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Rosa's Quest / Or, The Way to the Beautiful Land

Chapter 8 DUST TO DUST.

Word Count: 1329    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

occasioned much comment upon the

he strange proceeding. During the few hours of grandpa's illness many messengers called to learn the latest news, and

to that effect when requests from all sides bega

ced together with another innovation. Instead of the customary floral offerings, it was suggested that th

he small procession wend

ho never before had been in so fine a building, and it would be awkward for her to have charge of Rosa as well. Then really the child was

d, causing the pastor once more to feel his need of hiding

ntionality was laid aside. There was no sermon, but the story of the last few days of the vi

o die for our sins, when it is possible for one to live long, weary years in our midst with none to tell him of Jesus? Can we expect

fall far short of the 'abundant entrance,' and

d simply with our own salvation, when His heart of infinite love an

to Christ. This priceless privilege is intrusted to us only for the one brief mo

st and heaven depend upon the manner of your spending this present vapor called life. When eventually we are ushered through the gate

hen we are in unbroken fellowship with Christ, the natural result is love for those so dear to Him. 'The love of Jesus is not an absorbing, but a radiating love. The more we love Him, the more shall we most certainly love others.' Each ne

sten to the cry of His broken heart, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?' without being melted with love and filled with a holy zeal to serve Him every moment of our lives.

im hanging on yonder cross for you, give Him your lives as well? The only life worth the living is the surrendered life. T

eld his life, his time, his all, unconditionally into the hands of

lmly folded his arms and looked over the

of his church had arrived, and sho

r. Then the preacher himself cou

being depicted upon the hitherto cold and dignified countenance. The effect was

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napped asunder, and that henceforth the victorious, overcoming life would be theirs, making themselves heirs of the promise: "To hi

the Soul," while a vast procession slowly marched before the casket, pl

erful a sermon, was tenderly carried out and laid to rest in a beautiful lot purchased by

onfound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things

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