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My New Curate


Word Count: 3767    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rethren. We are a conservative race, and our conservatism has been eminently successful in that matter of supreme moment,-the preservation of the faith and the puri

tirring amongst our people that must become unbridled and incontinent if not guided by new methods and new ideas

led on me, and revealed his anxiety and perturbation of spirit by some very deep remarks

omething on

replied, assuming a sudden warmth, "I

ied. "I am always open t

"we are old friends, and I have alwa

me all that. That is all subintellectum, as the the

e dogs. You are throwing up the sponge and letting this young man do what he likes. Now, I can tell you the people don'

xed metaphors about the dogs and the sponge, what are e

young English mashers coming around here to tea

grandeur of the Irish priests, is written in Heaven. We want a Manzoni to tell it,-that is, i

ed a litt

re a wise man. What d

oung fellow," he said, "to cuff

particular. Tell me

t go along with all the other priests of the diocese and conform to the general regulations,-Quod semper, quod ubique, quod

d humbly. "You have taken a load off m

vorite little volume,-a kind of Antholo

gilian?" I said, and read

om?dias legere, amatoria Bucolicorum versuum verba cantare, tenere Virgili

he book open with horror and amazement. "That applies to him,

anathema strikes me between the two eyes. What else have I

airily. "Who wrote that?

and holy man, called

mean that. That sounds disrespectfu

r, like this young

saint. Try now St. Bernard. H

St. Bernar





e eyes. The auguries were ina

the bell. "I am just sending for Father

sick-call-that is-an engagement-I-er-exp

e a glass of

he mare is young and ra

hallenge my curate's conduct in a single particular. He was in all things a perfect exemplar of a Christian priest, and everything he had done in the parish since his arrival contributed to the elevation of the people and the advancement of religion. But it wouldn't do. Every one said so; and, of course, every one

eaving school. I had been accustomed to seeing these wild, bare-legged mountaineers breaking loose from school in a state of subdued frenzy, leaping up and down the side ditches, screaming, yelling, panting, with their elf-locks blinding their eyes, and their bare feet flashing amid the green of grasses or the brown of the ditch-mould. They m

o well employed. How long since you com

y vanished and I was surrou

in the morning, Fader, and dey all saying de Rosary togeder, Fader; and den, Fader, we do be saying t

ing my eyes over the excited gro

he coryph?i, "and de oders do

e of you," I said; "and to com

beads, mounted in silver, and was glad I had it to give.

my hands. Yes? Stop the Rosary? Prevent the little children from singing the praises of their Mother and Queen? I thought I saw the face of the Queen Mother looking at me from the skies

would be back presently. Would I take

ere and there, but there was no slovenliness or untidiness; and, ha! there were the first signs of work on the white sheets of manuscript paper. I

ll Magazine. Specially pleased with an article on

incipally 'Philip van Artevelde,' 'Isaac Comnenu

.-Not muc

stand well with

hand to write

sad truth a

aid he had

irous of a

d to pass for

d much, and oft

y bent upon

the main; one

an is worthy

soul devout

yet felt fro

that clings t

om the shame of

onder does he feel like Comnenus? It is a

he usual greetings he exclaim

tit-bit. Confess you never read such

at was lying open on t

a month's start and beat him easily in any question that comes before us. As to popularity in the appointment, mine will be popular through the whole profession; Copleston's the contrary.... I thought, as I tell you, honestly, I should be able to make myself a bishop in due time.... I will conclude by telling you my own real wishes about myself. My anxious desire is to make myself a great divine, and to be accounted the best in England. My second wish is to become

Father Letheby, laying down the re

e last little bit of pathos about his child

y in Oxford, and the originator of the Tractarian Movement. B

Church had got on for eighteen hundred years without my cooperation and ability; and, secondly, I could not understand what fatuity possessed the Bishop to appoint as his vicar-general a feeble old man of seventy, who preached with hesitation, and, it was whispered, believed the world was flat, and that people were only joking when they

ther Dr. Lloyd in the world, and that was Father J

een in the armor of my young G

ot very bu

" he replied

time to listen t

ttling back in his chair

a kind of specialist in horseflesh. His opinion was regarded as infallible. He never kept any but the highest breed of animal. He had a particularly handsome little mare, which he called 'Winnie,' because he thought he saw in her some intelligence, like what he read of in the famous mare of a famous Robin Hood. She knew him, and followed him like a dog. He allowed no one to feed her, or even to groom her, but himself. He never touched her wi

again,' he said; 'I'll get a

down to dinner a sick-call was announced. It was declared 'urgent.' After a while you won't be too much alarmed at these 'urgent' calls, for they generally mean but

s no choi

ght a horse?' t

enger. 'I crossed down the mountain

The mare whinnied, for she knew his footstep. He flashed

' he said, 'we must b

stood him,

er forward. She refused. Then, for the first time in his life, he took out his whip. He did not strike her, and to this day he thanks God for it. But he merely shook it over her head. Stung by the indignity, she drew herself together and sprang against the hill. She went up and up, like a deer, whilst the trap jolted and swung from side to side. Just as they reached the crest of the hill and heard the shouts, 'Hurry, your reverence, you'll never overtake her,' the little mare plunged forward and fell heavily. The priest was flung against

'The neatest case I ever had. But it was touch and

riest. 'The mare stumbled

ctor; 'but just allow me

t is only

est of the mountain road. There were men grouped around the fallen animal and the broken trap. They made way for him. He knelt down by the poor beast and ru

over there under that cairn of stones, and bri

days; but that 'Thank God!' changed all my opinions of him. I looked up to him ever since, and se

as unjust and unfair. It is curious that I have never yet

y ignore our petty rebellions against Himself; but when we, little mites, sit in contemptuous judgment on one another,

estina or the lente, Fa

ked a

things lately that sometimes seem inopp

ght," I said, "b

ith the chapel woman,-I felt

" I repeated, "bu

p those little children

quite steadily. He was imp

nner and let us have a chat about that li

r my curate had been reading for me a story by some American author, in which the narrative ended in a problem whether a lady or a tiger would emerge from a cage under certain circumstances; and

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