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Making Money


Word Count: 3191    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ble and winning in his ways, who received uptown clients in the outer office, went out to lunch with the riding set, who lounged in toward midday for what they termed a whack at the mark

ho exchanged one ceremonial family dinner p

tions that flowed monthly from the keys of that daring manipulator. The transactions of the last days had been noted with more than usual interest, and Bojo's announcement of the amount of collateral which he had to

nd of the ticker, Forshay, a splendid American imitation of

t isn't often a young fellow comes down here and makes his way as quickly as you.

ve," said Tom wit

sit down over a little dinner and discuss the whole prospect." He looked at him benignly and added: "I don't see w

tle further. "We realize that with the friends and backing you've got you're not on the lookout to stay forever on a salary. What you want is to get a fair sh

, Mr. Forshay," said Bojo

y the way, the firm wants me to tell you that from

wn his surprise and shoo

course I know how you stand in certain quarters. There is no harm in my saying that, is there? I've watched you. You haven't been running after every ru

ure," said Cro

out you. I liked you, Tom, from the first. Hope you hit it hard." He glanced in the direction of the senior par

rictest confidence all he knew. Forshay rec

get a line on it myself. Jimmie Boskirk is a good pal of mine and he'll know. You keep me informed and I'll let you know what I find out. Go a litt

or the information he desired and how really valuable he believed it. He was lost in a new irritation. Young Boskirk had been conspicuously assiduous in his

e under the poignant tyranny of the flowing tape. Do what he would he could not keep away from it. Indiana S

here it was again and no mistake-200 Indiana Smelter, 106. He sat down at his desk in a turmoil. Fifteen hundred dollars! Five times what he had made in three months. If he had bought two thousand shares, as he could have easily, at a safe twenty per

ful at a standing lunch, he consulted three tickers, impatient that no further sales had been recorded. When Ricketts, who was still on the sheets, came up to him with hi

Indiana Smelter: it'll go to 140. I've made fift

Ricketts, who had started when he had started and was still on the sheets at fifteen dollars a week. "Whispering Bill" Golightly, who had the hypnotic art of inducing clients

ll, what d

y softly, with a confidentia

w something better than th

f New Street, that tragic anteroom to Wall Street, where fallen kings of finance ret

eet if only to be near Rome. At the offices, high on Exchange Place, looking down on the huddled group of the curb below in sheepskins and mufflers, flinging fingered signals in the air to

the subway with the crowd of stockbrokers who came romping out of the stock exchange like released schoolboys after the day's tension, pommeling and shoving each other with released glee. His first action was to turn to the financial columns of his n

n the wake of Fred DeLancy, he took the flight two steps at a time, bursting with the need of pouring out his tale of good fortune

ing at, you old rhinoceros?"

e game. To-morrow you can buy me my first bond and make me a capitalist. Bojo, congratulate me.

seized a chair and drew it excitedly near his friend. "Granny, listen to me. Do you know what I have made in ten days? Almost five thousand dollars! Now you know nothing in this world would let me

tted no discussion. "The gilt-edged kind is my am

wenty t

rest and let me

it now and make $4500.

d sorry to

a nice

ly, "but since you insist, the first lesson in life to my mi

hink I've robbed some ol

12 times 150 times 30," said

uce are you

I can buy another bond in about ten and thr

l," said Bojo, retr

to moralize, glancing out at Granning, who conti

e three months before. After all, if some people only knew it, it was just as easy to make a hundred thousand as a thousand. All it required was to recognize that the wo

lave, gloating over a ten-dollar raise." But as he was withal honest in his values he added: "And the old fellow's worth ten ti

," he said, arrayed in top ha

ently and called him bac



ry with me some day and

oor and went laugh

despite one day of horrible uncertainty, when the report was spread that all negotiations were off and Indiana Smelter dropped twelve points. When 135 was reached, Bojo became bewildered. In less

ng streams of thin paper fell over his bed and Indiana Smelter was kiting up into impossible figures or abruptly crumbling to nothing. One morning the necessity of actua

his order for over thirty-three thousand dollars. When once this certainty had impressed itself upon him he had a quick revulsion. It seemed to him that what he had done was grossly immora

s excitement it had roused in him. He spoke with such profound conviction, being for the moment convince

exhibited the check for the delectation of Doris, his

ittle person who is going to make your fortune

Doris?" he said uneasil

no que

terfuge, for the thought of asking pointblank i

a moment, divi

ask no mor

u'll t


d in his pride, willing to be convinced. Dan Drake came in and

o looked sheepishly happy. And assuming an angry air, he c

n?" she said, de

e such inside information out, j

id and take away all my

d news among the bosom friends-" he glanced at Bojo, who flushed-"cost me a couple of hundred thousand more

t realiz

eonic talents, that there was a moment ten days ago when the whole combination came near a cropper, wherever you got your inf

usly, not at all deceiv

of information," she sa

r shrewdly, amused at t

his is m

laughing, at him, closed hi

ojo, perceiving her start of fear and th

matter, but the convic

f the completion of the Smelter merger, Indiana Smelter rose as high as 142?, and the thought of these thousands which he might hav

re once he was playing on velvet. He figured out a dozen ways by which he might have achieved a master stroke and trebled, even quadrupled, his profits, and the more his mind dwelt upon it the more eager he became to embark into a

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