of the day, their every motion evide

ce. We may have to travel a good ways, you know. Mother used to drink tea, when we could afford it, before starting out to work all day. My, ain't I glad we're going to find mother! And she won't be coughi

ike, and I can't remember when I've had none before T

ker all the time. I think we'll find Tom, too, and Tom's mother. There's a

aight up. The green vines a-wavin' in the breeze wuz a-growin' all over it, and the roses smelled so pr

reading abo

and fruit, and the folks don't git sick no more, and-well, I can't tell you, Ro

read in your pocket, pleas

think we'll need it. 'Pears like the man said somethin

e we'll want i

a, but are you 'most ready

t I'm so 'fraid you'll

ld, we'll so

long flights of steps, the younger leadi

snow flakes scurrying through the air. Both being insuffic

? I had no idee about it; but then

, for the wind blows so awful hard. It used to

is way too. I'm sure nobody on Burton street knows the way anyhow. I'd think they wo

e, we'll ask her, for I guess she'd kn

ld me about Jesus before? I'

aled to Rosa's fancy. She was looking for a beautiful girl with blue eyes and a blue suit, who would look down upon he

before inquiring the way. Singling out of the jostling crowd a well-dressed woman

don't cough no more. Mother's gone, and Jesus paid all the fare, and it do

e unfeeling reply, the haughty face rel

disappointed child, "but I'll try again. There's a

voice the quest

tle girl! Are you t

Jesus has paid the fare, and where the

y, only you and this poor old man o

tis dreadful cold," she replied, her slight

so awful bad. I should think you

o stand here and talk, child.

what is Su

s are? They have them in all the churches. Find one and go

to eat, then go back home. You will m

ete her shopping. However, things did not go well the rest of the day. The wan face, the sad

heck for fifty dollars to be used in city mission work, feeling co

he noon hour, an

ndpa, that we'll get some warm sandwiches. You wait: I can ge

rned, bringing wit

nd sit on that box. I guess

ain't it? I thought we'd surely be there by now, and I'm gittin' so t

the abrupt question in a gruff voice, "What are you doing h

instinctively these city protectors, and woul

t eating our sandwiches. It don't cost nothing to go, 'cause God so loved the world and Jesus paid all the fare. Mo

n at this unexpected reply tha

n. "But let me tell you, little girl, you and that old man want to turn in wherever you came from before d

started off

olice station so thoroughly terrorized Rosa tha

tales concerning his oft-repeated experiences in being locked up for the night, a

s a goin' before the judge. You know the judge i

pa was about given out, but the mere thought of returning

s too far to the beautiful land that we can't get there today, anyhow.

at p'liceman the way? They're on purpose to tell folks how t

wish we wuz there. I'm so co

s' Gray got the other day. Then tomorrow we can try once more. The lady said something about church and Sunday school

you say, but it 'pears like we mus

leaning heavily with one hand upon the stick which

to face with a well-dressed gentleman wh

said running up to his

ittle beggar, I hav

indignant, that she could not answer, b

n't want no money. I just want to

crowd, and the weary, disa

spot for grandpa to rest that Rosa became alarmed. What if night sho

heavy from repeated disappointments, that

e girl?" unexpectedly

up into the face of another police

eman's star, and Rosa's evident sorrow ha

t of the wind by this building, and

lost, but just ca

ow is it? I don't understand. Maybe

ntrollable sobs, and for sev

y a pause, the wh

e, "can you really tell us? Please, oh, please do, for I can't stand it any longer w


frame shaking with emotion, "I've a mothe

t her there, but, no, I've never

of them are going, for the lady said so. I do wish mother'd co

maybe I can help you after all. There's a big church on the corner there, and I know the p

t will be getting dark presently, and you will half freeze. I w

ut upon beholding the massive stone structure in

could find the way if we'd go

as wanted many times to teach me

tor might be, and forgot to inquire,

uld deliberately refuse the information w

he way?" she gasped, impulsively grasping his bi

must be gone! It is almost dark. I'll watch for you in the mornin

uiet of his room a wo

forth, and till a late hour poured over its precious contents. Then falling upon his knees, this prodigal of many years found in Jesus th

walk seemed almost intermina

ow to her excited imagination was transform

s a relief to be back once more in the dingy r

little stove, then prepared a scanty supper

stove for him, and did all within her

t he might not be able for the journey tomorrow, for without a doubt he was much

sked, the tears coming to her ow

d I'm so homesick! Too bad, too bad, ain't it, when the fare's all paid, and they

uld find the way tomorrow in that great big build

rising partly up, while his eyes sparkled with new hope, "I ca

grandpa. It must go pr

'pears like it'd ought to have green vines a-runnin' all

. The roses won't be blooming outdoors now

added dreamily, "and not be dis'p'inted no

at it would be wise for her to sit by his side till morning. The hours were long and dreary, and at every sound her overtaxed nerves would cause her to start. Sometimes she was sure that a policeman was coming after them; and again Mrs. Gray was abo

all the fa

opped her head upon his pillow and fell asleep, dreaming that

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