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Making Money


Word Count: 2885    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

le, and Bojo's time was pretty evenly divided between the formal evenings in Doris's set and the excursions with Fred DeLancy into regions not quite so orthodox. He bega

chivalry in his attitude toward women, and went through what he

routine, awoke to the call of pleasure and curiosity at an age when other men have solved their attitude. Fred was looked upon as a sort of enfant gaté to be rewarded after a gay night with an easily tossed off order for a thousand shares of this or that to make his commission. It did not t

ith the volatile gaiety and amusing tricks of Fred DeLancy. DeLancy in fact, in moments of serious intimacy, openly avowed his intention of settling down within a year or two at the mos

being bored by this or that, by the opera where there was nothing new, by dinner parties where it was such a bore to talk bridge, by Palm Beach, which was getting to be a bore because

y about Fred and he can marry her any day he

t would turn ou

'll be a splendid audience for Fred. He isn't the

n alluring but rather obvious little actress, respectable but entirely too ca

too stupid to be jealous. It's a splendid match. She'll get a husband that'll save

the fatigues of a social season. Fred DeLancy, who, with Marsh, had been admitted to intimacy, mad

a minute to myself. I'm going from morning to nigh

uming a countenance of commi

or the benefit of some hospital or other, and now they want us to come to morning rehearsals. Then there's the afternoon bridge class until four, and half a dozen teas to go through, and back to be dr

mother's menacing lorgnette. She was a frail, uneasy little woman, who dressed too young for her age, whose ready tears had won down the opposition of her husband, much as the steady drip of a tiny rivulet bores

onduct of the pre-nuptial business arrangements, had threatened to send the whole pack of impudent lawyers flying. Patsie had been packed off on a visit to a cousin after a series of in

ur cap and black velvets skipping toward him, pursued by a terrier that had a familiar air, while from the attendant automobile a tall and scrawny spinster was

en! Save me from

g, feeling all at once a delightful glow at the sig

won't go parading up and down with a keeper, just like an animal in a zoo. It's all mother's

said, with an eye to

thing or other

plained his right to act as Miss Drina's escort, and the matter was adjusted by t

ss I can take care of myself. I say, let's give them the slip. No? Oh, dear, it would be such fun

ed such a row?" said Bojo, pleasantly c

ce was I heard them all talking about, and when he started in to make some long-winded speech I cut in and asked him if it wasn't when p

ourse," said Bo

ghed a gu

him a bit," she declared. "It's all

e you going

e round. If I were engaged to a man I'd hook him tight and I wouldn't let go of him either, no matter who was loo

very romantic

, heavily scented flowers, and all that sort of thing. Never mind, they'd b

n't do tha

u and Doris marry will you le

ill," he said e

are you w

, after a pause, "until I have

as if immensely relieved.

ng out?" he asked, to

re the wedding.

anging about you-crazy abo


h over you carefully and


looking int

I'll come to

emon livery of the footmen sh

hievous smile, "meet me at the corner to

his hea

ase-just f

ou in a proper soc

o be along?" she a

f course a

y dressmaker's," she said, with a perfect imitation of his

was a painstaking, rather obvious young man of irreproachable industry and habits, a little over serious, rated already as one of the solid young men of the younger generation of financiers, who made no sec

that there was a look of derogatory accusation in Boskirk's eyes, and, infuriated, he de

amusement, adopting a sarcastic tone,

s'll never do," he said lightly. "I

" she said, instan

fairs. Only, for Heaven's sake, Doris, now that you've got him in hand, get him to ch

e might be jeal

, smiling. "He's a very stra

y. "Well, what more informa

give me any

ip on Indiana Smelter," he said furiously, "and that yo

going to the fireplace and stirring up the

said, "but you'v


any sense of fitness? Don't you know that some

ritely and put her h

only thinking of your success, all the time,

n that too, that he wanted the privilege of feeling

was B

him, hesitated

should you hold it against me? Why do

ved to b

you do is so well considered. You didn't use to be this way. I can't help thinking you care

a moment and then turned her head

ke Dolly, if you want a position, or

ave fought-" she stopped, not wishing to mention her mother and, lifti

out-"mad, impulsive, as persons do who are wild in


thousand-no, don't spoil it- I don't want any money from you

th and finally said


terror in her eyes at the thought o

her in his arms. "I wouldn't be so cru

-if you ask it,"

ok his

ently. Don't mind me-I'm an i

give him. An hour later, after an interview with Daniel Drake, he was ready to wonder what had made him flare up so quickly-Boskirk's presence perha

in Daniel Drake's library, with Doris perched excitedly on the arm of his chair, several things had been decided. A great operation was under way which promised an unusual profit. Bojo was to place $50,000 in the pool which

be necessary. He was so seized with the drama of the opportunity, so keen over the thought of being once more a part of all the whirling, hurtlin

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