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Making Money


Word Count: 3787    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

their quarters a telegram greeted him from the floor as he o

h to see you at three

. Cr

pieces, feeling the approach of reality in his

the couch and reaching for a pipe from the rack. But at th

their names, so Fred rechristened them. The others are Patsy, O'Rourke, and Houlahan. Sweeney speaks perfect

r," said Sweeney, sm

ork it then?" said Bojo

gets a taxi, Patsy brings in the breakfast, Houlahan starts for the tailor, and O'Rourke produces the scrubwoman. Just remember th

e bureau and returned into the sitting-room, and as Granning, with his usual discretion, ventured no question he added, looking out at the court where three blazing windows of the restaurant w

open windows, while from the adjoining wall of the Times Annex, beyond the brilliant busy windows, the linotype machines were clicking out the news of the world that came throbbing in. The theater, the press, that world of imagination and hourly sensation, the half-opene

! I won't be starved out for the sake of mor

cross the floor into the room and then stood look

wer or I'll dump the tray over you. You don't approve, do you? Besides, I w


He sat down thoug

said Granning direct

ed got through, I thought after all you were right-we are gamblers. We want

you'd want to do something dif

I had Roscy's brains. I wonder what I

s the ide


nd turned him out. Lord knows what's become of him. Dad's got as much love for the Wall

" said Granning w

t you t

t the bottom rather than yield, but the world had opened up to him in a different light since the dinner of confidences. He saw the two ways clearly-the long, slow plodding way of Granning, and the other way, the world of opportunities through friends, the world of quick results to those privileged to be behi

e Roscy give me a job on the paper," he t

ich were destined from now on to dispute the turning of the night with their contending notes of work and pleasure-the sound of great pres

ant t

ant t

u do is la

he High Jink

rlet and the clock stood reproachfully at nine o clock. He slipped into a dressing-gown and found Marsh yawning over the papers. Granning had departed at sev

rokerage business

eh?" said B

the coffee?" said De

ace of the double strain. Breakfast over, Bojo finished unpacking, killing time until noon arrived, when,

e and had corresponded with extraordinary faithfulness and treasured numerous tokens of feminine reciprocation with a sentimental devotion. The infatuation had cooled, but the devotion had remained as a necessary romantic outlet. She had been his guest as a matter of course at all the numerous gala occasions of college life, at the football match, the New London race, and t

the eye could imagine, brilliant, perhaps a little too much so for a young lady of twenty, and sought after by a score of men to whom she remained completely indifferent. He was flattered and yet he remained uneasy, forced to admit to himself that there was something lacking in he

ering how long it would please Miss Doris to keep him waiting, there came a breathless scamper and rush, accompanied by delighted giggles, and the next moment an Irish terrier, growling and snarling in mock fury, slid over the polished floor, pursued by a young girl who had a firm grip on the s

a start of surprise but n

flushed oval face, with mischievous eyes dancing somewhere

tly, advancing with

I'm Patsie, the terror of the family. Now don't say you thoug

little bewildered at the irresistible youth and spirits of the young lady who stood so

he rattled on: "Well, I am. They had to keep me away until Dolly hooked the Duke. Have you seen him? Well,

w stirred a little antagonism, but bef

oo. Doris is splashing around among the

nt, he thought, laughing back at her thro

terrier, who came sniffing up to him in the friendliest way. "You're not like a lot of these fa

ubbing the shaggy coat of

aw that,

ft of that fellow! Dad said that w

all right," he

some account," she continued, camping on the rug and sei

hing the furious encounter which took plac

oris," she said in a moment of cal

ushing under the dir

very flatte

rs. Tell me, are all New York men such hopeless ninnies? Lord, I'm going to have a dreary ti

ing," he asked curiously, "or are y

hould come out, I said to myself, I'll just fix them so I can't come out, and I hacked off all my hair. That's why they sent me off to Coventry for the summe

ant to come out

drink tea and lean up against a wall and have a crowd of mechanical toys tell

would you

country house, with lots of snow in winter and tobogganing-"

," he said w

judge of muscl

dentially. "Lord, these dolled up women make me tired. I'd like to jounce


position when Doris came down the great stairway, with her willowy, trailing elegance. She gave a quick gla

u hours? I hope this ch

ce that was the grace of art, yet undeniably effective; stunning was the term applied to her. Her features were delicate, thinly turned, and a quality of precious fragility was about her whole person, even to the conscious moods of her smile, her enthusia

reprovingly. "Look at your dress and your hair. I never saw su

w off Romp and, abetted by Bojo in this deception, she kept her sister waiting whil

d to see each other-you look as c

have my hands full this winter. What they'

o pensively. "I don't think she's goin

Then she laid her hand over his with a little

ee you," he returned w

s glad


h the Reynier. You don't mind?" she said, flitting


here. Let's go to the Ritz." And without waitin

tively compared his elegant companion with the brilliant women who were grouped about him like rare hot-house plants in a perfumed conservatory. The little shell hat she wore suited her admirably, concealing her forehead and half of her eyes with

aken a real fancy to you, and he's promised me to see that you make a lot of money-" she lo

ade up your

. I'm going

and favoring him with

said approvingly. "Clothes s

e said,

e admitted, a little confused. "I wish you'd wear a mustac

lse came into his mind to try her, for he began to res

ld go in a mill town with

do you

n, with ten thousand inhabitants; nice, cheery place with two mov

how l

r or fiv

rrible! You'r

ed: "Don't worry, I know better than to ask that of you. Now listen, Doris, we've been good chums too long to


e nodded, her face suddenly clouded over. "Then why in the world do you want me?

s looking at her earnestly, but the quest

n you've come back?" she said, fr

nothing is going to happen," he said directly; "

do care for you, Bojo; you've always brought out-" she was going to say, "the best in me," but changed her min

eally, Doris, in the whole room you're the loveliest here. No one has your

nly half

don't talk so

her in a spirit of self-raillery awakened a little feeling of tenderness after his te

: if opportunity permitted him to fit into the social scheme of things

g money: to have it left to yo

with doubts, and for the hundre

th a girl who cares for me, who's a beauty a

olgirl, with open eyes and impulsive direct ways, like a certain young lady, with breathless,

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