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My New Curate


Word Count: 3655    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

derly, too; for I believe he gave more pleasure and edification than he received. We old men are garrulous, and rather laudatory of the past

hts turned on the poet's certainty of immortality,-the immortality of fame, in which alone he believed. I remarked

d age. And when I asked, rather foolishly indeed, of what possible use could they be to him, the answer was, he would like to die with his f

to the condition of a 'simplex sacerdos' agai

d recognition and was

tained a world-wide reputation. He found Fame to be hostility from his peers, indifference from his superiors, wo

riest, in the Ultima Thule of the earth, should find a little pleasure in hi

heels of human action, and therefore of human prog

od permits them

tulate you on your excellent taste. Why, you have mad

ste came in, comfort went out by the window. God bless me! All I have suffered for the last fortnight! I must wipe my boots at the door, and hang up my hat in the hall, and walk on tiptoe on these waxed floors. I am afraid to sit down, lest I should break these doll's chairs. I am

estly, it is all very tasteful and neat, and you'll get used to it. You know it is one of the ne

tter. And the pity is that a strictly private document, such as that was, should see the light and be discu

Peel, then Pr

was fond of giving advice. I suppose I picked up the evi

onsult a

go se

that may not be read

sapient, but rather preternatur

ould have been well fo

sed into a

eriority in reproof. Was it not Dean Stanley who said that the Anglican clergy are polished into natural perfection by domestic interchanges of those silent corr

an and will; but then a word from a bishop smites like a Nasmyth hammer, and he i

ure you'll do me an infinite favor if you kindly

'll take

t promise that I shall not be nett

ent. Give up that coffee-drinking,

iest comes in, to see him stand in amazement and appear quite distracted whilst his politeness will not allow him to demand explanations. And when a more demonstrative character shouts Hallo! when he comes into your parlor, and vents his surprise in a prolonged whistle, and looks at you curiously when your attention is engaged, it is slightly embarrassing. Then, again, I'm told that the villagers are making sarcastic remarks about my little ménage: "Begor, Hannah won't be left a pinny"; or, "Begor, Kilronan is looking up"; or, "Begor, he'll be expecting an incrase of the jues"; and one old woman, who gets an occasional letter from America with an enclosure, is quite sure I have embezzled her money, and she comes to the door three times a week with-"that little letther, your reverence? Sure, I don't begredge it to you. You're welcome to it over and o

I don't like that coffee. It is not sociable. It makes you too cautious, while we, under the potent and expanding influence of native man

ght. "I'm afraid I should be talking about my ancestors, and as

did not wish to inte

of us who cling to old trad

, thinking o

kiln, I presume," said I, s

," he said

e jarvey, left my portmanteau at the door, and wandered out into the night. I dared not rouse up the farmers around. It was the time of the White-boys, and I might get a charge of shot or a thrust of a pike for my pains. The night was cold and starry. And after wandering about for some time I came to a kiln. The men-the lime-burners-were not long gone, and the cul

ackling of the turf and wood fire, I busy with the past

it was quite a common experience for myself to leave home at six o'clock in the morning so as to be at the station-house by seven. By the way, you did murder the names of the mountain town-lands when callin

y the people remained fasting and rece

nion, your reverence,' said he. I was a little irritable and therefore a little sarcastic at the time. 'It is usually the habit of Catholics to receive Holy Communion fasting,' said I, never dreaming but that the man was after his supper. 'For the matter of that, your reverence,' said he, 'I could have received Communion any minit these last three days; for God is my witness, neither bite nor sup has crossed my

ack as the cover, and clung t

with one hand clutching the reins and the pommel of the saddle, and the other

at me ques

opheles rising in that gentle

ous. But the fact is," he said, after a pause, "I cannot touch wine or spiri

language of philosophy, English the language of commerce, Latin the language of the Church, Greek the language of the scholar, and Hebrew the language of God. But I remember it gav

old medal from all Ireland in Greek; and yet, when I took up such

roke in, open

fire and sent the blazes dancing merrily up the chimney. Then she raised the flame of

ill. You have made me a confirmed teetotaler. I would not

little drop of sperrits. However, your reverence

prietorship in my little establishment. Well, no matter. It

son than Lord Dufferin declared that, although he had taken a degree in Greek, he could not

o hear that," sai

ek," I said, "use your knowledge


e than in all modern literature, since Shakespeare. We don't know it. The Anglican divines do.

, I think too his mind had rather a practical cast; for he began t

up in the mountains? He did not like one of the teachers. He thought him disrespectful. What was the cause of the coolness between the Learys and the Sheas? Was it the way that one of the Sheas, about sixty years ago, served on a jury, at which some disreputa

know you are a saint, and therefore endowed with the privilege of bilocation; but I did

little crib at Christmas. Now, the roof is leaking badly over St. Joseph's Chapel. If you allow me, I shall put Jem Deady o

been a steady source of income to Jem for the last ten years. Somehow it was an incurable malady, a kind of stone and mortar scrofula that was always breaking out, and ever resisting the science of thi

every winter for the last ten years on that roof and that he alone possesses

sings like an angel, and since the Concert he entertains me every night with a variety

'Two Lovely Blac

ather Letheb

s that," I said, as Fa

l, for he is one for whom I would make any sacrifice, "how have you acq

t, 'Who commands that company?' 'I, sir.' 'What is the name of the third man on the right? Married or single? Term of service? Character? Trade?' And I was utterly amazed at the accurate information of the officers. Now, I often thou

equently diplomatic courtesies are suspended between the neighbors, I would not, if I were you, trouble much to ascertain which of the belligerents had ethical and moral right on his side; and if Mrs. Gallagher, by pure accident, should happen to be throwing out a pail of particularly dirty w

r," he said, abruptly, "neve

, manly figure, and went back

shall it be to the en

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