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Rosa's Quest / Or, The Way to the Beautiful Land


Word Count: 4317    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ay wa

eeper than ever before, were seated in his study, whil

d to keep her as her own little sister, to educate her, to train her in things both tempora

d from the beginning as He can, she was growing positively happy at this unexpected turn of events. It was a part of her religion not to be simply passively s

, was quietly talking to Mrs. Gray of the pr

to his breast, while now and then

e has raged fiercely since Sunday morning, but thanks be to Go

interest in other things. I have prided myself upon my uprightness and morality, considering that I was a worthy example for any to follow, an

that there were two mighty and opposing forces within, each struggling for the supremacy. I did not yield

farther away from God. I have longed for the joy of my first love, but He could

ement and not of firm conviction. I fully realize that I have no power in myself, and that the first moment I look away from Christ I shall fall. I

girl whom God was pleased to use in the breaking of my stony, icy heart. I wish to take her

ling to be my little girl instead of my

his neck and kissed him, while Mrs. Dale s

you," fervently responded the pastor, "l

e Master. Rosa's quest has brought me face to face with the insignificance of this world, and the realities of the next. Her attitude is only what that of every true follower of God should be. Our citizenship is in heaven; from when

ication of the fact that a

a rich and new

w, that she was 'most a-starvin' fer the kind of love she didn't git. How she must have missed her ma! Oh, I've been so awful mean! I don't see how God can fergive me, but I know He has. I never knew'd before that the Saviour is fer sech as me. Tom used to try to tell me, and I wouldn't let him. He wuz good, and I wuzn't. And dear old father! How happy he and T

Mis' Gray," faltered R

d the doctor, "but you may visit Mrs. Gray every week, a

le and

s. They need Him bad to help them, but they don't know He's promised to. And Billy Bruce, the poor laddie, I want to tell him how sorry I am fer a-tryin' to throw that piece of coal at him. His ma's drunk most of the time, and so's his pa. He used to come to me fer somethin' to eat, and I wouldn't give him a thing, but jest scold him and tell

her day, and feel sure that you can bring him around all right. I shall come over often to ass

n guiding since first I saw Rosa that co

in silence, each one buried in thoughts too

octor's shoulder, her lustrous eyes becom

! Mother's there, and don't cough no more. Grandpa's there, and we


ght of a huge package, entered the car, sitting directly in front of me. She was thinly, though neatly, clad. Her pale face was o

her whole appearance, impelling me to c

and the conversation which followed,

w anything about Jesus

t it seems like I've

in the wilds of Africa. The sad expression of her face did not alt


ry soul eagerly drinking in the o

se of deep depression, I saw her disappea

bably is still toiling on in that proud "Christian" city, and

souls, constantly coming into contact w

tly more importance to the few brief years spent upon this earth, than to the countless cycles of

y-and-by many a one would doubtless gladly forfeit ten thousand years

he only way in which one may prove his appreciation and loyalty

, saved eternally by the precious blood of God's sacrificial Lamb, but with

influencing them to become more diligent in their search for the



give account of himself

seen all

d unto the eyes of Him with who

harge me

ll under sin" (Galatians 3:22).

e puni

nneth, it shall d

of sin is death

I p

erish, but that all should com

an I

us Christ, and thou shal

ble to

to the uttermost that come u

e wi

o the world to save si

ed on be

the Son hath everlas

be sav

ehold, now is the day of sal


e I will in no wise c

not fa

to keep you from f

how shou

live unto themselves, but unto Him wh

death, an

you; that where I am, there y

the HIGH


umes in one bo

ng" have now been combined, without revision and with fourteen colored charts included in one handy volume. These Bible studies were first given in embryo to

oks by R


y groups. The questions are based on the teaching in each chapter of "Life on t


e holy life. Here is victory for the defeated; deliverance for the enslaved; rest fo


existence when the Lord is waiting to give them His very best-rivers of living water! Perhaps few Christians have heard or read the Divine pla


a man out of the common run of people who lived a life b

Institute Pl.,


chers of


The Pe


Kingdoms of Is

ssons from th

The Life

Mark, L

of the Apostles a

rder, beginning with Genesis, are taught in a way that the child c

h the story is told in a manner that will interest the young. At the close of each sec

the home, who recognize the importance of following a consecutive course of Bible lessons, will find these books of great

tments of large and successful Sunday Schools for many years. She has been Superintendent of Instruction of

d V, 112 pages each

tock Covers.


