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Making Money


Word Count: 3866    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

heir table was placed by an embrasure from which they could scan the dark reaches toward the west where the tenements of the city, broken by

ess, the city ran down to flaming towers in the glistening h

ry from steel skeletons against the sky; magic and dreamlike on the fairy spread of miraculous bridges; winking and dancing with the spirit of gaiety from the theaters below and the roof gardens above; that in the summer, suddenly spread a new and brillian

astic routine of his life to make an exception of this gathering of the clans, looked out in reverence, stirred to deeper questionings of the spirit. Marsh, more dramatically attuned, felt a sensation of weakness, as though suddenly confronted with the gigantic scheme of the multitude; he felt the impote

sture toward the stenciled stretch of blocks below and continued: "Boscy, what'll you have? Take

attention to th

ge and we picked out what we intended to ma

ly, seized by a sudde

t we'll do. Let's tell the truth-no buncomb

the truth?" said


got his, so I suppose he wants ten. First place, is it admitted each of us wants a mi

rself," said Bojo se

l be more serious than any of you and I'll tell mor

oscy, sta

moment in earthbound descent, and then leaned forward over the table, elbows down, hands clasped, the lights laying deep shadows about the hollowed eyes, the outstanding ears accentu

bout the group, accustomed to t

for a bit of amusement; either that or if I wanted to develop along the line of brains there's a career in politics or a chance at diplomacy. Here we are developing millionaires as fast as we can turn them out and never thinking how we can employ them. What's the result? The daughters of great fortunes marry foreign titles as fast as they get th

lionaire," interjecte

iple what you've got,"

ar. Now if I want to settle down and marry, that's a lot; but if I want to go in and compete with other men, the leaders, that's nothing at all. Now the principal interest I've got ahead is the Morning Post; it's not all mine, but the controlling share is. It's a good conservative

to learn every rope first?" said

"I've plugged at it harder than any one

-and play hard too,

n with a pleased smile and

st; I want to get every sensation out of it. And when I'm ready I'm going to make the paper a force, I'm going to make myself feared. I want to round myself out. I want to touch everythi

t to be noticed

repeat, I want the sensation of living in the big way

" said Granning, but with

which is different, and that's the first s

us what your ambit

force. I believe the newspaper will become great as it satisfies every need of the human imagination. There are papers that print a Sunday sermon. I would have a religious page every day, just as you print a woman's page and a children's page. I'd run a legal bureau free or at nominal charges, and conduct aggressive campaigns against petty abuses. I'd organize

h conditions?" said DeLancy, who had bee

fiction, the best I could get and first hand. What do you think gives Le Petit Parisien and Le Petit Journal a circulation of about a million each and all over France? Serial novels. Do you know the circulation of papers in New Yor

o you want?" sai

at forty either senator or ambassador to Paris or London. I want to build a yac

ll you

autiful woma

simultaneously, none more h

do." He concluded: "Win or lose, play the limit. Never mind, G

s always slow at speech and the fluen

t from you fellows. You're facing life in a different sort of way. I'm not sure but what there's more danger in it than you think, but the fact is you're all looking for the gamble. You want what you want, Roscy, by the

et people, why, some time you'd strike a man with a nice fat contract in his pocket loo

he seemed of another generation, a rather roughly hewn type o

lling. You can gamble with life-you've got something to fall back on. I'm the fellow who's got to build. Yes, I'll be honest. I want to make a million, too, I suppose, as Fred said, like every American does. After all, if you're out to make money, it's a good thi

htful shadows over the broad forehead. All at once, taking a knife, he drew a long straight line on the table, inclini

there. You know how a mole travels; well, that's me." He laid his finger on the cross at the bottom and then s

esides that

ike to get off for a couple of months and see Europe and wha

really like to get out of life?" said Ma

to get a chance to run a factory along certain lines I've thought out-a cooperative arrangement in a way. There's so much to be worked out along the lines of organization and efficienc

was characteristic. When he spoke in matter-of-fact, direct phrases, the three friends looked at him in astonishment,

n. I know my limitations, I know what I can do and what I can't. I'm just as anxious to get ahead as any of you, and you can bet I don't fool myself. I don't sit down and say, 'Freddie, you've got railroads in your head-you're an organizer-you'd shine at the bar-you'd push John Rockefeller

re you going to do it?" said Bojo, a

the necessity of further explanatio

t's up to me. I haven't got what you fellows have got, but I've got some very valuable qualities, very valuable when you keep in mind what you can do with them. I have a very fine pair of dancing legs, I play a good game of bridge and a better at poker, I can ride other men's horses and drive their automobiles in first-rate style, I wear better clothes than

ving at?" Marsh broke in

ars? Because I know a rap what's going on? No. Because I know people, because I'm a cute little social

d," said Bojo, feeling the note of bit

you know what you've got me here for, and do you want me to tell you what you ought to say? You ought to say, "Mr. DeLancy, you've been working very hard in our interest these nights and though we can't give you an expense acco

Granning after the laugh. "Never heard yo

money and only three: to have it left you like R



iod there was still a prejudice against an American man w

t do that

American men. Sounds like American styles for American women," he added, trying to take the edge off the declaration with a laugh. "After all, there's a lot of buncombe about it. A broken-down foreigner comes over here with a reputation like a Sing-Sing favorite, and because he calls himself Duke he


d, and American children will inherit the money instead of its

say it, Fred," s

This is all I'm worth and this is t

Granning with decision; "

ou're going to put away the finest days of your life to come out with a pile when you're middle-aged and then what good will it do you? I knew I'

him a keen sense of change. On this very evening when they had come together for the purpose of c

ths represented to him the difficulties of his choice. "I'd like to do something more than just make money, and yet that seems the most natural thing, I suppose. Well, I'd like a cha

t. Besides, Fred and Roscoe were impatient to be off, Fred to a roof garden, Marsh to the newspaper. Bojo declined DeLancy's invitat

ising his glass. "Whatever happens t

ty was outside sparkling and black, but there was a new feeling in the night below, and the more he felt th

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