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My New Curate

Chapter 7 SCRUPLES

Word Count: 2050    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

who cannot be accounted for either by the microscope or the scalpel. Father Letheby was invited and went. I was rather glad he did go, for I felt that the village was rather dull for such a brillian

the term and end of the acquired knowledge of the stronger sex; and the latest ball-well, this won't do! I must suspend this cri

edridden. Her son, a strong man of thirty years or more, was doing something strange when the priest unexpectedly entered. He was suffering from a scrofulous ulcer in the neck, and it was a hideous disfigurement. He had just been standing befo

e you bee

erence," said the

you hiding?" sai

everence," said

rom her bed. "Sure, 't is only a charm which the goo

an emphatic gesture from the priest, he pulled out a little c

rily, holding the rope gingerly between his fingers, "

" said the young

scar, as of a burn, on the place where he knew well there had

know Satan possesses supernatural power. But you, unhappy ma

mother. "I said, better be sick forever, Ned, than b

llow it?" said the

you might know that God permits evil things to happen. So m

ellow, feebly groping after theological li

e instrument is bad. What is that?" and he poi

g man wa

Now what is it? There's s

t, and looked sullenly

me," said the priest, folding the rope into

smile around the

l be looking f

she can come to me for it," said the priest. He

oman. "It isn't good. Give it back, and Ned

f," said the priest, "and

to the door, and sto

it if you knew what i

aid Fathe

Simmons, the pinsione

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has the rope i

h one or two turns of the wheel, that answers the purpose of a bellows in Ireland, he kindled the smouldering ashes into flame, buried the rope deep down in the glowing cinders, and watched it curl into a white ash, that bent and

your reverence?" he said at length,

ck and putting his face close to the peasant's, "I'd advise you to go to your confessio

r, with two grown daughters; the new Protestant Rector and his wife. Father Letheby was very much pleased. He was again in the society that best suited his natural disposition. It was tolerably intelligent and refined. The lights, the flowers, the music, told on his senses, long num

e infinitely o

iet, uneventful life. The moonlight was streaming over sea and moorland, and he thought, as h

entry are calumniated. Nothing could equal the ardor of these men for the welfare of the poor fishermen. Who knows? In six months' time, the 'Star of the Sea' may be ploughing the deep, and a fleet of sailing boats in her wake; and then the fish-curing stores, and, at last, the poor old village will look up and be known far and wide. Dear me! I must get that l

dark background of the moor and the mountain; and the thought smote him: Perhaps there some

, coffee. Let me see! White roses, azaleas, chrysanthemu

The tall shape was closely wrapped around in the Jewish kethoneth,-the first of the vestes alb? of the priest, as St. John represents in the Apocalypse. The capouche fell loosely over His head, and was embroidered in many colors, as was also the hem of His long white robe, which fell in folds over His sandalled feet. The hood of the capouche shaded His eyes and threw a dark shadow on the face as far as the lips. But the sacred figure also held its right hand to shelter the eyes more deeply from

ster, whom he loved with the strongest personal affection. Then he knelt down

s! how weak and pitiful I am, and how this poor unsubdued nature of mine craves for things beyond Thee! I know there is no truth but in Thee,-no sincerity, no constancy. I know what men are; how deceitful in their words; how unkind in their judgments. Yet this lower being within

reat trials awaiting him. Who would dream of such tragic things u

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