Place Chicag


attractive paper covers, 4-

Grace. C.H

y to God.

Profit In Bibl

fare and Vic

en. D.L

ing Prayer

of Life. Va

Power. D

e Work.

to Promise.


Peter." J

Life's Duti

Shepherd. L

ign Grace.


oves Me. Mrs

and Reaping

Sons." Story

News. R

cond Comin

rendered Life, or Kade

and Little Dot-Stor

rcoming Lif

digal. Vari

t-Filled Life

First Prayer.

-Life for the


aith? Spurgeo

s Old Organ-A

and Wantin

f the Dolphin.

the Master's

. C. Leach an

n London. H

dy's An

of Pentecost

the Bible

hind the Scen


for Quiet Hou

er Life of D.

y's Late

Cross. Spurgeo

o Pray. R

g Davie-Story.

Talks. D

's Progress

the Master's

o Bethel.

ents and the Christ

to Prayer.

Way Home.

David Livings

ds to Young Ch

uest-A Story.

ies in the Bib

erplexing Questions

n from Start

treet Folks.

oblems Explai

The Lord's Co

n: Creed and

sory Prayer.

e Moabitess.

ight Bernard

the Penalty and Powe

ry's Go-Tell

ye Bible Stud

ried, He


st We Know. A

of the Christian

ife in Christ

in the Praye

that Wins. Ro

ay of Holine

Free. Mission

g with God.

hat to My Acco

to Christian

ble the Word o

e These Words. W.

s of Bible

of a Doctor's

le Shepherd.

cked Young Me

s of Christ.

Appointed. Br

in a Doctor'

ng Christ. Wi

ssurance. H

Remedy. Walt

periences in

ue" Mystery

ion of the Human B

r Creek Knob.

le New Storie

f Living Wate

Unto Holiness

-Winner's Fir

s Bible Stories-G

ands-Story. H

rds of the Go

Salvation. J


S 153 Inst



and gospel stories, by evangelical preachers and teachers,

n appeal to the u

Messages to the unco

oice. A Gospel story

med, Regenerated

l. Story. Katheri

nksgiving. Story. Mr

ut God's Free Gift.

nds Peace. Story.

ief, and Naaman the

and Spider's We

he true story of a S

vation, Assurance and S

g God-" and other Ta

edigree, Principles, Pos

ion at the Cross-

e? Nashville address

Word of God Effect

. The testimony of Dr. Howard A. Kelly,

e the Dead?

pas. Story. H

als. Story. Fr

od Is Love). Spanis

t in Creation.

rd on Evolution. Wi

e. A Gospel appeal

for Young Lives

Happy Home. Haro

elief and the Danger

Evangelist. Jo

Begotten Son.

Transformation. St

ish Any of His Creatures F

or Revival. Helen

ng Love. Story. El

ord Works. Fr

ieve the Bibl

. Story. C

the Spirit Is J

in the Sand Hills. S

l. Doctrine of future r

at Talk, Series

at Talk, Series

d: Was Jesus Christ a Great

les of Grace. Jo

Bible. A helpful ou

our Answer? O

d Is Love) Portugue

in Christian Work and

Do to be Saved?

ll. Other religious f

People" Will Be

ise Road. Story

ld. Stewartship.

ich? A clear presenta

the Race. Story.

of Jesus. Ha

an's Citizenshi

ble. A startling revel

's answer to legal

he Blood) Portug

? Timely questions ans

e-Line. Story.

stians. Harry

of God-Mountaineer.

uch. Rebuilt Live

ony Lonesome. Story

Pearl. Story.

es (any assortment

ates on larg

S 153 INST

10, Ill.


REET-By John

e prodigal elder brother who decides to test his own theories of life; Fran?ois, the younger son who becomes a missionar

-By Francen

tewart who discovers that fortune plays strange tricks on those who try to manage their lives to please th


hat the ill-omened Year of the Tiger, occurring every twelfth year, meant to them. Writ


k Johnston and Emm

chool Boy

eals to the very youngest. This book is the heart-warming story of a little Indian boy who comes to know the L

ndian Boy

ife of Yakalo. A wonderful way to teach missions. Shows the Indians' ignorance of God contrasted wit

N: China

girl, who lives on a river boat. How Ching Lin responds to the gospel will win their hearts. Splendi


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Minor typographica

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